2007 24 April :: 12.26pm

you worry too much
2007 23 April :: 9.24pm
I made some pasta today.
The same kind that Katie and I used to make when I was in high school.
We ate this stuff ALL the time.
But for some reason it just doesn't taste the same.
Maybe its because the last time I made it, I ended up throwing it back up.
Just a theory.
My bed now sits about 6 inches higher.
Pretty excited about that.
Not sure why, but I just am.
Maybe its because Im easy amused?
Wednesday, I have a lunch date.
With my Aunt and my grandmother.
Maybe it will put me at some ease with how my grandmothers health seems to be progressively getting worse.
Doubt it, but its seems worth a shot.
Well this about sums it all up..
you worry too much
2007 23 April :: 11.15am
A new one for each day...

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you worry too much
2007 22 April :: 9.53pm

My concert wen't well. My voice cracked once. Oh well, no such thing as the perfect performance.
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you worry too much
2007 21 April :: 10.38pm
I got to see Katie today.
I am happy that I did.
And I got 36 ringtones from her.
Woo! It's exciting.
Anyway, its bedtime.. haha
you worry too much
2007 21 April :: 8.26am
American Sign Language
Well I've been trying for a while now to learn something new that I can use if no one else knows it. I actually had someone yesterday that I randomly met try talking to me in ASL and I could speak very very little but enough to carry on a conversation. It's been really cool learning it and I definitely recommend it to anyone wanting to learn a new language.
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you worry too much
2007 21 April :: 1.21am
Tonight was a good night, with a few minor execptions.
Exceptions being: Mike being called into work at 5:30, Lots of yelling and me leaving my purse in Carleys car.
I like hanging out with friends.
And I miss Carley.
It was like old times.
And I guess I remind her of Sara Silverman.
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you worry too much
2007 19 April :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: Happy.
:: Music: If I ain't got you - Alicia Keys
This week has taught me a lot..
A lot has happened this week.
At the beginning of the week most of it was bad and I was truly petrified.
I was close to losing the best thing in my life right now.
I had several anxiety attacks.
But I quickly learned how to get him to open up.
I was finally able to get him to talk to me.
We are a lot happier.
In other news, my sister and brother-in-law are coming up this weekend.
I am excited to see them.
Things in my life are going rather well.
Other than I am laid off for another week.
So I do not return to work until April 30th.
Which totally sucks, but right now quality time is needed.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2007 17 April :: 5.54pm
Aunt Kim almost had a fatal reaction to her insulin(sp). Thank god for Fernando. If he was being serious with me, I might be looking into a passport and a trip to Kosovo for 6 months. We'll see.
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you worry too much
2007 16 April :: 5.11pm
A lot of bad things have happened today.
None of which I care to discuss openly to everyone.
I got my hair cut today.
I think its too short.
It was supposed to be just a trim.
Anyway.. I have nothing really important to say.
Oh, my sister got a new puppy.
Her name is Belle. And she is either a lab/boxer mix or a shepard/pitbull mix.
She's cute!
4 kids |
you worry too much
2007 16 April :: 3.50pm
Fable 2 is going to be amazing.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2007 15 April :: 3.26am
I think.... nevermind.
edit: This is why I have ice water for blood, and have a hard time opening up.
Fuck it.
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you worry too much
2007 12 April :: 6.02pm
So I had a terrible morning.
I had this bad feeling when I woke up this morning.
I knew that for some reason I wasn't supposed to go to work this morning, but I went anyway because I'm stupid.
On my way to work, I don't know why other than maybe Im slightly not all there, I took County Farm road.
Mind you, County farm has like 6 curves, and they aren't small either.
Well I became friends with a ditch.
And almost some trees.
I did a few 360's.
And sat there as I shook extremely bad and tried not to cry my little eyes out while I called Mike and said "hey call someone with a truck to come pull me out of this HUGE ditch"
And so who does he get to come get me and take me to work so that he can come get the car out when he gets out of work, Paula, his daughters mother.
If that didn't make the situation worse enough, I lost a contact somewhere between my car and getting into hers.
So I had to go the entire day wearing one contact.
Also, I had to take a blueprint/metrology test after work.
Which I managed to pass with a 100%.
Oh and yesterday, Joe's (my mom's boyfriend) dad died.
Today would be his birthday.
He was the crankiest old man on the planet.
So I feel bad about that.
But this evening should be better.
I get to meet Daryl's daughter.
Im excited about that because I guess she's really cute..
Oh and I am really really tan!
you worry too much
2007 12 April :: 2.11pm
Im so sick of hearing about kids wanting God to be involved in public schools. Go to a fucking private school if you want God to be a part of it. Seperation of church and state, bitch. Isnt EVER going to happen.
BTW, God damnit.
Have a nice day.
2 kids |
you worry too much
2007 12 April :: 2.05pm
I Don't use woohu anymore. i use faceass... if you are not on my faceass then there are 3 possible reasons why you are not
1) you don't have a faceass
2)i forgot to add you or i haven't found you yet
3)(most likely) i dont like you and i dont want to be your friend
have a good day!
you worry too much
2007 11 April :: 8.47pm
This has got to be the longest week I have had in a long time.
Sunday was alright but the few hours i spent with my mom were long and dreaded.
Monday I vaguely remember what I did monday.
I believe I went tanning, and then came home to sit my happy ass in bed like usual.
Tuesday I had a blueprint metrology class after work and then didn't rest until about 9.
Today I didn't rest until about 10 minutes ago, and I am still attempting to find ambition to clean and finish up laundry after taking his daughter to soccer practice and then taking him to work and all that gay stuff.
Tomorrow will be the same repetitious circle as Tuesday.
Im hoping that I will be able to see Daryl before the 19th but at this rate, that won't happen.
My phone is a hunk of shit.
I am so sick of it NOT working correctly.
Katelyn is having a girl.
But she won't name her Raychel.
However I do not blame her.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2007 11 April :: 9.46am
i cant ask for anything more, i have no money, but who cares.. life is great
you worry too much
2007 11 April :: 7.02am
I fucking hate this state. They thought that I would really like it if they held 300 dollars worth of checks i sent them anywheres from a week, to a month and a half ago, and cash them all when i had 400 dollars in my checking. YAY. Thank god its fucking pay day.
Drive respon. fee is a total fucking joke. "Hmmm, the states broke. I know, let screw the people even more other then cutting government jobs that dont do us any good."
Burn in hell you fucking bitch. I call first inline to shove a pineapple up her ass when I get there.
1 kid |
you worry too much
2007 9 April :: 10.34pm
It Happened.
It finally happened. It's only a matter of time. Soon my life will be as complete as it can get for now.
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you worry too much
2007 8 April :: 6.01pm
I have yet to believe things could be better than what they are right now.
I am insanely happy.
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you worry too much
2007 6 April :: 11.48pm
:: Mood: Feel like putting up my dukes
:: Music: Clutch - 10001110101
FTP - Comment if you know what this means.
Timmy = New bolt and techna on the way.
E-Cocker = Dont know. You're a moody bitch. Well try putting paint through and seeing what happens.
Celica = Gold digging bitch. 250 bucks last week, 600 bucks in two weeks and you'll be as sexy as ever.
Grey Goose L'Orange = Makes Jay feel good.
Penny Lyane (thats my dogs full name incase your inept(sp lol)) = The shit.
My homeboys = The only reason I am still here.
The Goose b0mbs got me feeling teech.
Maybe two people will get this. R.I.P. to Teech, and Unit.
I guess I'll explain. Way back in the day Bizz found two baby bunnies at Team Alpine (FFS) and he named them Teech and Unit, together you should be able to put that together. They both died liked a week later.
Grey Goose is excellent. Now I know why I paid 30 bucks for it. Its got me feeling human again.
If you dont like me, go fuck yourself.
5 kids |
you worry too much
2007 6 April :: 1.38pm
So some dude with a bible just came to our door and penny went crazy. When my dad saw the bible he yelled at penny to go bite him. The dude turned around and left. The dogs got the magic eye i tell you.
Edit: I wanted to put penny on her leash and let her run out after him and scream out the window "PENNY KILL!" and watch his ass run to the car.
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you worry too much
2007 5 April :: 8.05pm
I have now graduated and can become a truck driver. You name it I'll drive it.... Minus a bus with children.... those are targets to hit. but yay go me.
10 kids |
you worry too much
2007 5 April :: 7.44pm
Test your knowledge of Clutch. What song references Star Wars charaters directly?
Thats because I killed them all!
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you worry too much
2007 3 April :: 2.37pm
It has been an interesting week to say the least.
Now I am tired and out of it.
I wish andy would wake up.
he sleeps all day long.
anyway I have some shit to do that I should do today.
fuck doing stuff.
you worry too much
2007 1 April :: 4.00am
The craziest shit just happened.
Mike and I were dead asleep and next thing you know, theres some guy I've never met before but he has, standing in our bedroom.
It scared the piss out of the both of us.
Who knows how the guy got here, he's trashed.
He told Mike several different stories.
The guy wasn't wearing any shoes.
And he pissed all over my bathroom floor.
I was enraged when I discovered it.
So now Mike is out trying to find a place for this guy to stay as I sit here confused and scared with the door locked and all the lights on.
It's messed up!
4 kids |
you worry too much
2007 1 April :: 12.03am
you worry too much
2007 1 April :: 11.51am
Perfect Zero
Yeah this is a perfect alley dock. I'm so good at this truck driving thing why I didnt do it before is a question I need to ask myself
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you worry too much
2007 30 March :: 12.07pm
soo.... I still remember everything...
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you worry too much
2007 27 March :: 10.09pm
she totally refuses to expell me from her life. she could just not talk to me anymore, but no, she has to pop up every few months to remind me...
7 kids |
you worry too much