2005 20 November :: 11.11pm
Its done....
Wow, this play has taken up so much of my time and energy, but i enjoyed it ever so much, i always do. Im gonna miss doing this every year. I guess I can still come back and help next year after i graduate, but we can only do it one year after we graduate H says. That makes me happy. I love the kids show, and Saturday's show. They're the greatest, the little kids because they get so into it and they make it a lot more fun for the actors. I like Saturday's show because they change they're lines around a lot and its always funny. : D Woo! I'm excited that there is only 2 days of school this week, I need the good old sleeping in thing. I've been really tired lately. Went to strike today (where we go and take all the set apart from the play) got there at four, H said we should have been done around 8, i didnt get home till about quarter after 10 lol. He was a little angry that so few people actually showed up. We cleared out the costume closet and threw some useless crap away. I had fun in there, putting on all the different costumes lol. There was an awesome skeleton mask that had some kick butt glove thingies with it, and i put a really old graduation gown over it and was walking around sort of scaring people. Hahah! I never even knew we had a costume closet before today. Hmmm... oh yeah, i got my mom and Darrell to go! And Jessica attacked my mom without knowing it was her lol. Then i got another monkey to do it again. They left before i got my rose though, that makes me sad.....speaking of which...i forgot my rose at Jessica's!! dammit! oh well...ill get it later. I love cast parties! The down time between shows is the best part i think. IHOP wasn't very good this year either, but at least there were no fire trucks and ambulances this time. Yep.....I really really really wanna see Wicked. I'm listening to it now, hehe. I'm gonna try to get my mom to take me to see it when we go to Chicago again in January...if its still playing then. Hmmm....well i think that's it for now.....I said quite a bit, that doest happen very often. Heh...oh yeah....Tom isn't gay!
Oh yeah! I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory finally on Friday between shows! It was on a giant screen in the auditorium, so i didnt quite get to see it in imax, but it was pretty darn close, and it was free too! Im in love with that movie now. Tim Burton is a fricken genious, I love him! (In a platonic way, lol)
2 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 20 November :: 8.06pm
:: Mood: tired
:: Music: John Mayer - City Love
I found a new favorite song for the time being.
"I tell everyone
I smile just because
I've got a city love
I found it in Lydia
And I can't remember life before her name"
The play is over. I can't even express how much of a downer it is. I really hope I did my best. I hope I get the chance to do something like that again, cuz it was the coolest experience I've had in quite some time. It's just gonna be so strange to go to school tomorrow and not have play practice. I just feel like I wasted the experience and didn't make it as good as it could have been. I never had the time to make it perfect. But I guess it was as good as I could get it, eh?
I'm happy I got to be in it.
9 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 12 November :: 11.35am
:: Music: Tenacious D
Dammit....I had a sore throat yesterday...and i woke up this morning all excited cuz it didnt hurt anymore, but now i cant talk hardly at all. Its annoying as crap! I really hope it goes away by 5. Im going to Chelseas surprise birthday party for Ashley! yay! :D its gonna be so much fun! I got her a k'nex wolverine dude (from X-men) cuz Chelsea said she liked wolverine. lol. I also got her a bag of m&m's in case she didnt like the wolverine dude for some reason lol. Wow, the backdrop for the play is fricken awesome looking. It looked really great. I lost my 6 dollors for my shirt yesterday too, im so bummed, I had to give H 3 dollars that was supposed to go to my mom, and now i owe him 3 still. It makes me soo mad when i lose money! argh! >< I can't go to practice on Sunday either, I have plans, and I talked to H about it and he said as long as i could work something out with Andy Doug, which i did. So im good. Uhh......took a shower a little while ago..my hair smells sexy again XD lol. I used my So Sexy shampoo and conditioner by Victoria's Secret. I love it. It makes my hair smell sexy and the smell stays for a really long time! yeah! lol. Wow....uh....hmmm. I thought there was something else to say, but i cant remember now, lol. I guess ill post it later if i remember :D
2 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 10 November :: 5.29pm
:: Mood: angry
:: Music: Professional Pirate - Muppets
Things Don't Change in Never never Land
I'm tired of it. I really am. And my parents say maybe I shouldn't be angry with her. Yes, I have the right to be angry with her because she's just conviced herself that she can't do anything alone. She has convinced herself that she's going to stay miserable in her wheelchair and that she's going to die that way. My dad, aunt, and uncle went to dinner to talk to her about what they were thinking of doing. Larry, my uncle, is moving back in with his wife in a little while, so he has to leave Mema alone.
They went there to discuss who would stay in and help her by living there. I was under the impression they were going to ask her about trying to give a damn. But no, not really. It was mentioned, and she shrugged it off completely. So now my aunt, her husband, and her two little kids are thinking of moving in for her.
1) Selling thir beautiful house to go and live with Mema
2) these are toddlers we're talking about. That means noise.
It's a stupid idea. My mom had lunch with her the next day and asked how she felt with the confrontation. Mema thought something was wrong when they first all decided to come over for dinner. When Larry told her he was deciding to move back with Ceal, Mema didn't know. The thing was, Larry had also told her she would be the first to know if he decided to move back with Ceal. Dude if I was my grandma I'd feel pretty crappy about that too.
But Mom was talking to her about some of that stuff, about trying to help her and excercise and things like that. She said to Mema: "So Win, I know you're not into the exercise thing and don't like it, etc,"
"Nope. Hate it. Don't wanna do it," came the reply from her.
I don't get it. If her doctors tell her she can do physical therapy and get help, why doesnt she do physical therapy? Everyone tells her that she should do physical therapy. Mom says that it could also be that she might have had some more minor strokes and that may be why she doesnt want to try to walk, so maybe I shouldnt be frustrated with her. But she doesn't have to try walking. She could lift her legs or do some other kind of exercise. Mom said Mema said, "I'll just keep thinkin I'm gonna die like this," or something like that. No, damnit! You don't think that way! you just don't! People shouldn't give up like that! It's ridiculous and stupid, and she has a good life! It's like commiting suicide, and to be honest, I see suicide as a generally cowardly thing to do, especially if it's because of sadness even though they have a good life. But there's the saying "this too shall pass" and to be cliche - "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger." It's also selfish. I relieve their own pain, the person creates pain for everyone else around them. If there is no hope, like you're being tortured by terrorists or the world is ending and there's no way out, then it's understandable, but not if your life is actually good.
We were staying over at her house one time and she fell as she was getting up to get in her wheelchair and go to the bathroom. It was a slow fall and not like she hit herself on anything. She had the wheelchiar and bed to hang onto. But I went in to try to help her get up and told her to get her feet set so that she could push up and help herself and I get her to stand again, but she wouldn't. She hardly made the effort. I kept repeating it to her, and she still hardly did anything. If a person can't stand up themselves, it's understandable, but i really don't understand how she couldn't steady her feet to give me a hand. I almost started crying right there as I was trying to help her up.
People have told me a have a great life, and I do, and I'm extremely extremely happy for that. But I don't want it to change. How it is now is fine. I don't want to grow up, I don't feel like getting my drivers license, I don't feel the need for another boyfriend, I don't want to go off to college. I'm not ready to do it. I don't want to lose my grandma and eventually my mommy and daddy. It's time like these when I realize how hard some of those past pains hit me. In general, I can adapt, but it still hurt at the time. I've been lucky and haven't had to go through a lot of the things other people have, and I am thankful for the things that I have gone through because it does give me more of a feel for life than some other people have had, and I love the fact that I am able to accept the things and learn from them, but I'm not ready for it to happen again.
There are these cards that I have. They're kind of like tarot cards, but not. I was flipping through them and looking at all the art on the cards, and the painting of the one labeled Death really scared me. I didn't like looking at it, so I would turn it over when I wanted to lay the cards out. The picture wasn't even really that frightening. Normally I might think something like that looked cool, but it actually really bothered me, and I didnt understand why until I thought about it later. Weird how your mind works that way.
Mom knows that I get upset about the whole Mema thing, and she says maybe I should talk to her about it or something. But I know if I do that it will just make her feel bad and make her frustrated with me. When she doesnt like something, she hates talking about it, so she would get irritated with me if I tried. And then if I started crying I would feel even worse about it, but I dont think I could talk to her without it.
But i dont want her to die because she gave up on moving and trying to help herself. She's on blood thinners now to see if it will help with the whole stroke problem, but if she falls or cuts herself, she'll bruise really easily or have trouble stopping the bleeding. On one hand it would be bad if she walked now because of the bruising and stuff if she fell, but if she exercised her leg muscles and then practiced walking, she'd fall even less and be able to prevent that. If she falls now she cant even get up to help herself.
I just wished she wasn't so miserable all the time. She's not visibly miserable - it's one of those things you have to watch for in little things. I love seeing her happy, but it makes me sad sometimes too thinking that while she may look happy on the outside she still suffers from something that pains her. She went to visit my dad's cousin, patrick, in the rehab center after he had a bad stroke that made his left side so weak it was difficult for him to even move his arm. He also had to have a hip replacement at the same time. He was taking therapy at the center. Mema used to have therapy there too, and when she came in a wheelchair she saw one of the nice guys who took therapy with her, but he was still there taking therapy. He saw her and talked, and one of the things he said to her was, "Next time I see you, I don't wanna see you in that wheelchair." Then we went and visited Pat, who was doing okay. We left and she hasn't done anything to help herself out of the wheelchair. Patrick's walking now.
The more things progress downhill with her, the more I hate it. I'm fine with things staying the same for a while, or being the way she used to be, when she used to take us to Barnes and Noble to buy a book every time we came to visit her, but I don't like the way this is going, and I don't want it to happen. But I guess you can't have everything you want, right?
"But I guess it's all the work of the ticking crocodile. Time is.. chasing after all of us, isn't it?"
2 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 10 November :: 5.42pm
:: Mood: exhausted
People are so mean.
9 Illuminated My Path |
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2005 9 November :: 7.06pm
:: Music: Fall Out Boy
Awesome. Not much has happened, but yeah, lets see..... I got my senior picture proofs back. Don't really like them though. Lol. I vacuumed my room in my underwear last night, that was fun. Blinds closed of course. Then i did some yoga. Thats always fun. uhhh....the play is lots of fun! i cant wait! but then i can, cuz right afterwards its gonna end and i dont like that.....uh...more later maybe lol
3 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 9 November :: 7.05pm
:: Music: The Postal Service
Wee! Quizes again!
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Fuck yeah! Id soooo bang Sonic.
1 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 7 November :: 7.34pm
:: Music: Tenacious D - Fuck her Gently
John's my bitch.
......oh yeah.....its not happening....*sigh*gawd....should have seen that one coming...
2 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 6 November :: 8.07pm
Some more Quizes
Woo! Got my senior picture proofs back. Frankly, I think I look like poop in almost all of them. I hate my smile so much......
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3 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 29 October :: 9.33pm
:: Mood: giggly
*dances on tippy-toes*
2 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 29 October :: 7.51pm
Look at me,
My depth perception must be off again,
Cuz this hurts much deeper than i thought it did.
It has not healed with time,
It just shot down my spine
Ehhhh......sunnova bitch....mo fo....ass fucker.....shit faced cock master.....
Shed Your Light
2005 29 October :: 6.22pm
:: Music: OMG....The fricken Backstreet Boys
Dangit that boy! Gah! Hes really bad at calling when he says hes gonna. I was sposed to go visit him today, but he didnt call me yet >.>
Oh yeah!! Senior pictures for me today!! Im so exausted now. I could take a nap. Or two. Im sooo effing bored!!! Somebody do something with me today!!! or tomorrow!!! I have no idea what im doing for Halloween either. I hope I do something. It would be sad if I did nothing for Halloween. *sigh*
Shed Your Light
2005 26 October :: 7.43pm
:: Mood: chipper
:: Music: Evanescence - My Last Breath
New Sites
Woo! I totally got a Deviant account------> DeviantART!
I got a Myspace too, ------>Myspace!
Shed Your Light
2005 24 October :: 9.27pm
:: Music: Third Eye Blind - Blinded
So, I'm Dorothy.
4 Illuminated My Path |
Shed Your Light
2005 23 October :: 7.26pm
:: Music: Limp Bizkit - Behind Blue Eyes
My 4 day Weekend!! (with a quiz)
Woo! Great weekend. I had thursday off, in addition to Friday cuz i had to go to Chicago again for another check-up. Its funny cuz we have to drive for 4 hours to get there, for a 10-15 minute appt. Afterwards we spent like 45 minutes driving around trying to find the zoo to make the trip a little more worthwile, and when we got there they were effing closed. Oh well, I had fun all the same XD. Friday morning i went to Jessica's house cuz we were gonna go visit chelsea at school during her lunch. Mindy was gonna go to but she got called in to work. So just me and Jessica went. It was lots of fun! XD Plus i got to see John, and give him his apple....He said it tasted bad >.> which i dont blame him, it did come from my backyard and we dont spray our trees, plus it wasnt really the eating kind of apple, more of the baking kind. Anyway.....After that we went back to Jessica's house, then around 3 Chelsea came over with Ashley and Jake. Jakes quite a strange dude. And his brother is really hott! lol. Anyway, we went to McDonald's cuz they were hungry, Jake got 3 double cheeseburgers and a large fry with a large drink....and hes this tiny little freshman! And he still ate all of it! It was crazy, then we had to take him to BK cuz he wanted an oreo pie or whatever. Then Chelsea and Jake went to the football game cuz they were in band and colorguard, and me and Jessica hung out with Ashley at Jessica's again until the game, cuz we went. That was soo much fun! I dont think I've ever had so much fun at any of our football games. I had a fricken blast! Then we went again to Jessicas, and mindy was there, and we went to sleep watching Wizard of Oz, looking for that dude that supposedly hangs himself, didnt see crap. It was the really old version of the movie too so I know it wasnt edited out. Next day was Jessicas Pumking Carving Party, then the power went out so we decided to go to her dads house to do it. Then the power came back on as we were leaving. Irony.....we still went anyway, just cuz we were all packed and everything. Great fun......Woo....I've already written a ton, and the rest of the weekend wasnt nearly as interesting so ill stop now : )
Oh yeah! If any of you have a myspace.com account thingy, I just made one today so add me! just search me using my email -Neo_Qserenity2000@hotmail.com
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