2013 12 September :: 9.11pm
so, i applied for a job today that required me to write a cover letter.
I've never done that before.
adult decisions.
1 Lover |
Leave me some Love
2013 9 September :: 9.57pm
went to andy's house tonight, his mom called me earlier today to see if i could come over and get some pictures and videos off an old phone.
it was an interesting expierence. We talked about alot of things, some made me laugh, some made me sad.
Just an interesting expierence all around.
1 Lover |
Leave me some Love
2013 6 August :: 10.52am
Another short work of week again. I could get use to this, too bad its the last one till my wedding. I have been getting lots of stuff done with my wedding, I'm getting more and more excited. Also very excited for our honeymoon. Shadow puppy foot is finally healed. I'm so happy, now he can come camping this weekend. I see a sign already for Halloween city on Alpine. As always excited for Halloween, hopefully someone has a good party.
Leave me some Love
2013 20 July :: 9.58am
In case facebook didn't tell you I'm soo excited about Kelly Clarkson concert tonight! !!!
1 Lover |
Leave me some Love
2013 16 July :: 10.23am
Only 3 more days of work and I'm on vacation. So ready for camping with the family. I wish Jordan could go the whole time, but at least he got some days off. Shadow puppy is going to have so much fun, I cant wait to see if he remembers from last year or not. The zoo was alright on Sunday. Binder is not that big, the best part was feeding the giraffes. The girls had fun though and it was nice to do stuff with Jordan's Family. I got my wedding dress on Saturday and for about half of what I thought it was going to cost. That's one more then I can check of the wedding list. So excited for the future.
Leave me some Love
2013 15 July :: 7.43pm
sometimes i'm pissed off and i don't know why.
4 Lovers |
Leave me some Love
2013 9 July :: 9.10pm
:: Mood: content
Lake Tahoe
it's hard to stay mad when you live in paradise.
seriously, i love this place. and it is making me a better person in the process.
1 Lover |
Leave me some Love
2013 7 July :: 11.08am
Finally feeling settled in the new house. We are loving how quite it is up here. We finally got out engagement pictures taken and they turned out great. I will have to buy some new frames for all those pictures. We got so many with the engagement, cant wait to see how much we get for the wedding. We booked out honeymoon last week. Super excited for a nice vacation. This weekend I'm going to get my dress. I feel like I'm starting to get a lot done when it comes to the wedding. It will be here before I know it.
Leave me some Love
2013 21 June :: 1.55pm
This is what a blockquote looks like.
Leave me some Love
2013 13 June :: 11.05am
Todays workout kicked my ass. But it feels good to sweat from the side of my boob.
1 Lover |
Leave me some Love