I got a backpack today. I mean the travelin' kind. Most of my shit's in it, and it's taking all my determination not to throw the rest in and walk out the door. That is all.
2007 6 September :: 10.52am
:: Mood: pissed off
Hey guess what kids I got fired cause my (former) boss is a fucking idiot. See they give us these time cards to punch in and out and the other day she was asking me where I got mine from and I was like "what are you talking about thats the one you gave me" and she was all "well, when you punch in someone else's name comes up" and I was all "well I don't know why that would be but it's not my fault cause you gave me that card." And then got all pissy and was like "Well I wouldn't give you someone else's card and blah blah blah" And we went back and forth like that for awhile. So then I went to work yesterday. And after standing around for 1/2 hour cause I hadn't been assigned a job anywhere yet my boss tells me I'm fired cause of the time card thing. Yeah. Sooooo pretty much I got treated like shit for a week and chewed up and spit back out for something that I had NOTHING TO DO WITH. I called my temp service and told them what happened but I pretty much have no rights and no recourse cause I'm a temp. Don't you tell me capitalism doesn't suck.
So I just applied to go live on a bus and plant trees and teach kids about loving the earth. It's going down next spring. Here's the site: www.commonvision.org
I am crossing my fingers really really hard.
You know, if my stupid job is gonna make me stay up all night, they need to actually provide work so I can get paid. I'm sure as hell not doing this for my health. Cause that's starting to go down the tubes on account of I can't hang with these hours very well.
So I went to sleep at 10 last night and only meant to sleep for a few hours, cause thats how I sleep on this fucked up schedule. But I just woke up a couple minutes ago. Which means I fucked up my already fucked schedule. Dammit! I hate working 3rd shift.
So I started a new job yesterday and it sucks GIANT DONKEY NARDS!!!! Man what I wouldn't do for a job that doesn't blow. Or to not need to have a job. And yes, it does suck and blow simultaneously. I work in a factory packing boxes all day. Or all night I should say. It's 3rd shift which makes it even suckier. So now my sleep pattern's all fucked up. I'm going on 2 hours of sleep today because I passed out as soon as I got home but then I had to get up and try and find a job that sucks less. And then after that I couldn't go back to sleep. So hopefully I can before I have to go back to work.
However, it won't be too much longer before I can get the hell out of here.
I overslept and missed my first class so I shall use this opportunity to do what I always do, talk about my classes.
I had 17 credits this semester but I just dropped a class so now I'm down to 14. This semester is pretty much just catching up on requirements.
On Mondays and Thursdays, I have Earth Environments at 10:50. This class seems exactly like my 9th grade science class. The professor is married to my fourth grade teacher. It's like a timewarp. That's the one I missed this morning.
I also have Intro to Communication at 12:15. This is a requirement so I don't really care. I'm trying to see if I can avoid buying the book at all. It's going well so far. I just wrote a min 2 page paper last night that turned into 4 pages.
After that I had a French class. I dropped it. Gasster taught it, not Pichot and her idea of contemporary Francophone literature was African colonization books from the fifties to the eighties. It was horrible. Plus the books were very difficult.
Then tonight I have Image Editing. It's my only fun class. It is way too easy. During the first class, we changed a picture to grayscale! And that was our assignment.
Tuesdays, I have Humanities at 8am. I have it with McMillan who is pretty much the easiest prof at AQ. This is another required class. It's actually a sophomore required class that I didn't take last year because of stupid France.
Then I have my lab at 1:40. He says we'll watch movies and walk along streams. That's as hard as that class gets really. The walking.
Tuesday nights I have my first quad. It's Theology of Christian Marriage and it is with the hardest theo prof. Yay for me. It runs from 6:30-10:30. My first paper, due tomorrow, is supposed to be 5 pages of what I expect marriage to be like. It is going to be a lot of blabbing.
Wednesdays I don't have any classes. I just work.
Thursdays are just like Mondays except I don't have Theology.
And on Friday, all I have is Humanities and then I work.
I work on Tuesdays and Thursdays too.
So yeah. This semester sucks. I have to give two TAPED speeches eventually in my communication class. It shouldn't be too bad. It is a required course so most people should be able to get As.
I'm going to go try to find clothes now. I love you all.
P.S. Nick's grandmother isn't doing very well. Please think happy thoughts for her. Thanks.
I can't wait until I'm 21. Then I'll be a real adult and get to go to any concert. I'll be past all stupid age limits. Ha ha, world, I scoff at your attempts to foil my plans!
I should go to bed now. It's actually almost 3. Not 7.
Man, I really don't know if I can do this whole knife selling thing. I'm supposed to set up at least 6 appointments tonight and that alone seems insurmountable. Being that I've already called 4 people and no one picked up. Let alone actually selling anything. I'm really tempted to just say fuck it but I need the money real bad. Fuck! I should just start hanging out downtown and busking.