The Ramblings of the Official Whatsit
"Sanity and happiness are an impossible combination." -Mark Twain
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:: 2004 9 April :: 9.45pm
:: Mood: a little happy
:: Music: Angry Chair-Alice in Chains

Caleb is SO hitting on me.
I mean.. wow
....ever find out a guy has liked for a while... and you just have to grin...
=DD lol!

But just today I start to realize that he's exactly like a certain someone...
It's funny!

Never look back.


:: 2004 9 April :: 2.00pm
:: Mood: Fine =P
:: Music: What the hell have I?-Alice in Chains

makin' me smile a real smile's gonna take you a while
I love this song.
I love this song.
I love this song.
This song.
I love it.

What the Hell Have I? by Alice in Chains
The face before me flies
Laughs at me inside
Masks are made to hide the glow
Shining eyes
Distance 'tween us grows
Feeding lies

It's hard to start things over
You can feel the fire around us
All the time

Something I should say
It takes you every day
What you give is not alive
Your soul served on a plate
Throw it away

It's hard to start things over
You can feel the fire around us
All the time

It's hard to start things over
Oh yeah
You can feel the fire around us
All the time

It's hard to start things over
Oh yeah
You can feel the fire around us
All the time

All the time

What the hell have i?
Little pride

Now, movies with Arie, then.. arbor with Kae. Mucho fun for juliya till she gets home.

::hums her song..::

1 glance | Never look back.


:: 2004 8 April :: 6.11pm
:: Mood: nauseated
:: Music: Hurt-NIN

The longer you're gone, the more I hate you...
Sure, you care.
God, I feel SO so sick.. yeah.

Dad: "Where are you going?"
Me: "Out."
Dad: "Out where?"
Me: "Out.. side"
Dad: "When will you be back?"
Me: "Later." *slams door*

Sat by the pool in the morning. Walked. Went places.
Now I just feel really sick.
Gene will not stop hitting on me XD
I've got some compliments on my poetry today... =)

The sun went away.
I need to go to the hospital...

Never look back.


:: 2004 8 April :: 11.42am
:: Mood: Frustrated, Careless
:: Music: The Mindmaker-Soilwork

They gave you love, they gave me hate. And we all know which is more vicious...
I hate trying to be a part of something... it's hard. Because I am not a part of it. That stupid feeling.. I wish I would just stay away...

I was... very sick last night. Couldn't sleep, couldn't breath... never mind, anyway.

Last night, before I got home, was pretty cool. Brandi and I got a little food, then walked around the lake and stuff a couple of times. We came back and fed the ducks, and then it was dark and we just sat under the bridge and talked. The sky was very clear... I liked it. :smiles:

Today's plan is with Bradiness ^^. Tomorrow I'm going out all day with Kae.. we'll be going to the movies and the bookstore. Jackie's huge enormous party is saturday, and I'll be there from morning to night. Sunday? Um, bleh. Monday we hope to throw some surprise-partyness for people who's birthday twill be ^_~.

My forehead hurts. O_O xD.
I guess I should get out of here before someone comes home.

2 glances | Never look back.


:: 2004 7 April :: 2.45pm
:: Mood: sick o.o
:: Music: Voices

Fine andrew, I'll give you $2.
It is.. study hall. Something I must mention.. Alex has been acting really weird around me. Seriously, it is not just me! My friends notice. It's odd.

I wrote this during math.. free period of d00m.


We change with every choice we make
You know your life's not yours to take
The haunting hurt keeps me awake
I'm still alive for no one's sake

Your careless words pierce through my skin
My patience now is ever thin
The walls around are caving in
I've always failed, I'll never win

I drown myself in piercing pain
I'm just a burden, just a stain
I'll hurt you if you're here to help
So stay away and save yourself

If you come back, I'll push away
Though inside I wish you'd stay
I cannot hear a word you say
For saving me, I'll make you pay

I don't heal, I just get burned
The hard way is how I have learned
Though I wish I wasn't frozen
It's too late, we are too broken.

Never look back.


:: 2004 6 April :: 9.15pm
:: Mood: nauseated
:: Music: Soilwork

Threw up again. =(. I feel really light headed. I want to talk to Nikki but my mom is on the phone, dammit..
Facts of life:
1] I'm really sick.
2] No one knows
3] I want to see Nicole and Adam very badly.
4] It's a miracle that I haven't passed out
5] You don't know me as well as you think
6] Doesn't matter
7] I don't want to go swimming
9] All I've eaten today is a yogurt and a cup of ramen
10] All I want is for someone to stick around.
11] I don't know..

I'm just putting shit here now so whatever. I'll think of something worthwhile to say soon.

2 glances | Never look back.


:: 2004 6 April :: 8.16pm
:: Mood: Angry, Sick
:: Music: Death Whispered a Lullaby-Opeth

What the fucking hell..
I am so fucking sick of guys trying to take advantage of me. Goddammit, leave me alone, no I don't want a fucking ride.. -.- Fucking whores.
I can't even walk outside now, hmm? Fuck you.

StarkistPixie: why don't they notice?
FuneralPortrait9: Because they are too wrapped up in their own shit.

I know, I know.
I'm sick of wondering what I can talk about in this journal. Just messege me if you want.

I'm angry and light headed... *sigh*

Never look back.


:: 2004 6 April :: 7.53pm
:: Mood: Mixed Emotions
:: Music: It's Elton John Night on American Idol.

Haven't updated in a while. Figured you guys should know I didnt die. So..there ya go. I didnt die. I went to seaworld and had a real blast. I'd only been to seaworld one other time because anytime we go to orlando we go to disney. It was freakin awesome. We went the first day with Will and saw all the shows that we liked before so that will could see them since he didnt go with us before. Then we went to downtown disney, which had minimal pin trading, I was rather disappointed. But the next day, Friday, we got up really early because will had to take off for jacksonville for a golf tournament, then me and my mom got to seaworld about the time it was opening. We get to go for the rest of the year unlimited because I got a funcard and my mom gets in free since she's a teacher. So we went and signed up for all these behind the scenes tours and "Dine with Shamu." All were awesome, on the predators tour we went backstage of shamu stadium and the shark exhibit, then got to touch a shark, and on the Polar Expedition tour we went and saw seals, polar bears, and penguins from the back of the exhibit (much closer to the actual animals) and got to pet a penguin. Man, who would have thought penguins were so soft! But then after those tours and a bit of show-seeing, we went to Dine with Shamu. That was the coolest thing I have ever done. I'll hopefully add piccies later, someone remind me. But it's like a buffet dinner thing right next to the orca pool, and they do a little show for you right there. You get SO CLOSE to them!!! I could have touched him if I reached my hand out. It was so incredible. But anyway, enough about my trip to seaworld.

Been pretty sick the last few days. Sucks.

Today was Solo and Ensemble States. For the most part, excellents all around. Quite a few superiors as well. More drama then necessary, but that's ok. We'll get over it... Yeah.

My baby ducks that live in my yard most of the day that I love oh-so-much seem to have misplaced their mommy. : ( But they should be ok, because they are a few weeks old now, starting to grow adult feathers, (my babies are growing up!) and I feed them atleast once every day. So pretty much, I have adopted 7 baby ducks. I'll put pictures of them up here later too, even though my evil camera deleted the ones I had before. Grr.

Tomorrow is make up chem test, french test, and make up Precalc test. I have no idea what I'm doing on any of them. Wish me luck!

Apparently we have a new assistant band director for next year. This gives me mixed feelings, but I dont expect you to understand why. So just put on a happy face. The lady likes marching band and she knows IB music apparently, so...yay. Gonna go now. Pictures (hopefully) to come later.

Never look back. | Random Journal