2007 14 May :: 3.55am
:: Music: Dave Matthews (sadly)
WYCE is failing me and playing of all things, the Dave Matthews Band. Could they play anything more establishment? Fergie maybe. But the day I hear Fergie on WYCE is the day I.....stop listening to WYCE probably.
I don't know why I'm still awake. My sleep schedule is so weird these days. But probably once I start working it'll get normal-ish.
So funny story. Apparently I had some appointment with manpower today which I'm assuming they told me about but I forgot to write it down. So anyway I missed the appointment and now I'm out of a job. Before I even started. But oh well, sometimes you just suck at getting jobs. If any of y'all know anywhere that's hiring I'd appreciate it if you'd let me know.
2007 11 May :: 12.43pm
My dad also went into the hospital Sunday. HE called me on Wednesday and told me.
Thanks for keeping me updated, Mom.
Next week is our last week of classes and then we have exams then a week of nothing before HOME SWEET HOME.
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2007 10 May :: 4.38pm
:: Mood: pissed but bemused
ah the war on drugs!
So mostly some cop in Dearborn confiscated some weed, made brownies on it, and called 911 cause he thought he OD'd on it. Here's the link if anyone cares, its short and entertaining.
Too bad you can't OD on weed. It's never happened anywhere ever. And if you're a cop and you don't know this you really should not be a cop anywhere ever. He just couldn't handle his spacecakes, the pussy.
So there's another arguement for legalization. I mean, I always had the hunch that half the time confiscated weed goes into the cops' personal stash. So if cops are smoking it than why can't the rest of us?
In other news, manpower called today and offered me a job at some plastics company. I get to make screwdriver handles. Woo hoo!
2007 10 May :: 4.09pm
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: brian bromberg - downright upright
i didn't get the writing consultant job.
that makes me a sad panda. : (
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2007 9 May :: 4.45pm
:: Mood: frustrated
:: Music: St Vitus- Angry Man
So since I've been home I've done nothing but wait around for manpower or forge to call me back so I can get a job. I can't really apply for much else besides factory jobs on account of my dreads. But even before I had dreads I always had a hell of a time finding a job. I'm beginning to think I'm just downright unfuckingemployable.
All I want is to live my life easy and free
I don't need no human bullshit
Predjudice, down on me
2007 6 May :: 12.56pm
I'm home. Got back friday and I've been unpacking ever since. I miss my friends but I'm relieved I never have to go back.
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2007 30 April :: 1.22am
:: Mood: lost
:: Music: benton falls
i've been whacked out for the past few days. i'm trying to make it better, and it seems to be working, it's just taking a long time to heal up.
hanging out with kevin was nice. i hadn't done that in a while.
moving out was a pain in the ass, but whatever, it's over now. except i'm probably going to have to pay for some repairs, due to burn marks in the carpet.
almost getting arrested was pretty uncool as well.
all in all, a busy weekend, and i'm glad it's over and done with. not that it was bad, i'm just very overwhelmed.
i guess i'm baby sitting tomorrow night. i've never really done that before. should be interesting. and it's food money for the trip.
oh yeah, i'm going on a trip to williamsburg, VA. wish me luck. we're leaving super-early wed. morning, and will be gone for about a week.
i drank every night this weekend. shannon would jokingly call me a lush. bruce jokingly called me an alcoholic. i call me in fucking college, the weekend after exams.
i really want to smoke.
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2007 28 April :: 11.13am
:: Mood: excited
I'm leaving for reggae fest in less than an hour. It's a damn fine day to have it too. Woo excitement!
2007 25 April :: 1.08pm
Yesterday was a real fucked up day. I've been having a lot of those lately. Mainly a lot of people have a lot of absolutely absurd behaviors. Including myself. I need to stop staying awake for days on end, it cannot be good for my health.
2007 25 April :: 12.25pm
39 days, bitches!
I am so excited to come home!
So at the u here there are four or five levels of classes. At the beginning of the year, we took a placement test to get into a level. Most of us got in level 3 but two of us were placed in level 2. Anyway, the only test we have is at the end of the year. In France, doing well on the exam means getting 50 percent but at home, that transfers back as a D. On everything. So last year's group made a stink and this year, one of our professors here expressed concern for our sucess on the exam. She signed us up for level 2's exam so we could actually pass. I still have to take level 3 but they take the best grade you get anyway in the end.
So I am not worried.
Just waiting to come home.
I love you all.
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2007 23 April :: 8.54pm
Tonight, we live like kings!
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2007 19 April :: 5.17pm
:: Music: ? and the Mysterians
FIiIiIiIiIiIiIiiiiiIIIiiii've caught the pepsin spirit!
Drink it in, Drink it in, Drink it in!
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2007 19 April :: 3.47pm
This week has gone by really fast. I can't even believe it's already the weekend. I have one more week of classes and then exams. And then, after the summer, for the first time ever, I'll be free to do anything I want. Damn.
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2007 18 April :: 12.04pm
I am done with fucking France. I hate it here. I am ready to come home.
Oh and our wandering across Europe had us go to Budapest, Prague and Brussels. It was fun. And the weather is really nice.
But i just want to come home.
Oh and Kurt Vonnegut's death upset me. It made me think about Katti and Oliver and I just heard him on the radio before I left...
Then this school shooting. The world is falling apart while I am gone.
And why isn't anyone awake and on msn at 6 in the morning?
I want to come home.
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2007 16 April :: 6.19pm
You know what's great about being a philosophy major?
So I've been late to my modern philosophy class about 3 times in a row now. I don't like being late to that class, on account of it's the one class I genuinely enjoy on a regular basis, and I actually respect my professor. So today after class I apologized for being late so much and he goes "What's the problem?" and I was like "Honestly, I just lose track of time." And he says "Well, that's understandable." So mainly one of the perks of being a philosophy major is, if you're a space cadet, people will understand and not hold it against you. '
I still haven't gone to bed yet. I will need more coffee soon. And a shower.