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:: 2003 18 July :: 7.58pm
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: christian shit STILL

i updated literally 5 seconds ago
the only reason i update this thing is kuz i know of TWO WHOLE PPL that read it so yah.......



:: 2003 18 July :: 7.38pm
:: Mood: melancholy
:: Music: christian..........AAAAAAAAAAAA.....my moms gonna make my head EXPLODE....

im nakee
i am in a one-second-im-ok-but-the-next-i-freak-out-and-everyone-should-die kinda mood and i dunno why...maybe i should stop takin showers or sumtin kuz whenever i have taken a shower(which i have everyday) i get like this but o well its hot i dont wanna stink even if we do have 2 acs in our downstairs so it feels good but ya bai found matts email address on y computer(she hasnt been here for HOW long?) and added him kuz she claims to have a "pretty good memeory" but couldnt remeber what day her "beloved" DJ was coming back into town...the 25th or 26th...which reminds me.......ALL of you HAVE to go to the fair on the 25th.....the ONLY day i will be able to go kuz the next day we leave for eureka...AAAA ME AND SCHYLAR JUST STARTED SINGING LIL KIDDIE JESUS SONGS TO EACH OTHER!!!!!!..... so yah you all should go to the fair then...leave me a comment or sumtin so i kan know if u can...i might have to walk to schylars house so i will highly melt kuz its sumwhere near a hundred degrees and she lives hellishly far away so i will die but byebye all

1 truth | lie


:: 2003 17 July :: 2.27am
:: Mood: heeheeeheeeheee
:: Music: me loffin

tipffs a genius!!!!
heeheeeee tiph was not thinkin and bein funny and it was cool and here is a story that came along during our convo.

she has decided to journey deep into the depths of the sheets where the bed bugs and skerry dreams await. her goal:to conquer and snooze. they are not done packing the supplies for the ship yet and so while waiting we discovered what fun the lil faces on messenger can be. u can make it pick its booger, flick it, kiss and even give tongue. it is also talented in the area of the classic game telephone but sum STUPIDOS dont even know wut that is. we then go and see a man rape a snail and a chick rape a sheep. quite an adventure b4 we have even left. we have learned the clap of the natives. then the dream ship is ready so she must leave me and wave farewell to the shores of reality and tackle the demons of wakeness cuz they are weak. i ask for a present. she says the only tourist attraction with preseints will be the island of the toilets and then shall return onto course so would i like a present behind curtain #1 or #2???

as dorky as that is it got me loffin hysterically and thats all that matters and i believe tipfferz was loffin perty damn hard too:)

were dorks

4 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 16 July :: 9.17pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: lil boy describin how to tie up my puppy and my mom not carin:(

AAAAA!!! in south park this dude was fuckin chickens!!!
fucking lil boy just told about the time roxanne stayed here. he fucking got paid fucking money. i dont member how much but thats not the point. lil whorebag.

eureka. i REELLY dont wanna go. i cant stay with freinds kuz i need "adult supervision" and i guess my friends dont have parents. its not their responsiblity to take care of me. the mom claims she does not know what i have against my aunt and uncle. i want to go just to see them. i dont wanna go kuza the rest of em. i told my mom that. she said they will not bother me and i will not be stuck with them. ha! riiight..... she says they never bother me in any way. bitch. i am going to see if my aunt will bring me back early preferably by like a week. mom is going to take me to the library so i can READ all 2 weeks i have to be there. O JOY. holy cow the fucking bitch!!!!! she has to stay accordin to her. so now we are stayin. she is going to be a big bitch about it. it is goin to be even more miserable. i wanna fucking slap her.

Mrs. God knows EVERYTHING there is to know about my dog or so she thinks. if u do this EXACTLY how mrs. god says, it will work perfectly for maggie. eveidentally she does not know what she is talkin about kuz maggie is being worse than before. smart dog.



:: 2003 16 July :: 3.54pm
:: Mood: groggy
:: Music: ac

i FINALLY fell alseep around ten and then the lil boy came and woke me up tellin me it was time i need to get up 1:30. he should die. now i have a fucking nose bleed. i hate them. i should try to go back to sleep now bekuz i really need to. i wish my nose would stop:(. darn



:: 2003 16 July :: 7.40am
:: Mood: bitchy
:: Music: computer

i am not able to fucking sleep and it is now 5:40 in the morning. i dont like how my dog keeps sniffin my wrist funny every time i reach down to pet her. it is light out. the birdies are chirpin. they should fucking die. they are too loud. i have a stummy ache. i have been scared tonight. it is VERY strange kuz sumone else i was talkin to was feelin the same way and i wonder y i am now. i dunno why i am scared or wut of. i am scared just sittin here. afraid sumthing is going to attack me. i hate this. i tried gettin bailey o give me pills at like 4:30 in the morning but she had just woked up and was goin back to sleep. if she ever wanted to kill herself she would succeed, thats for sure. not only does she have lots of codeine, aspirin, prozac, strep pills, and sumtin else which i forget, but she has omoxycillin and shes allergic to all cillins. she is to call me when she wakes up. i am VERY shaky and jittery but that is how i get when i do that. i am developing a tummy ache now too. i always have tummy aches. my mom will be up soon so i better get offa here or elses i be in great trouble. i shall now go upstairs and continue listenin to a few songs of a buncha cds.



:: 2003 16 July :: 4.54am
:: Mood: about to fuckin kill myself and others
:: Music: fucking thoughts of how exactly to kill em all

fuck u!
god damn fuck i am pissed and sad and fuckity fuck fuck fuck!!!! for one person nothing is good enuff and another wont say any fucking thing cept that i "wouldnt understand" without fucking giving me a chance and another keeps complainin but only tellin half the story and another i have always hated and another i will just amuse myself by killin and i dunno but i will find sumtin wrong with this person and collect all there eyes in one big jar.....then nobody will ever have anything nobody else doesnt....they are all the same fucking things and then i can not hate them...they are just eyes..nothing more...nothing less...fuck i am still a fucking pathetic virgin thats all i ever will be nothing can ever change as much as i may try to make it i have no say in this world in my life in anything it is all preplanned but then y is my life meant to be so shitty??nobody will fucking like me for who i am and i accept that but here i go off bein selfish and thinkin only of myself again but i am in such a terrible mood kuz i thought of others...maybe i need to stop considering them?be a hermit all alone forever?that would make stuff easier but i would still find sumtin wrong kuz i always do and i am leavin for eureka soon and then i will be surrounded constantly no leavin no bein alone and i swear i am goin to commit suicide up there while everyone is asleep fuck im done with this hardly anyone reads my journal anywho but sumtimes it helps just to put it all in writing sumwheres



:: 2003 15 July :: 2.48am
:: Mood: discontent
:: Music: buzzz goes the computer

its dark in here
i actually clicked the wrong link and didnt wanna update my journal kuz i have nuttin reaally to put in it cept i was right now that convo ended completely opposite of how started and its funny and now i talkin to bethy and kyle and lindsey kinna sorta not reelly and me and kyle talkin bout if i were to ever go there hed get me drunk and wed sit and watch tv and eat chips and bethy and i talkin bout alcyhol also and i not sure y all this alcyhol came up but i not allowed to be up now kuz i was sposed to be in bed by the latest 12 and now its 1 and yah i am gettin a tummyache again poo:( i dont get comments anymore...SUMONE LEAVE ME A DAMN COMMENT!!!!!!

5 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 14 July :: 1.29pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: audioslave

i cant type
i am reelly tired but just got back from gfh kuz kaylenie was so ikind as to volunteer me to be pitured for the yearbook cover. like cut out this persons eyes to go there and this mouth there and such. i have "diversity". YaY for me??? it seemed like they took a lot longer on my face than kaylenes.....i dont know if i liked kuz i not photogenic...bailey got a journal and her name is bailerz just to let yall know but i dunno if she wants that out but now ppl MIGHT read it......i wanna go bak to sleep*pout*



:: 2003 12 July :: 3.46am
:: Mood: itchy
:: Music: janies got a gun.....my favoritest song by aerosmith

damn i update too much.......
i was lookin through pics of me bai recently got developed and they are around warped tour time and yah i realized i reelly look like shit and bai said one of em was a reelly good pic of me and i thot damn that explains why nobody will ever like me.......................and bsides that i am a big bitch with an attitude no decent person could handle so yah i can see why i have not once gotten the person i wanted and i have no life it is all so clear to me now and no im not just bein pathetic apart from wut it may seem tho i am paffetic alot...another reason y im soo repulsive so yah..........................nobody has wanted to do anything with me for the past week cept bai and shellio but bai just lives over here and its me or be alone kuz joe only comes at night so yah and zach wanted me to go to dutton funday(perfect little town hell)and i was told it was fun like reelly alot but since i have no way of gettin there im not gonna be able to go so that suks ass and the only ppl that think im attractive in any way are ppl that want a piece of ass so luv everyone(i dont give it to em) or ppl over the internet thatcan lie all they want kuz its not to my face so they have no reason to feel guilty

1 truth | lie


:: 2003 11 July :: 1.13am

happy birffday nicko!!!!!!!!!!



:: 2003 10 July :: 6.39pm
:: Mood: booooooored!
:: Music: water

i am soo bored im playin minesweeper with kayce waite! sumone update...



:: 2003 9 July :: 11.55am
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: hakuna matata

i am royalty!!!!!!!!
i went to the dumb capfire campy thing did not want to go to and i didnt feel good and i told my mom that but she made me anyways and then i was sittin outside with my lil ppl watin for it to start just sittin there and this worker chick came up to me and is all like "do u want to be here" i was all like no....and then she called my mom like an hour later and she was PISSED but thats wut she gets for bein a big bitch and now i am a "royal bitch to the core" and bailey cant come to eureka with me because she doesnt wanna deal with 2 bitches up there just one and that was a fucking rude thing to say and i reelly hope i ad somewhere else to go but it doesnt look like i do and i reelly wanna go to lincoln today with raab to see schylar and roxanne kuz tha would be great fun and i have a god damn shrink appointment at 3 and those never go well so god damn fuck!



:: 2003 8 July :: 8.37pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: westerns

im about to cry
my mom fucking ATTACKED me with god damn fucking HOLY water!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!she put a lil on her hand then like SLAPPED me and it hurt like a fucking bitch!i dunno wtf her problem is today but i dont like it but it will all be better since shellio can stay the night and we are going to the show...i just hope scott will give us a ride or else we are screwed ridewise

3 truthsooth sayers | lie


:: 2003 8 July :: 7.51pm
:: Mood: pissed off
:: Music: linkin park

holy fuck i hate my mom!!!!shellio cant stay the night unless her parents come and pick her up at whenever they go to work at 7 fucking 30- in the morning and i have to go volunteer at a fuckin CAPMFIRE camp tommorrow that god damn fucking erly and roxanne is not allowed in "her" house because she BI and she knows she is goin out with schylar but my mom has nothing against schylar.....she does not want "bi or gay ppl in her house" i shoulda told her i was movin...she is soo fucking clueless and god damn fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2 truthsooth sayers | lie

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