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-.In Joy and Sorrow.-

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:: 2011 5 January :: 11.21am

gotta love classes that are truly a waste of time.
ah well, at least it is a fitness refresher... as long as it doesn't continue to make me fall apart we should be good.

day 1 strained shins
day 1 1/2-2 sore knee

no class tomorrow through next monday, so hopefully no more damage.

Leave me some Love


:: 2011 3 January :: 2.32pm

mike just gave me mail that i got from a teacher... it made my day worse, if that is possible.

please don't mind me crawling in a hole to die now. i def feel ashamed and disgusted that my teacher should have failed me because of how far behind i got but she still passed me.
i guess it was nice, but honestly now i feel like a worthless sack(again). not that he cares about any of the correlation to why my grades were soooooo horrible. it kills me, it really does.

thanks for waking me up to give me mail and making me feel like total shit. i will be spending the rest of the day in bed crying now. thanks.

Leave me some Love


:: 2011 3 January :: 11.21am

So things are going really good, I feel like this is going to be a really good year. I have a amazing boyfreind finally and seems like I have finally found a great circle of friends. That just dont sit around smoking pot all the time. I cant believe next year am graduating from the nursing program, cant wait!. Hope all is well with everyone else.

Leave me some Love


:: 2011 2 January :: 5.09am

Dear beave,

Keep your stick on the ice


1 Lover | Leave me some Love


:: 2011 2 January :: 2.23am

So, I don't really believe in New Years Resolutions considering the change from year to year is really just another day, just like any other over commercialized day. This year however, I have resolved that I will run at least 5k, (I am supposed to run like a half marathon... but we'll see how the 5k goes first.) I am enacting operation marshmallow and untoasted marshmallow to fulfill my goals for the next few months.
My head unfortunately is not all together and I feel lacking but I am the only one who can make my goals happen. So, the plan is as follows:
1. I would like to lose at least 25lbs by my birthday and be back in the 160 range by next Thanksgiving/ Christmas. I think a year to lose about 50lbs is totally kosher.
2. Train to start running, this is part of step 1 but with my shin splints, I think it may take a few months to get to the point of really running. So, pool running, eliptical, pilates... you get the idea.
3. Get a job. This has little priority to me with the exception of the extra money. I have it hanging over my head that since I don't work (but do go to school) that I don't contribute, and this could drivel out to a big complaint about my living space, ect BUT I will not go there right now. Point is me + job= $$$ which will be nice because then I can have money to buy diamonds and pearls and all that glittery greatness that I want to design.
4. Don't hold your breath, but I intend to really quit smoking. I know I have tried and it goes well for a few days and then I get sooooo pissed that I say fuck it all, but with any blessing from God I will actually quit, which will be helpful with steps 1 & 2.

I s'pose that's about it. That is all I have really figured out, I also am happy to say that Mike got a dollar and 50 cent raise, which I hear is really good in this economy, and for the first year in quite a few Dad was extremely busy with Christmas. (This helped to make the job less of a matter to me because I made extra cash to pay some bills that were behind- score!)

Oh and technically operation marshmallow, ect are not resolutions because I have been attempting to do them and haven't.

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 27 December :: 4.33pm
:: Mood: apologetic

Me, delinquent? Never!

so, obviously the goal of one post per week was achieved for approximately one week.

part if it was simply the hustle and bustle of the holidays. and the other part was me trying to get my life in some semblance of order, failing, and burying myself in fantasy fiction instead. i'm indulgent like that.

so, i'm still here, and i'd still like to keep posting more relevant/interesting stuff, but it's going to take me time to gather the material and compose the entries. i've got plenty of fodder, so it's just a matter of taking the time to assemble it.

sure i could post some bullshit once a week and stick to my deadline, but i'd rather go for quality than quantity, so i'll post whenever i damn well feel like it, and you fuckers will just have to deal with that. just know that when i DO post, it will be what i consider to be at least passable, since i rarely think any of my writing is particularly excellent, and never perfect.

in the meantime, i hope everyone is making the most of their holidays! eat, drink, and be merry! god knows i am.

1 Lover | Leave me some Love


:: 2010 24 December :: 8.05pm

Downtown Browntown

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 21 December :: 7.33am

USA #1

2 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2010 16 December :: 8.42am

for the love of all effing goodness why the fuck do you keep sleeping through your alarms!

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 15 December :: 10.26pm

If this deal goes through I will be a member of the land owning community.

Leave me some Love

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