2004 6 April :: 6.44pm
:: Mood: Frustrated/Hungry
:: Music: Bleak//Opeth
Lying in a bed of broken glass, but I still smile
I'm talking to Nicole and Lexa, expecting a call from Nikki later =]. Feeling pretty sick. As last night. And a bit dizzy. W00t. Just.. contemplating. And listening to opeth.
Um, I don't know. I'm wondering if I should eat something or not. @.@
Never look back.
2004 6 April :: 7.57am
:: Mood: Awake :)
:: Music: AC/DC Back in Black
Lighting Strikes
Woke up to the awesome sound of thunder and rain pouring down. Wonderful :).
Last night I experienced both extremes of the mood spectrum... first I blahed and tryed to doomdoom, and ladeeda so I got all scared =(.
But hey! Then I won tix to the Vans Warped Tour off the radio. Kickass. They haven't even been printed yet... hell yes.
It would be a violation of some unwritten law to not take laurel ^^. That's basically our thing: We go to concerts together. OoO Magz and Jax are having a party at the Lake. Sounds awesome. =).
Eh. Hope I feel up to going.
Never look back.
2004 5 April :: 10.59pm
I'm so scared.
1 glance |
Never look back.
2004 5 April :: 8.22pm
:: Mood: ?
:: Music: Them Bones-Alice in Chains
Some say we're born into the grave
AAAAH YESSS! New music! and.. new Alice in Chains music!!!! Haha, this is kickass.
Ah, but what tis not kickass at all is that plans for wednesday are off.
What do you think of my poem? ::shrugs::
By the way.. goddammit -.-
YAY much lurve!
Never look back.
2004 5 April :: 7.22pm
:: Mood: distant and fearful
:: Music: whatever will bring me out of the fog
Crimson Vengeance
Slipping. I could sense it today.
Must be because I'm overwhelmed. So much happens at once.
The Great Neopian Depression.
..you know the login page? Well if you forget your password they have a page to click on where you enter your username. Well.. this time.. if you entered your username it displayed your email and password on the page instead of emailing it to you personally. Glitch. If it wasn't your username you looked up? Hacking. Hacking with the glitch... Thrilling.
Over 500 accounts totalled. Mass chaos. Clips from Borovan/Adam.. he semi-cursed. Macho.
Many left.
Hrobi and featheralley frozen for their protection.
I'm on the down low. Absolutely no posting anywhere.
So pissed. Nature and Deb tried to suspend the guild for safety. Bit reckless. Kicked out a few players. Guess who's lucky? -.-
Now guess who is back!
Post on the diary and she'll post back. I knew she would. Took me 76 days to do it.
>> Fourth!?! Yes, yes there is a fourth. Kris! ;.; *hugs really tight* Oh my GOD you scared me so much! I only got this hug and a big ^_^ and and and I looked for you, I did! I looked for you on AIM but you weren't there! I thought you did something bad ;.;.. T_T *clings*
That email I sent long ago. Though if her connection was down I guess she just recently looked for me. Not hard enough I'll say. And without a reply to the email.
That's Kai-chan by the way.
My military friend... God how I worry. He sent me an email like.. a month ago....... and I didn't reply to it. Couldn't.... But... he hasn't written me any others... no jokes or random emails without a message either..
I want to email him.. I do... but... mmmmm.
My stalker friend. He's so sweet and always makes me feel better. Been away often lately though. Last night he came to me with some relationship trouble. I think I could finally actually offer some advice on the subject..
Kyo's changed. It's in the way he responds to me. After I told him he was different but didn't say why... I think he figured it out. So we tried again. But he did the world famous: put the away message saying you've gone out or what not without telling me so that after like a half hour I have to check and see his status manually. Daggers. Push me further.
What else?
I have random, sudden, major bouts of being really tired. Like all of a sudden I'll just be at the point of if I close my eyes I'll be asleep. It's freaky and really aggravating.
State Solo/Ensemble is.. tomorrow. TOMORROW! Have we practiced? No. Is Leah really sick? Yes. Should we play? Dunno but I'm not staying in school.
States for Math are in less than 2 weeks. Missing school for that.
Other things like that.. trips and concerts and performances and going out on weekends and something.. there's something...
It gets hungry.
But it's never full.
Feed it?
Don't get near it!
It'll never leave you alone then.
Sacrifice for a friend?
Why get near it?
It'll haunt you now.
Be afraid.
I'm trying to write... I need to write... need to...
With love...
Question of the Day
Where do you go to think?
Oh yes.. my day.. today
Went to bed at 1:30. Woke up at 5 completely awake.
Math.. guess I did poorly on. Must have.
English.. okay I guess. Themes.. grr.
History. Yeah.
Band. Played the bass drum for like.. half an hour straight. Been months since I've practiced. Ouch. Straight into marimba for another half hour or so. Then to the timpani. No time to talk to Lerner about being drum captain.
Gilbert wasn't happy when I just could not do music anymore. Wow.. I felt so stupid and sad and just.. worthless? Whatever. The seniors are much better than I am.
Hmm.. Is that all to say?
I guess.
Hope everyone liked this update on my life.
2 glances |
Never look back.
2004 5 April :: 5.17pm
:: Mood: Lag x.x
:: Music: What You Are-Audioslave
Now I'm Free from What You Are
We who live in the dark world
We who scream in the night
We who hurt to kill the pain
We who feed on your fright
Some days we come together
Though inside we're all alone
The past eats away at our future
We still hear every shriek and every moan
We never sleep
We never heal
We cannot trust
We never feel
We'll hold you close
We won't forget
But I don't think you know us
I don't think you'll know us ever
But now your pain binds us together
Rip apart your cloth of lies
Soon we'll have you hypnotized
What makes you think that we're not real?
Just because we never feel...
Been humming What You Are all day. And thinking a lot... Omfg, who's idea was it to put caffiene in a painkiller? XD Nice. Lol.
Didn't get to scan anything =P...
x.x read Kristen's chilling tale.. made me so angry. All I have to say... something I often think... How could they?
Also, =).
Geh. I didn't get any sleep... my stomach hurts. Gleep. *sigh*
There are some people in this world who really mean a lot to me, and I think about them often. There are also some people in this world who have convinced me that I mean a lot to them, which simply shocks me.
~Miz Juliya~
2 glances |
Never look back.
2004 4 April :: 9.27pm
:: Mood: Peaceful @.@ Dizzy
:: Music: Cinnamon Girl-TON
::hums:: Chase the moonli-i-ight...
Ah, I feel so buzzy and peaceful. My whole body is filled with this wonderful painless feeling. OoOoO... ::spins:: ::grins::
Haha... Yeah.
Well, I think something's on for wednesday... ::mucho grinning:: YAY... :)
This "shu" person helped me come to an amazing discovery.. all of the severely traumatized people I know are amazing writers. o.o;
On a similar note...
I have a composition notebook covered in magazine cut outs, and I got the week before.. life started to go on fast forward. I'm pretty sure that was in august, or very early september. *thinks* September first was when Nikki went to see TON. Lucky.. gah, I wish I'd made an effort to go...
And on another note, you have all heard the Foo Fighters' remake of Darling Nikki, yes? Is that not the most annoying song on the radio, hmm, hmm?
I am so weird right now.. this is wonderful
I hope I don't pass out
Stolen from darling kris
Act your age: I really don't act anything like my age..
Born on what day of the week: lol, who cares
Chore you hate: Roomcleanin!
Dad's name: Vadim
Essentail make-up item: eyeliner
Favorite actors/actresses: Angelina Jolie
Gold or sliver: silver
Hometown: Austin
Instruments you play: Used to play flute, Guitar
Job title: ARTIST =D
Kids: One, if any
Living arrangements: Mom and Dad o.o Apartment of doom
Mom's name: Geanna
Number of socks you own: I hate socks
Overnight hospital stays: Not yet
Phobia: Mirky Water
Quote you like: "If they give you lined paper, write the other way"
Religious affiliation: Perhaps I believe there's something out there
Siblings: zer0
Time you woke up today: 6am, and on rare days 12pm
Unusual habits: Ahaha... lets not go there hun.
Vicious thing you've done: I used to bite people viciously >XD
Worst habit: You know... maybe
X-rays you've had: um, teeth?
Your favorite season: like em all =)
Zodiac sign: capricorn
Well, I'm going to do some homework n guitar, maybe poetry.. =). Byebye.
2 glances |
Never look back.
2004 4 April :: 3.02pm
:: Mood: contemplative
:: Music: Figure Number Five-Soilwork
Create me... lucky enough
So uh, o.o.
I would like to direct your attention to my new CG.
Here it is.
Wee o.o
I'll try to scan paintings monday.
Making plans today? I'm contemplating. oOo. Blah.
Guitar lesson... watched "runaway jury" last night. And painted a lot. And um =P
Worrying about Kristen. x.x
Spring holiday is next week.. I have a feeling mine's gunna be awesome.
Eh, mom bugging. Tata.
3 glances |
Never look back.