2004 24 April :: 10.54 am
:: Mood: moved
:: Music: All Down Hill From Here by: New Found Glory
"I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." Phillipians 4:13
i was checking my email when i read this...it actually looks better when u click the link but u can read it to. http://www.theinterviewwithgod.com/
here it goes----->
I dreamed I had an interview with God.
“So you would like to interview me?” God asked.
“If you have the time” I said.
God smiled. “My time is eternity.”
“What questions do you have in mind for me?”
“What surprises you most about humankind?”
God answered...
“That they get bored with childhood,
they rush to grow up, and then
long to be children again.”
“That they lose their health to make money...
and then lose their money to restore their health.”
“That by thinking anxiously about the future,
they forget the present,
such that they live in neither
the present nor the future.”
"That they live as if they will never die,
and die as though they had never lived.”
God’s hand took mine
and we were silent for a while.
And then I asked...
“As a parent, what are some of life’s lessons
you want your children to learn?”
“To learn they cannot make anyone
love them. All they can do
is let themselves be loved.”
“To learn that it is not good
to compare themselves to others.”
“To learn to forgive
by practicing forgiveness.”
“To learn that it only takes a few seconds
to open profound wounds in those they love,
and it can take many years to heal them.”
“To learn that a rich person
is not one who has the most,
but is one who needs the least.”
“To learn that there are people
who love them dearly,
but simply have not yet learned
how to express or show their feelings.”
“To learn that two people can
look at the same thing
and see it differently.”
“To learn that it is not enough that they
forgive one another, but they must also forgive themselves.”
"Thank you for your time," I said humbly.
"Is there anything else
you would like your children to know?"
God smiled and said,
“Just know that I am here... always.”
<------ i thought it had a ril good message in it...almost made me cry :)
...[Ryan |
2004 23 April :: 10.25 pm
:: Mood: retarded
:: Music: me yawning..
haha imma loser!
like my loser icon? i thought it was cute and it sorta fits me! cuz u kno im sucha loser!! ahahaha anywho i jus updated like 3 times in 20 minutes. what a loser that janelle girl is!! piece.
1 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 23 April :: 10.05 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Take my breath away by :jessica simpson
u guys!!!!
the whole point of commenting is to do it randomly and periodically on all entries...not jus like a bazillion comments on the entry that complains bout ya'll not commenting!! ahaha this way it looks like i have friends!! ;) hahahahaha.... PiEcE!
...[Ryan |
2004 23 April :: 9.58 pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: Parents talkin in the bedroom..
ahhh! i wanna scream!!!!!!!!!
tonite was sooo incredibly gay and boring its not the least bit funni. ahhh!!! did ABSOLUTELY POSIVITELY NOTHING. couldnt get a hold of anyone and the ppl we did were tired or bizzy or didnt want to hang out. i didnt wanna go to the movies so we did nothing. jus sat around and walked around. it was sooo gay. im sooo pissed. i culda made plans if i wulda known that i wasnt gunna do sumthin 2day (COUGH camila u kno wut im talkin bout COUGH) anywho...now im at home and bored as hell. 2morrow i think me and camila are gunna go hang out with kenny and sean (the hot one) sumwhere. IF it happens, it shuld be fun. otherwise i'll be doing nothing...again!!! ahhh! i want a boyfriend again lol it gives me sumthin to do on the weekends at least!!! haha but like most of the ppl i like are already taken with sum bitch (COUGH again camila u kno who im talkin bout COUGH) and the others...well idunno. well im gunna go cuz im bored/tired/hungry/annoyed/have nuttin else to say. lol . im out. piece.
...[Ryan |
2004 23 April :: 3.45 pm
:: Mood: cynical
:: Music: Testing 1 2 3 by: Barenaked Ladies
I like you a lot but im rilly upset...
today was alrite. geometry learned new lessons...i get it! lol i have an 81.93 in the class. absolutely horrible. so i did two things for extra credit today. that'll help. in english i sat in the bak of the room by bryan. it was fun i like the bak. i hate my seat in the front. i feel so isolated. mr. levin was being an ass like usual. took a bio test. aww man it was soo hard. i studied alot for it too. god damn it! i hate that class. i wish my old teacher never had sex and had a baby, i wuld still have a high A!!! lol . history--did book work and watched a movie on hitler. i feel aslepp for the whole thing and accidently drooled!! hahaha im sucha freak. took kyrie and jack home and now im here, on the phone wit cami, waiting for my bagel bites to get done in the oven, and trying to figure out wut we are gnna do today. so yeah. im bored. call me!!! alritey im out!! piece!
...[Ryan |
2004 22 April :: 8.48 pm
:: Mood: distressed
:: Music: My Band by: D12
today was a half day. it was gay. so much runnin around skool and we did like nothing in all my classes except history. we took a test, it was rilly hard. grrr... that means my grades are droppin even more!! ahh! im soo stressed it aint even funni. 4 weeks of skool left and i have at least 3 B's!!! maybe even a C in geometry. ahh totally unacceptable. anywho the half day was gay. we were on our way walkin to mama's pizza and sum ppl get in the car with onan and get driven there. then he comes and piks up sum more ppl and the rest of us are left to walk. by the time we get there, they had already order and shit. and we had to sit at a seperate table. we were pissed. lol especially kyrie. haha then we walked bak to dilans. well only me, kyrie, jack, carolyn, and mara walked. everyone else drove. how gay. w/e then left like 30 minutes later. went home, waited for camila, did nothing then ate dinner at subway. we saww nick there <33 haha hes soo adorable!! lol then i did my biology vocab and content review then sat outside and read the whole chapter. im gunna go to sleep in 15 minutes cuz im trying to get myself bak on schedule. ive been soooo incredibly tired lately and i CANNOT fall asleep again in skeltons class 2morrow. i gotta pay attention. ick! well im out. piece.
...[Ryan |
2004 21 April :: 6.24 pm
:: Mood: unloved
:: Music: pots and pans banging in the kitchen..
no one ever comments in my journal. *cries* YOU ALL HATE ME!!!! :(
12 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 21 April :: 3.38 pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: The best of me by: the starting line
another day, another...pineapple?
today was asi-asi. spanish was alrite. drivers ed boring didnt get to go driving *tear* bio was gay we took notes and then did our lab but since my group was done, i had to sit and listen to marissa's boy problem. ick! hahaha im sooo mean. then in p.e. angelica was bak!!! YAY!!!! i missed her mucho much!!!! and turns out jose (one of the hot spanish guys) likes dilan. so she got to takl to him for the entire beginning part of class. we went outside and played bball with lucy and such. then they were all like "lets play knockout." soooo 5th grade. i played tho and would get to be like one of the last three till sumone wuld get me out. but jared is rilly gay. he refers to me as "...the girl" its rilly gay. i hate when boys have their head sooooo far up their ass that they act like jerks to keep their ego up. its fuked up if u ask me. but w/e. it was kinda fun. lucy came to the conclusion that i have an allergy to sheep. Baaaaa! Baaaaa! haha anywho...
i heard sum troubling news yesterday and i hope it doesnt come tru. ill die. seriously. im upset bout it, but at the same time its sooo shockin that i cant believe it. siiighhh....
ooo yesterday me and camila met up with scott, gustavo, and jeremy. it was fun sorta.
well im gunna go cuz im on the phone with cami. ttyl bye ya'll sexii mamas!!!
...[Ryan |
2004 20 April :: 4.01 pm
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Space by: Something Corporate
yay for me!!!
I MADE IT INTO NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY!!! wo0t! wo0t! im soo happi. however the rest of the day was crap. did terrible on my geometry test, even cheating didnt help!!! english...BORING! took vocab test..gotta 100%. then we went and voted and me and kyrie snuck off and went to say hi to dilan at the multicultural day. then we went bak to class and did poetry...FUN!! not lol. bio was boring i did eat a carrot tho! hehe and then history. it redefined the word boring. i was fallin asleep sittin up and it was terrible. soo incredibly boring. ooo and jack is havin and apendicitus attack and doesnt care!! haha Ow Ow!! lol then when i was driving home, gustavo called. called him bak. didnt get him. then he called me bak and hes at target. i culdnt get a ride up there so he mite come like to the new park or sumthin so we can hang. i dunno who hes with tho. chris probly and hes gunna try and call scott. i hope he calls bak, im rilly bored!!!! well im gunna go bak to listenin to me musix, talk to ya'll another time! Bye!
...[Ryan |
2004 19 April :: 3.45 pm
:: Mood: dorky
:: Music: Five for Fighting
haha this entry is gay...
~i didnt get to go driving in drivers ed today so i made a list of EVERY guy i EVER had a crush on, even if it was jus like a one day thing. lol so here it is. dont feel too special if ur on it....
-bryan r.
-andre...wtf was i thinkin??! LOL
-scott a.
-bryan k.
-scott m.
-sean a.
----umm im pretty sure there was a couple more but i cant find the list so that was what i remembered.
....o0o...yeah dont be all like "janelle liked me? wtf?!?!" cuz i only like about 3 ppl on that list of like 30 so dont start thinkin shit! ok ok, lol. yeah anyways...if i think of anny more ill add them!! OvEr and OuT
4 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 17 April :: 11.55 pm
:: Mood: wondering
:: Music: tv in other room...
jus seeing if a star came out...
1 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 17 April :: 6.56 pm
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: Space by: Something Corporate
haha...fun day sorta
today was fun kinda. allie called and we hung out at like 2. dan and phillip didnt want to hang out. scott was going to jeremys. gustavo had no ride. so we called jd. we went to his house and knocked on his window with a stick. then went to the door. we hung out on the driveway for like 30 minutes. then we walked up to the gas station. then to allies house, got coke, and sat in here tree house. it was funn. then we went to eddies and it took him forever to come out. then they left us. wtf!! lol so went to our spot again. then we were coming bak and saw a dead turtle in the street, poor poor turtle. now im sitting here doing absolutely NOTHING! im bored. so im gunna go find sum thing to do. im out. piece.
1) "The Leaf is not very absorbent!" -janelle
2) " TooT TooT" its nature"--allie, "shit happens"--janelle
3) "RIP" TURTLE TURTLE TURTLE!!--both of us
hahahahaha that was fun! later!
2 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 17 April :: 11.17 am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Burn by: Usher
shit happens..
well today is gunna be gay. i was supposed to hang out with gustavo but he coulnt make it. so w/e and i dont rilly wanna hang out with alina cuz theres nuttin to do and camila cant leave the house. so i dunno what to do. if i wulda known he wasnt going like a few hourse earlier, i wulda gone to the movies at 11 pm with kyrie and dilan. god damn that phone is ringing. its alina. well i have nothing more to say, if anyone wants to do anything today plezzz tell me cuz im gunna be bored. kk im out. piece.
...[Ryan |
2004 16 April :: 3.33 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: YeAh!!! by: Usher, Ludacris and LiL Jon!!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!
this week went by fast yet at the same time slow. i thought today was never gunna end. today was so boring im not even gunna tell u how boring it was. took SRI in bio and i hate it. everyone always gets 1500 even the not the brite students and i always get a lower number like 1369. im so pissed. i slept for 25-30 minutes in skelton and john started to shake my desk and woke me up. god i thought i had a heart attack. after skool took jack and kyrie home now im here waitin for alina and jd and seth to get home. jd told me i shuld keep learnin how to skateboard cuz outta all the girls hes seen try to skateboard, that i have the best balance and form. yay! heheh i love that sport alot and wuld love to be able to do it. i almost mastered an ollie yesterday. sooo close!!! hopefully today i can do it for real!!! tomorrow im hangin out with gustavo. shuld be fun :) lol well im gunna go get a granola bar cuz im hungry. OvEr and OuT!..!..!
...[Ryan |
2004 15 April :: 3.48 pm
:: Mood: depressed
:: Music: Burn by: Usher
I jus wanna break down and cry... o0o0o
sighh...today suxked majorly. spanish-gay we did two idiotic advertisements which were probly not done rite. drivers ed-stupid. i had to drive on I-95 for lik 10 minutes then i almost fell asleep in the back seat. bio-test EASY!! p.e.-totally ridiculous. angelica wasnt there..patrick and damein were being annoyin and took my pink studded braclet and gave ti to the gay ass "pimpin" freshman. and i had to like get it bak and i dont even kno them much less like them. then i sttod and was sorta playin bball with lucy and sum other guys. it was gay. they were jus shootin and when i made it bobby threw the ball the other fukin way. i hate that motherfucker. god wut the hell seriously i never did shit to him. even lucy was like god yo. lol anywho then i went outside and like no one was doing anything then i played bball with miguel, bob, and lucy. it was alrite. now im bored. i have history hw and im supposed to go to youth group but janis isnt going so were not going till next time lol. well im gunna go im done boring ya'll with my super exciting day. piece.
...[Ryan |
2004 14 April :: 3.29 am
:: Mood: amused
:: Music: She Bangs by: William Hung!! hahahahaha
hahahahhaha in geometry me, louis, and sean always argue whether or not platapus' are poisonous. sean is the only one who says they are. so today louis was sleepin and sean was all like "louis are u having the dream with the platapus. hes sayin in a cute high pithced voice COME GIVE US A HUG and they are coming at u with their teethy hands and courtney is behind them commanding them to get u. yeah but dont worry i dream that everynite too." hahahahahahahahahaha omg i laughed histerically. i guess mayb u had to be there during our platapus discussions. haha anyewho... yeah thats about the only cool thing that happened today. so i rilly gots nuttin to write. oooo yeah i gotta tell juliano to draw me a time machine watch for spanish tomorrow. lol for yet ANOTHER gay advertisement thing. OMG! tomorrow in drivers ed we are gunna go driving on I-95!! AHHHH!!! i have like a phobia of driving on that road like i seriously do. im scurred. lol i hate when ppl say that. but then y do i say it? hmm... good question.
--wow this entry is kinda random and pointless isnt it? haha i <3 it!!!
--ooh yeah i need everyones opinion on whether i am ...
leave a comment and tell whatcha think. i need it for an essay in english. thanks a bunch!
well imma gunna go finish listening to william hung's HILARIOUS album and go bak to talkin to scott and gustavo, see ya'll sexii beast 2morrow!!! *mwa*
...[Ryan |
2004 13 April :: 3.49 am
:: Mood: disappointed
:: Music: Don't Tell Me by: Avril Lavigne
Im better off alone anyway...
ahhh god! guys, soo confusing. i have no clue who i like rite now and its pissing me off. theres lop u cop yop but like hes taken with that slut ass biotch!! LoL and sumtimes i think i like that annoyin pop a top rop i cop kop but then theres gop u sop top a vop o. AHH!! w/e . i dun care. OMG seth is soooooo fukin hot!!!!! with a capital H!!! hahaha today was sooo gay, we did this gay advertisement thing in spanish, driving was gay, i did bad and was soo tired, bio was gay, so was p.e. it rained so we had to stay inside and i didnt get to play bball *tear* but instead i talked to daniel and patrick. im bored i wanna go outside but its wet and i dun want my hair to get anymore wavy then it already is, w/e im calling alina..piece out ya'll!!
...[Ryan |
2004 12 April :: 3.54 am
:: Mood: jubilant
:: Music: I'd Do Anything by: Simple Plan
Super Bag!!!!
haha scott and martin!!! LoL anywho today was alrite. geometry got my test bak..89 god that suxks sooo many balls!!! ahh! in spanish we took a quiz...think i did splendidly, then she assigned us sum gay advertisment project. w/e. english--quiz and discussion on the FrAnKeNsTeIn..mwuhahaha! lol anywho...drivers ed we went out driving even tho there had been a huge storm like 30 minutes earlier where even the power went out for like 2.5 seconds. i forgot my lunch at home and my frankenstein book in the drivers ed car. god im soo dumb. then bio we did that gay moss and fern lab again and got assigned a 4-5 page report on a animal. how gay. p.e. was fun we played bball for a while. angelica wasnt there *tear* then history we turned in our registration forms and then i took the test that i missed. it was simple like a pimple. LoL this saturday im doing sumthin with gustavo...cool ain't it? lol. well im gunna go see if alina is home cuz im bored. piece out ya'll!!
...[Ryan |
2004 11 April :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: thankful
:: Music: sound of me scratching my mosquito bites..
He Is Risen~!!
YAY! its easter!! i haveta go to church in a lil while. well since i havent updated in a while...ill tell ya'll bout my weekend.
THURSDAY: skool. didnt have time to study for my history test so i left skool early. then me and camila called scott and he was going to jeremys. we didnt go instead we hung with seth, jd, and kevin...eww! lol then later we chilled with jeremy and scott. haha i got to shoot his paintball gun it was fun.
FRIDAY: slept til noon. then me and camila got dressed up and went to the mall and fridays for dinner. it was fun, i bought a cute pink and black skirt at rave and kick ass jewelry at claires. everyone was staring at camila cuz she looked like a goth chick. lol oooh yeah and i was talkin to dan on thursday and he referred to me as an "old girlfriend" i dunno its weird. but then again im weird so ha.
SATURDAY: did nothing. did chores and then we went to ross with camilas mommy. i bought an outfit fo today. its super cute. then we came home and tylers uncle was tehre...(the one thats like our age) so we were all hangin out in alinas garage cami, steph and alina were sitting down and i was trying to go up a lil ramp and down a rail on a skateboard. haha it was fun, sorta. then scott came to hang out with us but a huge ass storm kicked up so he left.
SUNDAY: i gotta go to church soon and then i have to study for that history test. so yeah.
~well that was my weekend. ttya'll later! piece!
...[Ryan |
2004 5 April :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: accomplished
:: Music: No Doubt: It's My Life (gay song)
today was alrite, geometry, spanish, english= BORING. in drivers ed i got to go driving!! yay!! i didnt do too bad until the cones, i ended up on the curb once and almost ran over a cone!!! haha it was fun tho. biology was gay. i have like the worst friggin group possible for labs. i hate it. p.e. was gay. jared and scott have to be the most retarded, immature fagget freshmen i kno. god i wanted to slap them. then 7th hour we had registration for skool next year. my rank was 46 outta 587. not bad. 10 percentile. not too shabby but i want better!!! mwuhahaha. lol i have no clue what classes im gunna take next year. i wanna take 3 AP classes but that mite be too much. ahh i dunno. well im gunna go bak to eating my ham sandwich lol talk to all u cool people tomorrow. piece!!!!
...[Ryan |
2004 3 April :: 11.29 am
:: Mood: loved
:: Music: barking dog outside..
Im Now Officially 16!!!!
yes, yesterday was my bday. it was soooo awesome. daddy took me to starbucks before skool and my friends brought me balloons and presents. Desiree brought me 3 balloons tied to a lil stuffed dog, mara got me a purse and a mini balloon that was so cute, shreya got me a purse, sandals, and a lil notebook, kyrie brought me two balloons and made me 2 ankle bracelets, dilan got me a cute lil teddy bear with a turkish bracelet on it and these cute pink earring, jack got me a J necklace and a stuffed doggy, and jordana got me 4 movie passes. i <3333 my friends!! hehe the day was fun, i kept smakin random ppl in the head with my balloons!! gop o top a hop u gop fop rop o mop Lop u cop yop!!!!!! hahahhha that like made my day! lol then we went to chuck e. cheese!! ahaha it was hilarious. me and jack and kyrie and shreya and mike went. it was fun. then came home, opened more presents, and ate cake. then went outside with kristin and camila and alina and we eventually hung out with scott. it was fun. alina got me a very cute blue star necklace. then jorge and kevin came and we were like tryin to get away from them but they kept following us!!! ahhh! they are sooo gay. but w/e i gotta go do my chores, grr! piece out!!
...[Ryan |
2004 1 April :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: excited!!!
:: Music: Lostprophets: Last Train Home
woohoo! tomorrow i turn 16! the big 1-6!!!! im so excited. me,dilan,kyrie,jack,shreya, and now angelica are going to chuck e. cheese after skool 4 my bday. how gay is that? its AWESOME!! haha im sucha loseR! anways today was pretty good. p.e. was fun. cept for that queer ass kid robert. god i hate him. ahhh! anywho im gunna go over and see if alina is home, ill talk to all u ppl tomorrow as a sixteen year old!! yay! piece.
<3-jan jan the cheerleadin man!! haha lucy!
...[Ryan |
2004 31 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: disgusted
:: Music: The Remedy by: Jason Maraz
yuck!!! *barfs*
eww im eatin a hot pocket for the first time ever cuz im like rilly hungry and it is sooo gross. fake meat in fake sauce in a fake crispy thing on the outside. not my choice of an after skool snack. anywho, today suxked. took a geometry test, think i did so-so. got my research paper bak,...90%. mother fuker! god i shulda at least deserved an 95 for re-doing that god forbid paper 4 times!!!!! ahhh i hate him. w/e. its still an A. did another lab today with my great group. haha not. history was so gay and boring i dont even kno wut it was about. haha. well only one more day till my bday and i cant wait!! woohoo! 16 baby!! i think we'll jus end up going to chuck e. cheese cuz there is nuttin else to do. so yeah. im gunna go throw this hot pocket away. piece.
...[Ryan |
2004 30 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: hyper
:: Music: dog barking at UPS man..
hyper-adj. excessive sensitive, overly, major, SUPER!!!
hahahahahhahaha.. wow i am like so hyper its annoying. jus ask scott for example. lol! well the entire 3/4 of the day was boring as hell! but p.e. was fun. me and angelica walked around and sh!t then we went outside. tried to stop orphan boy chris from offending Happi by askin him if he bought his turbin from ebay, then we played 21 with lucy, mario, matt, uhh...grant and jared (sucha queer) it was pretty gay so me and angelica sang our "Yodeler" song. haha its great. then was talkin to daniel and juliano bout sum concert that is gunna feature like Korn, the used, sum other metal/rock person and...(drumroll plez)..SNOOP DOG!! wtf? how weird is that yo? hahaha oh yeah and im convinced that juliano is a vampire!! lol then i skipped over to scott and was so jumpy and happi that i scared him. hahahahaha it was sooo funni. OMG! we are going to Chuck E. Cheese after skool on my bday!!! ahh! how fun is that?? lol i kno im a big dorki loser!!! haha. well imma gunna go, piece!!!!
<3-jan ---(ahhh! everytime lucy calls me that it sticks and it rilly annoys me!!! AHH!! :-!)
...[Ryan |
2004 29 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: My soda fizzing in the cup..
haha ...quiz!!
im bored so i took sum stupid quiz/survey thing in juliano's profile. its what word best describes you. heres what i got....---->

ok ya, that was fun. im out. piece.
...[Ryan |
2004 15 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: hungry
:: Music: the wonderful sounds of me typing on the keyboard..
grrr!! skool!
today we had to go bak to skool, it totally suxked. i barely got any sleep last nite so i was soo tired. i looked like i was stoned! haha anywho, the day went by alrite. tomorrow shuld be better. its not regular.
im still mad about the whole shoe incident with camila. i kno it sounds like im holdin a grudge becuz she didnt even get the same brand of shoes! its just the fact that she was being so stubborn and made me cry like 5 minutes before i was supposed to go with lauri,kelsey,and kerri for my big fun bday thing. my mom, being the greatest and nicest mom ever, felt bad for me, handed me a $100 bill, and told me to go to the mall before dinner and buy my shoes!! however, this made me upset. now, i wont have hardly anything to open on my bday, and i had this whole mother daughter bonding shopping thing planned to do in order to buy my shoes. but noooo, i had to get them by myself and pay 80 fukin dollars for them instead of shoppin around for the better deal. also, my mom had given me our family's grocery $$ for the week to buy my shoes and make me happi. so this week our food supply is kinda skimpy. i feel rilly bad but im jus like ahhh cuz if she wulda jus said i wont get the adios in the first place, i wulda saved me a lotta emotional issues, and my mom sum money. well w/e theres nuttin more i can do. im hungry, gunna go get sum food. i mite go hang with scott later. not sure tho. well im out. piece ya'll!
...[Ryan |
2004 28 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: Happi (sorta)
:: Music: washin machine going "wishy washy"
my new hot shoes...
i figured since other ppl brag, why cant i? ig ot my shoes finally after wanting them for a whole year!!!! yay! they look so hot with my pink laces..!!!

ok im done gloating. haha im not usually the bragging type but i cant help it!! ah! yay! im out.
1 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 28 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: extremely mad at sumone....
:: Music: Allie on the phone....
last nite = FuN!!!
yesterday was a super duper crazii day!!! hahahaha....
DURING THE DAY: i hung out with allie the whole day. she bought me a blizzard for my bday! yay! haha then we walked to the new park and these ugly/scary guyz kept staring so i waved and they mooned me!!! I SAW HIS BUTT!!!! haha it was gross. then we saw this cute kid at the park and this kinda old man was all like "hey get ur skates and join the fun" we were like "no thanks" haha. after we went to publix and i found a pile of pennies so we became jewish and piked them up. i threw one over the aisle of groceries and hit a hot kid with it. then tehy stalked us throughout the store. it was funni. then we went to the old park and sat in our spot by the lake where these boys were. they were purdy darn cute!! hehe then they threw rocks at us!!! so we threw sum bak and it turned into this huge rock fight ooo ya and sum cute kid stole my shoes and we culdnt find both of them!!! haha then they started throwin mud!!! eww!! lol and the cute kid ran INTO THE LAKE!!! how disgusting is that? it was o funni tho!!!! then i had to run home and shower til quick for the nite....
DURING THE NITE: lauri and kerri piked me up at 7:45 after i had been crying over sumthin and asked if they would take me to the mall before we went to eat so i could get my shoes. I LOVE MY MOMMY. <3 <3 so we did after we got kelsey. then i got them and we went to eat at Cheesecake Factory. our waiter was rilly cute!!! hehe i got chicken tenders (of course) it was good, but VERY expensive. then we order to slices of cheesecake and they came bak with them and sang happy birthday to me. it was funni/embarrassing. tehy wrote "Happy Birhtday to You" in chocolate sauce around the plate and put sprinkles on it. and a candle..(i kept it) haha. it was great. then we were gunna go home and we had the windows down, muzic blastin, and our hair blowin everywhere and we were dancin, it was sooo fun! these old ppl were laughin and these scarii guyz asked us to "pull over" cuz i waved. it was funni. then we went crusin down Atlantic by all the shops and restaurants. there were these hot ass skaters there, woowee!! lol then we walkd around there and peed in a ice cream store called "Foxy's Ice Cream Parlor" haha funni name. then we went home and watched "Uptown Girls" what a dumb movie. lol . sleepin was sooo uncomfortable. haha. but it was a great birthday-and heck, its not even my bday yet!!!! lol well then i drove home and got coffee with my new starbucks card!!! -thanks lauri!!! now im waitin for allie to finish washin windows so we can hang out. well im out. piece ya'll!!
Quotes of the Day:
"Im left in my blind eye!"
"I have Jewish pennies!!"
PS- 5 days till i turn 16!!! woohoo!!!
2 _* |
...[Ryan |
2004 27 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: anxious
:: Music: Sum fishing show on TV...
yay! fun finally!!!
wow last nite i actually did sumthin and it was actually fun!! haha. me and camila were gunna hang out with scott so i had to push camila all the way to the lake on a skateboard cuz it goes faster. on the way this big wolf dog comes up to us. i like jump on camils head cuz im so scared. lol it was funni. then we meet up at the lake with scott, gustavo, and anthony. then we slowly but surely made it to the park. it was fun but camila like couldnt go in the sand cuz of her cast. then it started raining so we had to go under that picnic table thingy. ooo ya...."THE ALMIGHTY OFFICE SUPPLIES!!!!" haha that was rilly....weird. LoL it was fun. then anthony got piked up and me,camila,scott,and gustavo went to our neighborhood and we sat on camilas driveway till bout 11. yeah then i slept over and left at 10 and camila was still sleeping. now i gotta do my chores...ick!! but later im going to the cheesecake factory with lauri and kelsey!! yay! more fun!!! alrite, im out.
<3-janelle...if wackenhut asks, my name is melanie!!!
...[Ryan |
2004 26 March :: 4.16 pm
:: Mood: gloomy
:: Music: Don't Wanna Think ABout You by: SImple Plan
--i have no subject--
Woopie. one week till my 16th birthday and i couldnt be happier...yeah riiiiight. this birthday suxks and i dunno why. i mean im gettin everything i wanted but still. i feel rilly ..like weird. im kinda having conflicting emotions over sumthin that i rilly dont wanna talk about. hhmm..mayb thats why im so down? lol anyways w/e this entry is kinda gay/pointless so ill leave now. piece.
...[Ryan |