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-.In Joy and Sorrow.-

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:: 2011 30 March :: 9.47am

How long do you stick your neck out till it gets severed off?

Leave me some Love


:: 2011 28 March :: 11.54am

gettin' pushed around by the county, glad I'm done with Jury Duty.

it's fuckin' stupid

2 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2011 27 March :: 11.05am


Leave me some Love


:: 2011 24 March :: 2.57pm

I'm too fucking grizzled and stubborn to stay down for too long.

Leave me some Love


:: 2011 24 March :: 8.56am

life is making me not happy.
and yes, i have friends that are getting just as much crap life and more than me, but i feel like I am at the breaking point.

Maybe I've never been that strong... or maybe it just isn't worth it anymore.

Leave me some Love


:: 2011 22 March :: 7.03pm

Still feels like my mother loves my ex more than she does me.

There are some parts of my life that i just hate so much.

I'm looking forward to the future though

2 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2011 20 March :: 7.00pm

Waiting, this is painful. Sometimes you just have to roll those dice and see how they land.

2 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2011 19 March :: 12.27am
:: Mood: party-mode
:: Music: bob marley - all in one

at least it was the 18th when i started writing....
So, I'm deeming the first fire of the year a success. I mean, it was on fire, but the rest of the neighborhood didn't catch. I typically consider that a success.

I'd rather brush the fact that it was just me by myself out there under the rug. But even still, it was nice. The moon was big and bright, which made it fun.

I got to work outside today, which was nice. Nothing like swingin' a hammer in the fresh air.

That's about it. I've been pretty lame lately.

Be safe, and stay classy, kiddos.

p.s. I made a fried egg sandwich. It was delicious.

2 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2011 8 March :: 4.12pm

there are some things in life that are just fucked up....

1 Lover | Leave me some Love


:: 2011 8 March :: 7.40am

just want to thank my ex-girlfriend for turning my whole family against me.

no, i don't have to kiss your ass to see my child.

Leave me some Love

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