2008 4 May :: 8.42pm
I went to AQ's graduation yesterday. The girls (Bekka, Laura and Theresa) all graduated.
Today they moved out. And even though I know that we will keep in touch and I will see them again, it still makes me sad. I hate endings.
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2008 27 April :: 9.25pm
Looking at cars as ours is dying/dead. I found one I really want. They say it runs fine, it just doesn't reverse. How much do you need reverse anyway? Just park where you don't have to back up.
So if you guys find/see/hear of any cheap cars... let me know.
I love you all.
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2008 25 April :: 1.09am
Thing I just remembered:
When Hannah and I went to see Don Quixote, we thought during the entire ballet that this one woman was this other chick's mother. But then she suddenly marries/hooks up with this creepy guy. And she is apparently other chick's really old and ugly sister.
2008 22 April :: 3.27am
Hey remember when I was all "no more writing papers at the last minute and no more staying up until 6 am"?
Well here I am writing a paper. I am trying to wrap it up as much as I can as I have a little time to work on it tomorrow and am pretty tired and sick of it already.
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2008 21 April :: 1.00am
"I used to think the world was broken down by tribes. By black and white. By Indian and white. But I know that isn't true. The world is only broken into two tribes: The people who are assholes and the people who are not."
Anyone else know how angry I am at myself that I did not see this man speak when I had the chance? I am quite upset. He best not keel over before I see him.
Also, how upset am I that I did not go to U of Chicago? Look at this essay prompt: "Don't play what's there, play what's not there." -- Miles Davis (1926-91)
And this one: Chicago professor W. J. T. Mitchell entitled his 2005 book "What Do Pictures Want?" Describe a picture and explore what it wants.
And my favorite: Modern improvisational comedy had its start with The Compass Players, a group of University of Chicago students, who later formed the Second City comedy troupe. Here is a chance to play along. Improvise a story, essay, or script that meets all of the following requirements:
* It must include the line "And yes I said yes I will Yes" (Ulysses, by James Joyce).
* Its characters may not have superpowers.
* Your work has to mention the University of Chicago, but please, no accounts of a high school student applying to the University–this is fiction, not autobiography.
* Your work must include at least four of the following elements:
o a paper airplane
o a transformation
o a shoe
o the invisible hand
o two doors
o pointillism
o a fanciful explanation of the Pythagorean Theorem
o a ventriloquist or ventriloquism
o the Periodic Table of the Elements
o the concept of jeong
o number two pencils
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2008 20 April :: 10.39pm
One paper due Tuesday. Exam for same class on Tuesday. Currently have a D+ in this class. Thank goodness I can write it in English.
One paper due on Friday. Tons of questions also due on Friday. Currently have a C in this class. Oh PS this is the one in French.
One paper was due last Friday. I stayed up all night writing it. Got maybe two hours of sleep. I do not want to do that again but here I am, not writing any papers.
Two exams next week.
Laura's birthday on Thursday. The What's Morally Wrong with Homosexuality guy is coming on Wednesday. I would like to get these things done ahead of time but I just wasted all my weekend.
I = lame ass.
I = love you all.
2008 19 April :: 12.51pm
Nick and I have been watching Monk all weekend. I am glad I finally got him to watch and like this show.
Every time Monk talks to his psychiatrist, which happens in almost every episode, I get really sad. Stanley Kamel died last week.
This made me cry, it's a full page ad that the cast of Monk placed in Daily Variety:
Read more..
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2008 16 April :: 6.46pm
:: Mood: tired, hungry, etc.
:: Music: my professor
job hunting
i hate looking for jobs. i mean, i get excited about all of the opportunities. but i also get really depressed about how i feel like i'm not good at anything. and all the things i am good at, aren't interested in having me.
whether it's true or not, even partially, doesn't really matter. it still feels crappy.
then again, maybe i just need to eat.
and i feel guilty for not listening to the lecture today. but it's just review. so there.
2008 16 April :: 1.37pm
i'm kind of a hard person to be friends with sometimes, i think.
not all the time. and not in all respects. but there are a few areas where i'm definitely lacking.
but that's okay, because i'm still not really that bad.
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2008 15 April :: 8.59pm
So Gillian Anderson in Maxim? HAWT!
She is sadly not up on the website yet. Would you believe that I spent most of my weekend on that website?
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2008 15 April :: 7.16pm
i walked out of class today because i was frustrated. probably not a good choice, but there you are.
at least i made amends with my groupmates. that's the important part.
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2008 14 April :: 11.59pm
:: Mood: better
:: Music: radiohead - no surprises
i feel much better after today. i'm still kind of pissed about some stuff. and the wings lost. but at least, for whatever reason, i managed to evade the same sort of funkiness that's been haunting my shadows for the past week or two.
and there's nothing but good on the horizon. so, shut the fuck up, brain!
2008 12 April :: 1.31pm
In the GRap Press
Canceled Canceled Aquinas lecture a 'missed opportunity,' gay-advocate speaker says
"The college recognizes academic freedom certainly in the classroom," [Balog] said. "But even in the classroom, professors are not supposed to use their activities as a way to attack beliefs of the church."
Aquinas cancels gay-rights speaker
"The programming board had been actively advertising since January and they canceled the morning of the event. It was very disrespectful to Corvino, and to the students that wanted to hear him speak," said junior Bev Pels, 21.
"I think they're not bringing him because there's so much outside pressure. It's not that the administration is homophobic, but the policy appears to be that way and it's alienating to students."
She said organizers are hoping to find a new, off-campus venue that can seat up to 70 people. Corvino has offered to speak for free.
2008 10 April :: 5.23pm
I used to be so proud of my school...
They canceled the speaker. Here is what they said:
"This morning, I met with members of the Programming Board, staff, members from Campus Life, and other students to discuss the establishment of a policy regarding events on campus that might conflict with Catholic Moral Teaching. We agreed that discussion of important issues is something we should encourage as a college and especially as part of our efforts to continue and extend the Catholic intellectual tradition. A committee representing the several constituencies of the campus will be assembled to develop a policy regarding these issues. This policy will be designed to provide guidelines for speakers and activities, including performances of various descriptions. Absent such a policy at the moment and given the amount of time it will take to develop one, I have decided that the appearance of Dr. Corvino, which had been tentatively rescheduled for later this month, will be canceled.
President Ed Balog"
2008 9 April :: 9.38pm
Okay. SO.
Last Thursday, an advocate for gay rights was going to speak at Aquinas. His lecture was called "What's Morally Wrong with Homosexuality?" So I thought, awesome, maybe this will start a discussion...I am so glad my Catholic school is not as Catholic as it seems. Well even though the event had been well-publicized and the club on campus that brought him in had emailed professors to tell/warn them about it, the speaker was canceled at the last minute.
Instead of the speaker, a bunch of students met in The Moose (the coffeehouse on campus) to discuss the reason for its cancellation. It was revealed that the speaker was canceled because it was necessary to present "the Catholic view" of whatever he was going to say. Needless to say, people were pissed.
So all of the people who had thoughts on the event and its subsequent cancellation were invited to the Student Senate meeting today. It was pretty exciting. Most people broke their issues down to the fact that it was canceled so suddenly that it was rude to the speaker and to us.
Then the president of the college showed up and told us that in the bylaws of the blah blah there is something that says all teachings at AQ need to be according to the Catholic belief system. So we all threw a fit. Since it's technically a student-led, student-planned, student-funded event and one of our school things is diversity, we thought it was okay.
Well anyway. It sounded like his hands were tied by donors and by the group that I have learned to hate this year: THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. I seriously am not liking this whole Catholic thing. First I had my theology class that taught me that sometimes you stay in a marriage because the other person needs you (and the whole no divorce thing) not because you love them. And now there's this whole if we weren't a Catholic institution it would be totally cool but since I'm seeing the pope when he's in the country and we have CATHOLIC written all over us, we can't be open to others.
So yeah.
I have decided that I am going to be on Senate next year. I'll probably try to be a rep for history club or something but the meeting was just so awesome today that I want to get involved somehow.
I love you all.
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