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:: 2003 3 December :: 4.23pm

sorry for the random after-post, but i just remembered. I WAS FLOCKED LAST NIGHT!! heehee. so yeah, i didn't go crazy and put tons of plastic pink flamingo's in my yard and bushes. i was flocked by my dad. well, technically, by gabi and sarah, but y'know...

heehee. my house looks funky.

*annoy me here*


:: 2003 3 December :: 4.11pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: memories of mss

so i come into girls ensemble and see a few mss people in their dresses and tux's. cool. we do our little performance for the preschoolers. darling. 20 minutes till the end of the period, mss comes in again. SWEET. we finish singing and pile into the piano room (mr. shaull's way of saying 'get the hell outta here, i need to work with the GOOD people') and still no jeff. NOOO!!

so i freaked out in the piano room for 20 minutes. 5% because they were singing. 5% because they were singing HOLIDAY music, and 90% because I COULDN'T SEE JEFF AND HE WAS LIKE RIGHT THERE!! soo frustrating. grrrrr...

a few quotes from today:

sarah: yeah, because you read porn all the time.
molly: oh definately, because you can so READ porn.

mme youatt: tu veux dejuner avec moi?
luc: ce soir...lalalala

lmao. (like lady marmalade...yeah...oh, and by the way, that makes no sense. the question was: do you want to eat lunch with me. the answer: tonight?)

not much else went on today. i have a voice lesson soon. i swore to myself i'd get lots done tonight since i didn't do any homework last night...shows how well i'm doing. i can't even research for my english final without getting sidetracked.

my away message: "hmmm...so i was trying to be good and research gay marriage for my english final, but i sort of got caught up looking at articles on birth control and other debatable issues...so much for being productive..."

har har...get it?

3 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 1 December :: 7.05pm

okay okay, i'll go do my homework!
How old are you? (how cliche of me):14
Do you like sports?:yes. soccer, volleyball, and horseback riding
What kind of movies do you like?:romance, chick flick, comedies, horror...anything
Are you a virgin? (Come on Claire, answer the question!):YES
Do you get it?:no
Are you a fan of pop culture from the 80's?:no
Are your parents still together?:no
What is your favorite article of clothing?:depends...sweatshirts, i guess
Why is rap popular?:it expresses the majority of teenagers...(nearly half of lahs has got to be on antidepressants)
Why are you taking this quiz?:i found it in the random trombone player's that's on nicole's friends list
How'd you find bzoink?:i didn't. i just clicked the link.
What kind of IM service do you use?:AIM
What is your e-mail domain?:sbcglobal
Are you a thespian?:YES
How about a techie?:YES (nicole and i are great)
Do you know what a techie is (explain)?:someone who works lights/soud/backstage crap (okay, so we weren't really TECHIES) for a show
Are monkeys cool?:sure...
Even tho they fling poo?:i suppose...
Where do you rent your movies from?:blockbuster
Is the movie theater a rip off?:yes. because i'm ten times happier on jeff's couch...:0D
Do you go to concerts or shows?:shows.
Is punk a fashion statement?:no. it's ugly.
What time is it?:5:41
Are you cold?:no
Do your hands get cold if you type for a long time?:no
Have you ever seen The Rocky Horror Picture Show?:YES.
Did you find Tim Curry Sexy?:yes, but it was SO annoying watching him in Clue after i figured out it was him...mr. body in drag....HAHA
Who is Billy?:billy. you know him, right? duh! (sheesh, i dunno...)
Why can't Coke and Pepsi get along?:they're two similar products competing...
Would you ever be a communist?:no
Was communism just a red herring?:ummm
Did you get that?:no
Tim Curry really is amazing, huh?:YES. very talented.
Ever heard Lucky Boys Confusion?:nope.
What do you think of them?:haven't heard em.
Do you read Shakespeare?:not since summer at PYT
Do you like country music?:a little
Do you find Tim McGraw strangely sexy?:no
What about Faith Hill?:nope
Do you like cats?:YES!! A NEW ADDITION TO THE FAMILY ARRIVED TODAY!! cutest kitten EVER!!
Is my cat's name (Kia-Ka) weird?:sort of
Have you kissed someone of the same sex?:yes.
Do you support homosexuality?:i'm doing a persuasive speech on homosexual marriage for my english final. YEAH.
Are labels bad?:YEAH...but pc language isn't gonna change that. (i read a funny article on it today)
What about on food?:that's good.
Do you have good friends whose last names you don't know?:not like...THAT good.
Have you ever had lice?:yes.
Do you have an online diary/jurnal?:ya think?
Wanna give me the link?:sure
Does having one make you emo?:no
Or just more emo than you were before?:idk...
Do you remember when no one knew what emo meant?:yes, because i don't know what it means
Do you remember when Good Charlotte wasn't a house hold name?:i do.
Is "Smells Like Teen Spirit" the only Nirvana song you really know?:yeah....how did you know?
Did u c the episode of Room Raiders when the chik said Kurt Cobain wrong?:no
Have you seen "Tupac: Resurrection"?:nope
If not, will you?:nope
Do you cut yourself?:no, but i know those who do
On purpose?:*rolls eyes* it's sad that i assumed that
Did a friend tell you about sex as a child?:no, i was pretty innocent
Who is your hero?:YOU. heather robinson. ummm...mr shaull. others.
Have you done drugs?:no
Are you sXe?:i'm not sure...is that short for sexy? if so, yes.
Do you know what that is?:i just made a guess...am i right?
Is it wrong to be brutally honest, in your opinion?:depends on the situation.
Does it bother you that my spelling sucks?:not a bit
Do you know the difference between there, their and they're?:i do
Have you had your wisdome teeth out?:not yet
Why is 69 such a funny number to some people?:gee, i wonder...
What about 420?:i don't know that one
Who actually gets high at 4:20?:keiran
Do you get high every day?:no
Are you a lush?:i'm not sure
Does your gf/bf hate it?:maybe if i knew what that was...
Did you get that?:no
Do you know what a lush is?:no
Do you think lush is a weird last name?:ummm
What is the weirdest way you've seen Ryan spelt?:i've never seen it spelled differently than that
Are you bored of my quiz?:a little, i have to go do homework
Did you take it cuz you were bored?:yes, and for procrastination purposes
Do you like Christina Aguleria?:no, never did
Does her song about her dad make you cry?:i've never heard it
Have you heard "Touch of My Hand" yet?:no
Do you get it on with yourself?:no
Do you believe that "99% of people do and 1% lie":no
Would you believe me if I swore I don't?:no, especially if you're a guy
Really, my anti-depresants kill my sex drive
Who is Fred Larry?:no idea
Why do I get so much junk mail?:you're stupid
What will you do when you're done with this?:homework
What time is it now?:5:52
Do you like your middle name?:no, because i hate the person i was named after...grrr
Are you glad I'm done?:yes
I can keep going if you like =)

Ohso Random brought to you by BZOINK!

6 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 1 December :: 5.36pm
:: Music: Christmas Star (or something) y'know from girls ensemble...

an update on things
a few announcements:

yup, so that's about it. my life rocks. except for the homework i have to do tonight...ugh. and finals. but whatever. read the announcements again. AHHH!! oh and i have a secret to tell you...haha rachel: il pleut un peu. AHHH!!

so, because of the popularity of this on nicole's blog, here you go. you all better answer mine too!! or else i'll be sad. :0( and no one likes melissa sad, do they? no. of course not.

1. Give me a new nickname and explain why you picked it.
2. Am I loveable?
3. How long have you known me?
4. When and how did we first meet?
5. What was your first impression?
6. Do you still think that way about me now?
7. What do you think my weakness is?
8. Do you think I'll get married?
9. What makes me happy?
10. What makes me sad?
11. What reminds you of me?
12. If you could give me anything what would it be?
13. How well do you know me?
14. When's the last time you saw me?
15. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
16. Do you think I could kill someone?
17. Describe me in one word.
18. Do you think our friendship is getting stronger/weaker/or staying the same?
19. Do you feel that you could talk to me about anything and I would listen?
20. If there were a movie about my life, who would play me?
21. Who would play you in the movie about my life?
22. Who is my hero?
23. Are you going to put this on your Woohu and see what I say about you?

7 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 29 November :: 10.58am
:: Music: Aaron Copland-Hoe Down

yay!!! it finally dowloaded!! (the music, that is) i've had the most random obsession with this piece recently...even before they played it at the polovetsian dances concert!! yay!

waited around at the humane society to adopt a kitten for like EVER. found the cutest little orange kitten, though!! ahh! so cute!! but it's not neutered yet, so we have to wait to bring it home until tuesday. (or sooner.) but it was crazy busy so we waited for soo long. i was feeling like jeff was. completely out of it and drained and tired and stuff. ugh. not the greatest place to feel like that. all these animals screeming...little kids trying to pet them...not very relaxing.

had a nice time at the hayman's day after thanksgiving party thing. i can't believe they make 2 full thanksgiving dinners! it was soo yummy though.

spent the first part up in jeff's room with sarah, eleanor, terrance, charlie, ali, allegra, and occasionally jeff. he was in kind of a delirious stupor. we'd both been sick, and he was definately not well yet. we uh...did random things with a halloween skeleton in a noose, the boys made noise with random things in his room, and sarah and i whispered about charlie and laughed a lot while telling the boys to shut up. i had a lot of time to think, not really having much to do, and i thought about what's happened to me since i entered high school. among my social goals were to 1) get a boyfriend and 2) meet upperclassman. ha. so here i am, in my boyfriend's room, with a bunch of juniors. it was kind of cool. just to think about where i wanted to be, and how lucky i've been to meet the people i have and how much they all mean to me.

soon we went downstairs, ate dinner, and i caught my first glimpse of scott. (if you remember, i wanted to marry him earlier in the year...) my first impressions...i was sort of dissapointed. i thought he'd be so blindingly sexy that i'd just fall madly in love. okay, so i didn't really have those expectations. but from the short glimpses i had of him, i didn't think much. it was pretty cool to see him, though.

we ate. mmm. and listened to the guys table randomly saying one of our names. after completely stopping all conversation we might have started and eavesdropping, we realized they were just throwing out our names randomly to see what we would do. we finally all crowded around their table because we were bored. talked and stuff. much fun with sarah and charlie yelling at each other from across the table and throwing things at each other.

soon dmitri (who arrived sometime in between doing nothing in jeff's room and eating) decided to go play piano so jeff followed...as did the rest of us. sarah and i sat on the couch watching eleanor, terrance, and charlie play pool and listening to dmitri *coughsexycough* play piano. like every well known classical piece this guy can play. it's sooo *coughsexycough*. terrance was being *coughkinkycough* as he always is, and, after realizing it must be really hard for jeff to hear me call his best friends names that i should have been calling him, i decided that jeff was being *coughlovablecough* sitting in the chair, acting delirious and out of it. (little did i know how much i was pissing him off...)

after a while we migrated back to the living room and to the computer. talked to ppl online...tried to sort of put the idea out there of a clarinet party today. charlie whined to play a board game and dmitri and sarah's dad played chess. dmitri won, and jeff, ali, dmitri, and charlie went up to jeff's room. allegra, sarah, and i didn't even notice. oh, and somewhere around here eleanor and terrance left for karthika's party. jeff decided not to go. (i can't imagine why, it was at a hotel!! sounded pretty darn awesome to me...) well anyway, becky came up and was like, 'hey, where's jeff?' and we looked around and were like 'uhh...' so we went up to his room to find him, charlie, ali, and dmitri laying on the ground of his room listening to music. sarah, allegra, and i stole the bed, and listened to music with them. i realized that i need some better music. 102.1 sucks compared to the stuff jeff has. sarah probably got really bored but i was soo content to just lay there listening to good music. ahhh. nice stuff.

went downstairs...walked the dog with sarah, allegra, and jeff. fun stuff, walking through the roads around jeff's house in the dark. it's strangely peaceful when you can barely see anything.

came back, started a movie. moved to the other room. started another movie. ended up watching Clue. good movie!! based on the game and the books. had to hold on to sarah during the scary parts, but we survived. the whole killing suspense part was completely broken when someone killed the singing telegram girl...that was just hilarious. i mean...LOL. sarah and i were just like dying.

it was like 10 by the time the movie was over, and sarah hayman wanted to go to sleep, so we all left. jeff drove ali, charlie and i home. can you say SEXY?? i can. it was SEXY. and the sexiness wasn't diluted a bit by the fact that his mom was sitting in the front seat with him. that made it sexy AND safe. i could be like omg jeff's driving WITHOUT being like OMG JEFF'S DRIVING WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!! so that was nice.

got all ready for bed and jeff IMs me. so we end up talking till past midnight. finally like HAD to sleep, so we said goodnight.

well anyway, i have some homework to do. i should get to it.

p.s. jeff: check your e-mail. nicole (who knows everything) sent me a link that you should read...:0)

2 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 28 November :: 9.47am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: none

Is it just me or are these pop-ups on the bottom of the screen really annoyin? they are only supposed to come every 4 hours or sumthing but i keep gettin them. also why is the back of all of our journals white? i so do not like that! oh well.... ne wayz, me and gwen are goin to the mall 2day! i cant wait. but its gona b extremly crowded. i dont care tho.

on wenesday me, gwen, sarah, and chad went to the movies and saw elf (second time for all of us except sarah). first gwen scares the crap outa me wen she get there by screaming, lmao. then we are takin a pic. and chad is bein a dumbass (as usual, lol). wen we get inside i HAVE to get a drink, and sarah and me end up being the only ones in line while gwen and chad are in the theater. it was hilarious tho, me and sarah were crazi. we were laughing and sayin stuff rlly loud. i think the guy in front of us thought we were lesbians. oh well, then sarah saw his wallet and he was sum kinda police guy, lmfao. well, he gets done and we're standin there patienly and i guess the ppl are mad at us because they are doing everything possible to AVOID gettin me a frikin drink! finally i jst went over to another line. during the entire movie sarah and chad were makin out, as usual. and i was totally hyper until it struck me that i was rlly tired. after the movie sarah and chad wudnt leave and matt called me while i was tryin to get them outa the theater. well, that call lead to sum pretty bad things for the next couple of days. l8er gwen called him, and they both got mad. which made me mad, and it jst goes on and on.

well im gona go do sumthin else.... im tired of typing.

luv yaz,

1 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 27 November :: 1.29pm

it's time to update on marching band finals
yes, i've come to be THAT desperate and bored.

western band association championships were last weekend. we left at 1:00 (YES!! NO 5-7TH PERIOD) for our hotel in fresno. i got pizza flavored pringles from my secret buddy, Hao. not that this was a surprise. i asked him if he was my secret buddy like 2 months ago and he told me. so much for a big secret buddy revelation thing. whatever.

half-watched clueless and the beginning of center stage on the bus. spent most of my time feeling jeaous of christiana and terrance, who were massaging each other, cuddling, and sucking on each other's fingers. (apparently someone told christiana that guys are turned on if you suck their fingers...) so i was sitting there going 'ahhh christiana i wish i were you!' while terrance was like 'c'mon jeff, do something!' that was about the first hour and a half or so. then i cuddled with jeff for the rest of the time. :0D jeff's arms/lap on a marching band bus is up there in my favorite places to be. *sigh* good times. we ummm...got some err...blackmail material. heheheh... didn't get any practicing for the barbara skit done, much to the worry of jeff. oh well.

got to the hotel, and after a long talk from mr. ferrucci telling us to be good and stuff, we got our room keys and changed into our swimsuits. we then complained about our bodies and stuff for about 10 minutes, then wandered the hotel looking for jeff and fellow clarinets to rehearse our senior skit for barbara. we found jeff and joseph and some people on the first floor and got together to rehearse a bit. we found a very loud, echoey place to practice, in the stairwell, and practiced sporadically, stopping when seniors had to go up/down the stairs. hao acted like a friggen 2 year old. we all got mad. fun fun fun. then we proceeded to stare at terrance in his swim trunks and wander around aimlessly for about half an hour. we didn't swim, and hardly got anything done. finally decided to go back to our room (ours being jessica, lisa, christiana, and i) and changed into better clothes for dinner. we probably talked with terrance, jeff, pavel, and ross's room on the phone. ate dinner. jessie uhler was there! yay! so she sat at our table and told us about college marching bands and their parties with sex dice and drunkenness. sounds...full of tradition. pretty cool, though. they learn a new half time show for every game. sheesh! ate pasta stuff and salad...flirted with terrance, who wasn't wearing a shirt. played footsie...talked...yeah. then met with the clarinets to reherse (again) our senior skit. rehearsed more and incorporated jessie in our skit. had to stop as a AAA marching band made their way through the hotel. practiced up until we had to leave for senior skits in another room. followed the masses and senior skits started.

everyone had really cute senior skits.

color guard: lots of stripping and singing. jokes about maureen's smelly feet and stripping. yeah...sort of hard to follow as the rest of the band didn't know the color guard's inside jokes.

low brass: jokes about laura's 'what's a landa?' question and a hilarious part where laura counted '1, 2, let's play zoo!' at the beginning of the show. lol.

trumpets: a somewhat random skit about brian being section leader for 3 years and competiting for authority. apparently they locked him in the bathroom backstage during a sectional. haha.

clarinets: our somewhat thrown-together-at-the-last-second skit about barbara through the years. getting in trouble sophmore year, cheerleading junior year, being late senior year. it was cute. people liked the 'don't worry, none of the rest of the clarinets know how to play, either' comment. haha. got barbara a cute princess soccer watch and thongs.

flutes: a cute movie about how laurel loved marching band so much that when she 'tripped over nothing' (lmao) and popped out her knee, she caused all of the other freak marching band incidents. done by an imovie. very cute. i espeically liked the voodoo with andreas. nice touch.

saxophones: a hannibal spoof that encorporated all the seniors, eventually ending with richard being the killer. i didn't really get it, seeing that i hadn't seen hannibal. creative, though.

drumline: a completely random skit, sounded like they were improving. funny stuff about slava's incomprehensable commands and shortness. funny stuff. magi stole the show. that dude is funny.

awards by the staff and tears from misty for the color guard. semi-touching. it would have been more effectual if the color guard actually WAS amazingly talented. awards from the staff were well chosen. (although none of the rookie awards were actually won by freshman...) and yeah.

passed on the cake, drank water, and went back to our room.

the party was FAR from over. lisa and christiana danced around in their bra's for the guys. (our rooms were on opposite sides of the same floor, with gigantic windows facing each other...) so lisa and christiana did some stripping...lisa down to her underwear...yeah. lisa and i kissed for the guys...gave them a real show. haha. spent a few hours on the phone with jeff, terrance, ross, joseph, and all them. (there were 8 people in those two rooms bcause there were 4 to a room, and there's were connected. saw terrance in his boxers, and geoff clad in only a pillow. that was ummm...interesting. finally stopped talking with jeff on the phone and fell asleep around 1:30.

woke up at 6 to our alarm. (jessica had set it so that we would all have time to shower.) we were all showered and ready by like 7:00 and decided to wake up the boys. we didn't have to wake up until like 8 or something. haha. spent more time on the phone with jeff, who was extremely groggy. a highlight of our conversation:

jeff: i think i'm just going to stay in bed. if mr. ferrucci asks where i am, tell him i'm a bear...
joseph: in bed
pavel: rrrrawrrr
jeff:...and i'm hibernating.
me: ooookay....


stood around outside our room talking to people. suddenly jeff comes down our hall with his hair all messed up, belt half off, and shirt half tucked in. lol. he actually looked REALLY cute!! so yeah...we were all going to breakfast and he hadn't even showered. lol. patched up my relationship with sara, my lesbian lover, over breakfast. pancakes and stuff. yummers.

packed stuff and watched beetlejuice until we had to leave. got in the bus. sat next to sara. watched more of center stage as we drove to wherever we performed. held up tom's victoria's secret catalogue (given to him by christiana, his secret buddy) to block the sun...much to the delight of the rest of the bus. lol.

got out to freezing weather and warmed up. found a nice spot to warm up more and did our usual warm up stuff with florendo and stuff. good times.

got back WAY late for lunch and walked to the stadium to buy food. sandwich and water. quickly eaten because we got out so late. more talk with jessie and stuff.

changed into our uniforms in the freezing cold and warmed up more. then lots of crying for the senior recognition thing with corsages and our song. :0( very sad. sherry was going around sobbing and hugging all the band mom's. took SOO much to keep from crying. ugh. sadness.

one last warm up and then we marched to the gate. marched after valley christian (who went on to win the entire championships thing) and marched an okay show. drumbreak totally fell apart, but i had a blast. best time i've ever had in marching band, i think. marched a really good show, personally. it was awesome.

took pictures and ordered some. then we hung out for a while and talked with barbara about masturbation techniques. very interesting stuff. also learned how to fake an orgasm. such an educational day.

walked back to our busses and milled around for like half an hour. i played other people's instruments and talked. fun stuff. hugged john a lot. talked.

gathered around mr. ferrucci to hear that we had missed getting into the championship round by 2 bands, and that if we had been placed differently in order, we might have made it, but to have no regrets etc. i think most of us just wanted him to shut up becuase it was so freaking cold!!

changed out of our uniforms and ate pizza for dinner. mmmmm...nummy. got free hand warmer things and walked to the stands. the guys got in trouble for climbing up the stands from the side and yeah. made it to the stands like way early with no one out there but us. huddled around and tried not to freeze to death. watched a ton of other marching bands perform as we all slowly froze. exprerienced terrance's orgasmic hands on my knee as i made sex noises. it was fun. there was a lot of huddling under blankets and trying to keep warm and very little observing bands. it was just SOOO cold!!

left after awards and went back to the bus. half of the people hadn't even stayed for awards so we were like last on the bus. sat with sara because there wasn't enough room for jeff and i to sit together. :0( spent the entire busride being very uncomfortable and trying to fall asleep and wishing i was asleep in jeff's arms. very frustrating.

froze back at lahs and waited for my mom to show up. went home. slept.

there. finals. i did it! booyah!


*annoy me here*


:: 2003 27 November :: 2.38pm

A - Act your age?: hardly ever. at least i THINK i act slightly more mature most of the time...
B - Born on what day of the week?: crap i don't know...
C - Chore you hate?: cleaning
D - Dad's name?: Sam
E - Essential makeup item?: lip balm
F - Favorite actor?: Paul Walker
G - Gold or silver?: Silver
H - Hometown?: Los Altos
I - Instruments you play?: clarinet, oboe
J - Job title?: studennt
K - Kids?: None
L - Living arrangements?: mom, mom's boyfriend
M - Mom's name?: Denise
N - Number of people you've slept with?: none
O - Overnight hospital stays?: none
P - Phobia?: singing in front of my family (i'll perform in front of anyone else)
Q - Quotation you like?: "save a horse, ride a cowboy"
R - Religious affiliation?: Methodist
S - Siblings?: none
T - Time you wake up?: 6am for marching band
U - Unique habit?: ummm...
V - Vegetable you refuse to eat?: can't think of any
W - Worst habit?: procrastination
X - X-rays you've had?: some on my pinky finger and some on my ankle
Y - Yummy food you make?: uhhh...popcorn? easy mac? frozen pizza?
Z - Zodiac Sign?: Aquarius
Well I'm out for today. *muahz*

*annoy me here*


:: 2003 27 November :: 10.34am

oh yea!!! i fergot to tell about the movies last nite. well wen im bored l8er ill rite bout it.

*annoy me here*


:: 2003 27 November :: 10.22am
:: Mood: just woke up...
:: Music: no music, but the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is on the tv

Happy Thanksgiving!
well im rlly tired.... theres one thing that i hate about thanksgiving. spending the entire morning doing nothing around the house, not being able to eat anything, and being tortured with the smell of all the food cooking for hours and hours. i cudnt even sleep in so i had less time to be driven insane, cuz the noise and the smell woke me up. so now im tryin to do ne thing i can to keep my mind off food includin goin on the internet, and watching tv. there was jst a marchin band on, so i was watching.... and flutes they were not paralell, lmao. i think they mite need a special flute cuz they cudnt hold the flute parallel for 2 min. jeez! lol, im SPECIAL!!!
if you want to see the "special flute" go to this webpage:


if that doesnt work, jst type in www.flutelab.com and on the left hand side ull see sumthing about it, its called a vertical flute.

well im gona go, i think i mite watch a movie.
luv ya,

4 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 27 November :: 11.12pm
:: Mood: drained
:: Music: TATU-All The Things You Said

i'm sick
meh...i'm sick. definitely. and i spelled that right. BOOYAH! *collapses in the chair* whoo, those emotional outbursts are exhausting.

happy turkey day tomorrow everyone! yee sent out the sweetest e-mail to everyone! way to get into the holiday spirit!

everyone wish ali luck in the Houstin thanksgiving parade tomorrow! she's gonna be great! (even though what i've seen of the dance is pretty...erm...yeah) we love you, ali!

well umm yeah. i'll be spending my thanksgiving eating food with my "family". which sounds more depressing: that only one of the people sitting at the table is actually related to me, or that 50% of the total group has no relation to me whatsoever? both are true. ha. family. what family?

we were going around the room in shaull's class saying what we were most thankful for. i swear, everyone but like 5 of us said family without hesitation. when i think of my family...sure, they've done a lot for me. maybe i just don't value their impact on my life. but i mean...my dad never had much influence on my life at all. he didn't know what i was up to, and didn't make much of an effort to. besides the occaisional tech gadget, he didn't really do much to improve my life. my mom...well, there's more to say about her, but recently she's become more of a slut than a role model. there is SO much more to a relationship than making out, (and believe me, i should know.) and i swear she just does not see that. aren't couples supposed to like work through the all-over-each-other phase? maybe move on to the i-just-love-your-company thing? i'm not saying there's nothing more to my mom's relationship than sex, but really...can we keep things to a minimum please?

so what am i thankful for, you ask? my top two mentioned in mr. shaull's class were music and friends. music's a given. what would i do without it? friends. of course. they support me. even stronger than my family does, i think. they teach me about life. they're umm...great. i wish i could write more, but for some reason i've found it easier to write about spiteful things than praise tonight. well i AM thankful for you. really, i am. so thanks. to all of you. i love you! *mwah*

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! (in about an hour and a half)

2 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 26 November :: 6.46pm

ESFJ - "Seller". Most sociable of all types. Nurturer of harmony. Outstanding host or hostesses. 12.3% of total population.
Take Free Myers-Briggs Personality Test

*annoy me here*


:: 2003 26 November :: 10.32pm

vanillastar66: ok
vanillastar66: i will
vanillastar66: **slap**
Horseeyoregal: oo fiesty!
vanillastar66: :-P
Horseeyoregal: slaps sarah back
vanillastar66: haha
Horseeyoregal: (on the ass, that is)
vanillastar66: lmao
vanillastar66: no, thats wut ud do to jeff...
vanillastar66: and charlie
vanillastar66: LOL
Horseeyoregal: NO!
Horseeyoregal: sheesh

someone should nickname me the pageturner. or some long acronymn that means something like lowly freshman page turner, soon to be mainstreet singer and wind ensemble player, but not good enough yet, doomed to turn pages until she is. yeah.

nice singing/oboe playing jeff! that took skill...lol.

goodnight. minimun day and then turkey day!! yay!!

*annoy me here*


:: 2003 24 November :: 4.30pm
:: Mood: sore
:: Music: Phil Collins-You Can't Hurry Love

well, i remember going through the day thinking 'i HAVE to put this in my journal', but now i forget...

no marching band this morning. it was semi-depressing, but the extra sleep was greatly appreciated.

picked persuasive speech topics today in english. SCORE!! our final is a presentation!! get ready for melissa's persuasive speech excellence, mr. smith!! hellz yeah! now THIS'LL be fun...

devin matthews...poor kid. i really don't mean to lead him on. but you know me, i just get all smiley and giggley when guys flirt with me even if the guy's like a total perv and has a weird nose and red hair. haha. sucks for him. devin, honey, iii don't liiike you. don't take the news too hard.

girls' ensemble was just HEAVEN today. we sight sang a christmas song and then a hannukkah song. SOO BEAUTIFUL! AHH!! and all with really interesting alto/second soprano lines...*sigh* i LOVE holiday music.

learned all about the emergency room traumas of one of mrs. williams' daughters during bio. lol. kind of gruesome, but interesting. entertaining way to waste half a period.

discussed nutrition in french. we were telling m youatt what we generally eat and she went on a nutrition tangent. haha.

omg history was INTERESTING!! and i'm starting to like mr. freeman a LOT more now. (this is partly because he wrote 'amazingly well written' on my essay and decided to double the value of the essay for me alone.) but hey. the protestant reformation, as explained by mr. freeman, is actually quite an interesting event! now it's RARE that anyone can make history interesting to me, so when it is, i'm very grateful.

heard that yahya was at Fame on saturday. AHHH! you should be glad you didn't hear me screaming about this. but apparently he looks different. no more or less hot, but different. i liked you how you were, yahya. oh well.

since i'm sure you all care, my little romantic situation is comming along quite nicely at the moment. i'm content. (even without a kiss)

i'm still too lazy to write about the competition...maybe i won't. i don't know. i should. i want a record of it...but eh...idk.

maybe later when i'm procrastinating. not that i'm not now. whatever.

3 *time been annoyed* | *annoy me here*


:: 2003 23 November :: 7.30am
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: none, im talkin to gwen

I jst got bac from seeing Budda!!!! lmao, im a dumbass.... it was rlly fun tho. now im talkin to gwen, although theres a lot of silence... ive already ritin this stupid thing once but i accidently clicked sumthing and the screen went off.

Jenn the elf, whats your favorite color?!

Do uuuuu wannnntt suummm booooooooter?!

ahhhh... good times. well i have absolutely no idea wat to rite. ok well im gona goooo. buh byez!!!!
luv ya,

*annoy me here*

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