I wanted to believe in all the words I was speaking, as we moved together in the dark. And all the friends that I was telling. And all the playful misspellings. And every bite I gave you left a mark. Tiny vessels oozed into your neck, and formed the bruises that you said you didn't want to fade, but they did, and so did I, that day.


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You are beautiful, but you don't mean a thing to me.

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:: 2007 15 February :: 12.20am

today came and went and only slightly pissed me off.

thanks for the card grandma.

i don't want to think about love. it doesn't seem to be on my side lately.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 12 February :: 1.35am

I checked woohu to see if anyone left me a comment on my new note. But I didnt write one. lol

That party was awesome.

I saw two guys i havnt seen since 8th grade, two girls since 11th grade, michelles old roomate fell into my lap and gave me many hugs, steve-o, two girls from my class, the guy who is always having sex that lives above me, suezann, kevin, jon, tom and joe.

Ahhh memmories at the Delta Chi house

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 10 February :: 10.31pm

I'm a jack ass.
And damn proud of it.
I wish I had a theme song.
Perhaps I will right one later on tonight.

Anyway, I went back to work friday.
For how long, no one knows.
I go back monday to finish doing what I was doing friday.
Gauging hooks on springs is fun!
I did well over 5,000 on friday.
I sat alone in a corner for 8 hours.

Booze cruisin' was in store for this evening.
But our parade got rained on.
More like stormed actually.
His daughter came over for a few hours, and by the time her mother picked her up, he was dead asleep.
And dead asleep is where he stays.
I'm not surprised though.

Tomorrow we have wrestling.
Yay! Not. I get to sit on hard bleachers for about 5 hours, trying to look interested in little boys touching each other.

Anyway, it's time to go see if maybe he'll wake up.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 9 February :: 10.48pm

I'm sitting here, and Steve-O Teft calls me.

Yeah, the same one I have not seen since sophomore year.

So were going to Frat lane.

hooray for old friends.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 9 February :: 6.47pm

it sure has been awhile
i was just reading my old entries. i used to be so happy.

he did that. made me happy that is.

i love him for that.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 9 February :: 11.30am

550 in fines and court cost

2 years nonreporting prob.

on the good side of things though, i get to see Clutch in March. Also the expansion to Oblivion is coming out soon. Many hours will be devoted to that.

4 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 9 February :: 1.25am

i want to sleep so bad but i cannot.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 8 February :: 3.55pm

I fucked your grandma because I'm beautiful

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 8 February :: 3.39pm

So I had this dream, and I think that it's kind of relative to my life and my current mindset...

so I'm in a room of mirrors... and I see a bunch of things, what they are is irrelevant to you. THey were all things that I desire (make jokes, go ahead). I try my hardest to get a hold of everything I see, but no matter how real it looks to me, when I try to grab it it just ends up being the reflection. I cannot, for the life of me, find the real things.

you can imagine how frustrating this was for me.

so , to make me feel less wierd about this, lets make a joke...

Kevin, you were trying to get a hold of (fill in the blank).

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 7 February :: 10.53pm

Today I got 2 kind of good phone calls.
The first one was from my mom.
Calls from her usually don't result in anything that makes me happy.
But I get to go work with her tomorrow and make money.
Kind of exciting. I get to answer phones.
It was more exciting to want to do, but now that i get to, im not so excited. haha
And I got a call from Vicki at Peoplelink and I go back to work on Friday!
So I'll hardly be online anymore, and very rarely will I be up past 9 haha.
Things are still good with Mike and I, even though we have had a couple of arguments this week.
He needs to learn to sleep.
And I need to leave him alone when he's trying to sleep. haha
Yeah buddy.

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 6 February :: 10.24pm

boris is el totaled.
sad lizzy

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 4 February :: 5.27pm

So I am long overdue for a good rant.
I knew it was too good to be true that I was truly happy.
That all I did was smile.
And that we were getting along so good.
We aren't arguing.
Just creating a huge space.

I hate how when I leave for a few hours when him and his daughter are here, I come back to this place absolutly trashed.
It's fucking ridiculous how little control he has over her.
He doesn't pay any fucking attention to her and just lets her do whatever.
The last time I tried to say anything about it, I got my head bit off.
Not only is it that, she goes through ALL of my stuff.
When she takes a shower, she uses MY towel.
Hello, haven't you ever heard of getting one from the shelf with a TON of towels?
It's actually quite simple. I do it rather often.
I know she's 8 and I shouldn't be so pissed but for Christ Sakes.
When I was 8 years old, I was using my own towel.
Everytime she gets a glass of WATER, she gets different glass.
She attempted to make mac & cheese.
Eats ALL of our food.
It's insane.

What hurts most of all, is that he's not happy.
I try my hardest to make him happy.
I give him everything I can..
I'm not Paula, and I'm not Lori.
Nor will I ever be, and nor do I want to be even close.
For some god forsaken reason, he holds Paula on this pedistal above everyone else.
She cheated on her HUSBAND with Mike, and they had a kid together.

I'm not sure if its the PMS peaking through but I'm in such a terrible mood.
I cried the whole way home from my moms.
And I'm fighting back the tears right now.
Everything is going to fall to shit again.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 3 February :: 5.09pm

I hate it when the weather is shitty out because then I don't feel like going anywhere.
Then I get really irritated from being sick of sitting home..
The madness!
Snow = Shitty.

you worry too much


:: 2007 3 February :: 10.48am

Im stuck at GVSU!

Mother Nature thew bad weather at us, so were going sledding.

Hooka lounge last night was awesome.
What a perfect day!

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 2 February :: 1.00am

Today we spent opening up to each other.
And I felt awful because he didn't go to sleep until 6:30 this evening after working all night long.
I feel like a load has been lifted.
When he was in showering, I went out and started the car for him, and in 2 inches of snow on the windshield, I wrote "I LOVE YOU"..
It's hard to believe that yesterday marked 15 months.
The more time I spend with him, the more I love him.

I haven't cried in awhile.
And it feels great.
I'm constantly smiling.
It's a wonderful feeling.
And it's not drug alcohol or pill induced either.

Anyway I need to get some rest. I believe Rachel is stopping by on her way home from CMU.
I haven't seen her in FOREVER!
Oh, and I saw Tara yesterday.
I miss her dearly.
She'll always be my best friend.
And so will Justy, and of course my sister who I love more than anything.

5 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 31 January :: 9.46pm
:: Mood: blank
:: Music: Eska Rock

Quotes are back.

CLICK HERE and add the journal.

you worry too much


:: 2007 31 January :: 2.34am

I don't know.....Make fun of me for singing if you want.

It's probably the main reason I have not killed myself yet though.

But you know....keep poking fun at me. I can't tell yo how much I love it.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 30 January :: 1.56pm

I'm come to terms with my insecurities.
Which in turn has made me become rather bitter.
My sarcasm has spiked to its all time high.
I've pushed my mother away, because I don't believe anything she says anymore.
I think we've only argued once since we moved.
He's becoming more serious about our relationship.
We are working on communicating more.
I am very happy.
Our financial troubles are working themselves out.
But I have to go clean and do laundry!

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 30 January :: 1.07pm

Man, woohu is a war zone. I'm the Swiss.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 30 January :: 12.36am

I need your address.

1 kid | you worry too much


:: 2007 29 January :: 9.22pm


this is what happens when Mitch looks in the mirror

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 29 January :: 1.12pm

January 2007
There aren't many this time because I just started it up again, but enjoy!

"This is what autumn and cemetery smells like." - Agnieszka Mo³dach (Poland, 1st host sister)

"Little things are beautiful." - Nguyen Khac Hieu (Poland/Vietnam)

"I think that I believe in such beautiful things that wouldn't let me be a pessimist." - Hieu

"Can You boil an egg in water?" - CJ Richardson (Bermuda)

"If you guys come to Bermuda, I'm gonna push you off a cliff." - CJ Richardson (Bermuda)

"What am I; chopped liver?" - Brittany Bonnell (Wisconsin)

"Cleo Patra? Cleo Patra? Cleo Patra, are you here? Oh, she's on the Nile again." - Brittany Bonnell (WI)

"It feels strange to crap among all their prized possessions." - Brittany

"She wants the intimate Portuguese." - Kate Shelton

"Do I call him Negro? No, I would call him CJ." - Brittany

"Kate, are you ready to be saved by Jesus?!" - Brittany

"I'm a sexy wet dog right now." - CJ

"I have more important things to worry about than a guy mugging me in the middle of the night." - Brittany

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 29 January :: 12.17am

So AJ and Justy came over tonight before they headed home.
AJ broke my chair.
And now Im off to bed! haha

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 28 January :: 3.50pm

ignore the imagery, but listen to the song

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 27 January :: 6.29am

I am so utterly content right now.

you worry too much


:: 2007 27 January :: 12.06am


DO seems cool. Closed rush Thursday night....crazy shit.

But, Im not going to join this semester.
Maybe next.... I'm not sure yet...

you worry too much


:: 2007 25 January :: 10.17pm

If I didnt treasure my internet dearly, I'd tell Charter to lick my anal region.
First my VOD doesn't work.
So they had to reset.
Then my movie channels wont work.
So they had to reset.
Now nothing works.
Fucking dumb asses

you worry too much


:: 2007 25 January :: 1.02pm

The only problem I have with any minority is that they continually go on about how they want equality (by which I mean equal seats in government, business, schooling). They want half of the pie. the problem is, why would you give half of the pie to 30% of the population. That means the other 70% is only gettin half. Now that's not very fair is it? Young minorities are trained by their parents that everyone is out to get them, especially the white man. So they respectably honor their own traditions ( no foul play there), but in turn feel as though it is their mission in life to push this tradition on others, and when we don't want to be a part necessarily, it's racism. The minorities of the past suffered immensly, and today these people should be educated about it, as "white people" are educated about horrible things we've done about minorities, i.e. hitler, slavery, etc.... ( by the way, fuck howard zin, he goes on the incesent rants about how we aren't educated and we don't know anything about how awful of people we are). I feel no need to apologize for what someone did 200 years ago. I don't have the same mind set, feeling, or faith as those people, so why should I feel bad? In fact, I'd rather not associate with them at all. Maybe I should turn myself green, then people will leave me alone.

Basically, everyone needs to shutup, deal with what they have, and make more valuable educated decisions about what we, (majority or minority), do in the future.

3 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 25 January :: 4.43am

when andrew clute is rich and famous he will take care of me and jes jes forever because he is our best friend and the three of us will have a threes company thing going on. like we already do except we will live in a gigantic mansion with sean william scott. because he is the hottness

edit_ david beckham will be there too

also sarah jessica parker

2 kids | you worry too much


:: 2007 24 January :: 1.25pm

I just typed out a long entry on how I feel about marriage and pregnancy and all that.
Then I decided to erase it and not post it because my opinions on said subjects aren't what anyone wants to hear.
However, I will say this, I am so sick of hearing about people from belding getting pregnant.
There's better things to do.

Carley, I barely have service at my apartment, so if I call you from my house don't ignore it.. It'll be a 989 number.. I'll call either tonight or tomorrow. I love you.

2 kids | you worry too much

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