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-.In Joy and Sorrow.-

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:: 2010 21 June :: 9.23am

I'm on the pursuit of happiness <3

Mike starts his new job today. And I am wishing I could have stayed in MI for at least another week.

Oh yeah... and wake up sex rocks! lol

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 18 June :: 10.57am

i actually like getting up these days.

i get up, get around, go to work, enjoy what i do. i get to hang out with cool people at work, i have an awesome girlfriend. great friends.

this is my bfffy's birthweek so we get to celeberate. fuck yes!

i'm going to buy a motorcycle soon and sell the chevy, its a 60 mile round trip drive to work, gas is expensive in a jeep that only gets 16mpg

2 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2010 16 June :: 10.00am

14 hours! =)

1 Lover | Leave me some Love


:: 2010 13 June :: 11.20pm

somedays i think i am cursed to always be alone... might as well start getting used to my own company

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 12 June :: 3.42am

Who you are can be better.

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 9 June :: 4.09pm

I feel like I've been run over by a truck
I don't care much about anything
I'm happy to sing
I'm lacking the passion to do anything
I feel like I've been run over by a truck
I don't care much about anything
So give me a ring
And tell me to wake up and do anything

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 6 June :: 3.16pm


Im really loathing it.

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 26 May :: 10.28pm

i hate that mike isn't working normal hours. i hate not being able to know when the heck he'll be home...

Leave me some Love


:: 2010 26 May :: 10.47pm

"A small controversy has risen, after a report that President Obama would not be attending a traditional Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery. Instead, Obama will spend the holiday with his family in Chicago.

Traditionally, presidents would lay a wreath on the Tomb of the Unknown Solider. Some conservative groups are angered by the move.

"Obama will however make it back to Washington in time next week to honor Paul McCartney, who has sacrificed so much for the freedoms we enjoy," seethes conservative commenter Michelle Malkin."

Another great move by the President.

7 Lovers | Leave me some Love


:: 2010 20 May :: 6.37pm

Knowing how fragile mortality is and then if not completely disregarding it.

Leave me some Love

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