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:: 2007 16 April :: 6.19pm

You know what's great about being a philosophy major?
So I've been late to my modern philosophy class about 3 times in a row now. I don't like being late to that class, on account of it's the one class I genuinely enjoy on a regular basis, and I actually respect my professor. So today after class I apologized for being late so much and he goes "What's the problem?" and I was like "Honestly, I just lose track of time." And he says "Well, that's understandable." So mainly one of the perks of being a philosophy major is, if you're a space cadet, people will understand and not hold it against you. '

I still haven't gone to bed yet. I will need more coffee soon. And a shower.



:: 2007 5 April :: 10.17am

I'm coming home today for Easter. Bah.



:: 2007 3 April :: 8.15pm

I am in Italy. We went to Rome and now we are in Florence but we leave tomorrow for Venice. Then Laura, Bekka and I will drift across Europe like crazy backpackers. I am excited for it.

I love you all.

And, Nick, I miss you oodles. And love you even more.

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:: 2007 20 March :: 8.09pm

my six-month foray into the world of recreational drug use has certainly altered my perspective on some things.

namely: scissors, patterns in carpet, jambalaya, and probably some more important things as well.

although i don't regret it, i'm beginning to think it's time to be done.

it was enlightening, but i think that it long ago ceased to be experimentation and has not yet become habitual.

i think somewhere between experiment and habit is a happy medium in which to dwell.

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:: 2007 15 March :: 2.08pm

So I am going home yet again today, on account of the other Kellie's getting married! Um so yeah.



:: 2007 15 March :: 3.56pm

I hope your meeting goes well today, Katie!

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:: 2007 12 March :: 10.39pm
:: Music: ben folds five

so, for my film class, i'm currently writing a proposal for my final project.

the ideas i'm proposing involve the possible use of an actor.

i'm realizing now that i don't have an actor yet, which is kind of key.

so, who might be available to work on this with me sometime? it should be somebody in the GR area, who has a pretty open schedule, and a car.

i can't offer money, but comraderie, marginal stardom, and maybe some goodies are all possibilities.

anyway, let me know if any of you guys are interested.

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:: 2007 12 March :: 1.12pm

So my parents are for sure not going to come visit because of some stupid government passport thing. Which means when everyone's parents come to visit the first week of April, Rachel is going to be depressed and alone. In Perpignan, capital of NOTHING TO DO.

We found peanut butter, cherry coke, vanilla coke and taco kits at one store on Saturday. It was a good day.

I got my course schedule in the mail and just emailed the advisors with my class schedule. It is exciting!

Today is Nick and my anniversary so I am sad. He also starts his new job today so wish him luck.

I hope everyone and their lack of wisdom teeth are doing fine. Love love.

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:: 2007 5 March :: 5.30pm

I'm joining WWOOF-USA. Should be an adventure.

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:: 2007 1 March :: 5.14pm

I'm home. The drive home was...interesting. Yay for michigan weather.

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:: 2007 1 March :: 1.53pm

i have here in front of me...
"WKLQ presents"
all ages welcome
(133 grandville SW * GR)
suday march 11, 2007 - doors at 7pm


now, whoever wanted them needs to figure out a way to get in touch with me and pick them up.

considering i'm going to be leaving for kalamazoo tomorrow evening, and minnesota on sunday, that may prove difficult.

however, i might be going to the show, so the best bet may be to meet up somewhere nearby before the show, for drinks or what-have-you, and we can distribute them then.

my cell number is 616 893 7952.



:: 2007 28 February :: 10.34pm

94 days. I can do this.

I just want Nick.

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:: 2007 28 February :: 8.20am

I've been awake for a really long time. It's getting to that point where everything starts to look real weird. I have 2 exams (both essay) and a quiz today. I'm going to need a lot of coffee and maybe a power nap.



:: 2007 28 February :: 8.47am


People were right, after three weeks, this thing is so easy. I still want to go home sometimes but it doesn't hurt as much.

Today is a good day. Nick got a job, my 8 o'clock class was cancelled and my 11 o'clock might be cancelled too. I am tired but happy.

I think I can do this. Only three more months.



:: 2007 22 February :: 5.24pm

When is everyone's spring break? Mine starts a week from tomorrow. Woo!

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