2009 27 August :: 5.11pm
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmm that you only meant well?
well of course you did
Mmmm whatcha say,
Mmmm that it's all for the best?
of course it is
Mmmm whatcha say?
Mmmm that it's just what we need
you decided this
whatcha say?
Mmmm what did she say?
Crush me
2009 22 August :: 10.01am
...People say to make sure your last words are never anything harsh or untrue, but I don't believe that.
See, I think you should only speak what you feel in the heat of the moment, whether it be under a burning bulb or under the sheets.
'Cause in the end all we have is moments, and all we are, are humans.
And humans don't do well with emotions 'cause we feel them all at once,
and as they become a blur sometimes all we can do is yell, sigh, cry,
or laugh. Our reactions are passionate, be it good or bad.
And we should never apologize for not being an android,
we should embrace the crazy and unleash it ever so beautifully.
'Cause there's something breath taking about words that aren't constructed or drawn out in blue prints.
All I know for sure is that I never want to tell you I love you just out of habit and routine...
2010 19 August :: 5.08pm
i hate when people talk about their BLACK friends or their BLACK boyfriend loudly and often like... trying to prove that they have friends of another race or something... there's this girl that is constantly talking about her BLACk boyfriend and showing his picture and saying how she doesn't care what color people are ... "you could be purple. as long as you're cool"
that's nice and everything but i dont know it bothers me when people talk about it like they are trying to prove a point or something.
2 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 16 August :: 1.21am
My mom is on facebook now.
My life will never be the same.
4 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 15 August :: 10.48am
"You know what? Fuck beauty contests. Life is one fucking beauty contest after another. School, then college, then work... Fuck that... You do what you love, and fuck the rest. "
2009 13 August :: 11.58pm
i wish i had longer legs and perfect skin and
shitty shit. theres so much more to say but it doesn't even matter.
Crush me
2009 9 August :: 12.31am
:: Music: Take Me to the Riot by Stars
Warning: Rambling Ahead
Nick asked what The Time Traveler's Wife was all about and I told him. He was all
Life Update: I didn't pass the test in Sault Ste Marie because it had things like math and history on it. Those will get me every single time.
We saw Away We Go today and it was fantastic. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Nick was at his computer and just turned around and said "if we leave right now, we have 13 minutes to get across the street to see Away We Go." And so we went. It made me feel all fuzzy and happy. And then I had to go to the bathroom and peed THE WORLD'S LONGEST PEE and I was afraid I was going to be peeing for the rest of my life and Nick was going to have to sneak me food because I was in the women's restroom and I hope they at least allowed him visiting rights because I missed him already and I couldn't eat food in a bathroom while I was peeing and it's never going to stop and it's still going and I can't even feel it anymore but IT IS STILL GOING and I will be peeing for the rest of my life and I can't have a kid while I'm eternally peeing and I'll never have children, I'll just pee forever and ever and my skin will fuse to the seat like that poor woman a few years ago and then I'll have toilet seat butt but no one will care because I'll be peeing forever and I'll already be that woman who peed her entire life and that was really bad enough and will they bring children by to see me like I'm in a zoo or something: THE MYSTERIOUS ETERNALLY PEEING WOMAN and then I stopped peeing thank God.
NewJob is beginning to vary between sucking so hard that I cry on the way to work to OMFG EASIEST JOB EVER EXCEPT I DO IT ALL IN FRENCH to HORRID to I AM SO GLAD I LOVE THESE PEOPLE to I MIGHT PUNCH THIS KID IF HE TALKS TO ME AGAIN to MONEY IS MONEY I GUESS AND THIS MONEY IS GOOD to AT LEAST I HAVE A JOB, SOME PEOPLE DON'T HAVE JOBS to OMG GET ME OUT NOW MAYBE I CAN JUST QUIT. My French is awesome now, bitches. Mangez-le! I told Nick that I liked speaking French because I can talk to people and they understand me and I understand them and we get things done and he was all YOU JUST SAID YOU LIKED SPEAKING FRENCH and I was all OMG I DID, KILL ME NOW.
We finally have a place to live come September. After much drama (we found a dream place, got turned down, found an okay place, found another dream place, dream place ran out of funding and wouldn't be finished until October, saw two horrible places, found an okay place and found out that October apparently = maybe probably November/December but not soon and we actually shouldn't hold our breath (see the kind of math I can do? Word math.), I gave up hope and just wanted a place to live, Nick held out hope for our dream place while I got all sad-like.), we found our dream place for real. It's a totally awesome place that I am totally having friends over at STAT. That is if I had friends. Anyway, party time, kids. Can you say awesome condo on the third floor across from the police station on the best street in GRap: Monroe Center?
NewPlace means NewFurniture (eventually) because Nick and I are not moving the pullout couch alone and whoever moved it before knows better now. That leaves us with the TV, a loveseat, two desks and a small bookshelf. Oh and our three awesome shelves. And our bed, of course.
Changing deodorant helped the smelly problem go away by the way. Apparently your body can get used to deodorant. It only took about 4 years but it happened. I like this new stuff more actually. I'm not pregnant in case that was still a worry of yours. I know you were concerned for an entire comment thread.
I think that's it. That's been my life so far. I'm hungry. The end.
I love you kids.
4 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 8 August :: 12.36am
oh and i'm considering buying a spray tanning machine for like 200-300 bucks and like offering spray tanning services ...somehow... someway... i'm not really sure how it would work but it just seems like a good idea.................
i dont know.
because think about it, if i have a tanning package- that is bed tanning.. it costs me at least 40 bucks a month which works out to....woo! $480... yeah. thats a shit load.
now if i had a spray tanning package it would be even more.. let's say 60 bucks a month... $720..
now the machine is a one time fee. and as soon as i figure out how much the solution costs i can do some more math. but i know it would at least SAVE me money in the long run because i am never going to be okay with being naturally pale. i can't do it. i just feel icky.
and then i could like somehow do spray tan parties or schedule appointments i dunoooooooo maybe i could work something out with people that do purse parties or whats it called... pure romance. thats it. i could like do spray tans there
i dont fricken know i'm just thinking theres a good idea somewhere in there with all this bed tanning scares about arsenic and shit.
roman thinks i should start my own business i just dont know.
what do you think about a business that gives you a paycheck and when you go to cash it there are no funds in their account??? do you think that's shitty? i do.
thats why i fricken call them out on it and then they act like its no big deal so i get pissed. whatev........
Crush me
2009 8 August :: 12.32am
i nevvvvvvvvverrrrrrrrr used to have a problem falling asleep. now it seems like i never can. i hope this is just a short phase because i love my sleep.
i just think it's really weird how different everyone is from each other. like i think it's weird i have friends that like, live with their parents whereas i am married and cooked a new mexican/noodle casserole thing for my HUSBAND tonight and like.... that was exciting.
it's strange how different everyone's lives are.
now if my job situation, money situation, and house situation could catch up maturity wise to the rest of my life... that'd be great.
ps. jessie kae i love you and i hope everything is getting better. call me when you are able.
2 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 7 August :: 1.17pm
does anyone know of anywhere hiring?
1 Broken heart |
Crush me
2009 3 August :: 4.21pm
oh my gosh so you know how i said i felt guilty for not buying that thing from the lady from khazacstan?
now i am looking at local news and i read this:
28th St. hit-run victim
from Kazakhstan
Suspect lodged in jail
Updated: Monday, 03 Aug 2009, 4:17 PM EDT
Published : Sunday, 02 Aug 2009, 11:35 AM EDT
WYOMING, Mich. (WOOD) - A pedestrian who was killed just after midnight Sunday morning was a Kazakhstan native.
The accident happened on 28th Street, just west of Byron Center Avenue.
The woman who died was a 23-year-old from Kazakhstan . She was in the United States with other foreign nationals, and, according to the Wyoming Police Department, was selling items to area gas stations and convenience stores to raise money for a religious group.
A suspect in the hit-and-run was identified and arrested. That suspect is now in the Kent County jail, and the prosecutor is reviewing the case to determine any potential charges.
Police officials are working with the Kazakhstan Consulate to notify the woman's family.
super. that is awful. i'm 99.9% sure that is the same lady. if not then i know she is from the same group. thats so awful.
2 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 1 August :: 3.16pm
i posted this quote from a book a long time ago but i love it so i'm doing it again:
My mind is blank now. Every part of my body is sinking and empty. I don't have to think about anything, hear anything, say anything, feel anything, worry about anything.
...there are no job interviews, no hypocrites. I do not have to... socialize. I do not have to smile. I do not have to justify my beliefs. I don't have to wear dress shoes. I don't have to pledge allegiance to the flag. I don't have to use a number two pencil. I don't have to read the fine print.
...it is true that it is nonproductive. But when ninety-five percent of out-of-bed activities hold the possibility of pain, to be pain-free is simply the most delicious feeling in the world.
-not mine
i'm reading through old entries. it makes me sad...
JESS this comment from you made me laugh hard.
"10-30-07 7:52am
jess i'm wearing my glasses today to cover my face lol
do you remember that?
and this is funny to me
"now if only i could get myself to start fricken working out . seriously. i need to get serious about that. i really really do. i just feel like a moron in front of all those muscley guys. eww and i don't want to run on the tredmills and fall on my face like on a tv show. i'd be so embarassed. and it would hurt. i can't run on those treadmills. i'm not coordinated enough to do that and listen to my earphones and sing MY hUMPS in my head and watch the tvs with no sound and worry about what people are thinking of me and check my heart rate all at the same time.
and that m y friend is the question of the day. how DO you people run on treadmills.
1 Broken heart |
Crush me
2009 1 August :: 2.35pm
why do i feel so bad when a person who says they are a missionary from khazakstan that tries to help people from drug abuse and absitence before marriage etc. comes into my work and tries to sell me a pretty windchime and i refuse?
why do i feel so guilty?!!?
i only had 10 bucks on me and they were 15 and up.
the saddest part is i probably would have bought one if i had the extra 5.
i cannnnnt saaaaaay noooooooooooooo.
...isn't khazacstan the country borat was from? well... she didn't look like borat.
Crush me
2009 1 August :: 2.05pm
i've had this since 2002....
Crush me
2009 23 July :: 10.18am
Still not a life update
Went to the bank today.
The kid who helped me out was named Bruce Wayne.
I totally asked him if it was his real name. And if he got beat up as a kid.
He said with a name like that, he beat up the other kids.
3 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 19 July :: 1.24am
Things that are funny
When people yell at you ON THE INTERNET for saying things to/about them ON THE INTERNET and are upset that you did not say these things to them in person, only to then insist that it is your responsibility to contact them and apologize. Like it's your problem.
I'm sorry, kids. You are way overdue for a life update.
I'll get back to you on that.
3 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 16 July :: 12.59am
Random thoughts: -i am hungry- I get to buy groceries tomorrow yeehaw- I want to see stefs puppy- I want a new vacuum cleaner soooo bad- I have to get my new passport and license tomorrow- I can never sleep at night anymore- I am excited to start school and wear scrubs- I put up (past tense) with SO much for you, you idiot.- I wonder if you know deep down that you really did a lot of bad things, you were/are such a jerk and so fake, it really sucks because when you're not like that you are pretty fun - where did they all go? - I wonder if that really is why and the doctors are wrong and it will be a problem. I can only pray that it won't.- why does my kidney area always hurt like a sharp pain ... Not good.- I'm married, isn't that weird!?!? Hahahaha- and that concludes the random list of thoughts going on in my head.
Crush me
2009 15 July :: 11.05pm
All about yourself...the survey. Created by adawg and taken 427924 times on Bzoink | All about yourself... | First name?:: | jessica | Middle name?:: | michele | Like your name?:: | yes | Named after anyone?:: | no | Any nicknames?:: | jamal, j, jessa | Age?:: | 21 | Birthdate?:: | 3.8 | Birthplace?:: | grand rapids | Time you were born?:: | 8.31 am | Current location?:: | my home | Height?:: | 5.0 | Like your height?:: | no, i wish i was a little taller | Eye color?:: | blue | Contacts/glasses?:: | neither | Hair color?:: | brown | Natural hair color?:: | brown | Dye your hair often?:: | about 3 times a year because i get bored | Righty or lefty?:: | lefty | Your favorite... | Type of music?:: | depends on my mood. When I am awake and ready to go out then it would be hip hop/rap etc, when i'm ready for bed it's classical, when i'm sad it's r&b/pop | Band or singer?:: | ummmm i dont know | TV show?:: | greys anatomy | Movie?:: | i guess step brothers | TV channel?:: | ? | Radio station?:: | none | Place to be?:: | out with friends/ family | Thing to do?:: | be iwth friends/family | Food?:: | pizza/chocolate | Non alcoholic drink?:: | diet pepsi | Alcoholic drink?:: | bahama mama, vodka and sprite | Animal?:: | dogs, cats, swans | Holiday?:: | my bday or christmas i guess i duno | Season?:: | spring summer or fall | Sport?:: | sport? hmmm | Place to shop?:: | vanity, forever 21, charlotte russe, marshalls, old navy, target... theres many | Clothing brand?:: | none | Scent?:: | as far as perfume- enchanted orchid from BBW or baby phat umm i can't remember what its called but i love it | Restaurant?:: | olive garden or frankie v's | Fruit?:: | apples or bananas | Vegetable?:: | potatos, corn | Fast food restaurant?:: | arby's i suppose | Pizza topping?:: | none, just cheese really | Ice cream flavor?:: | mint chocolate chip | Magazine?:: | i duno | City?:: | haven't visited enough to know | Color?:: | blue | Number?:: | 2 | This or that... | Chocolate or vanilla?:: | chocolate except for cake or ice cream | Pepsi or coke?:: | diet pepsi | Hot or cold?:: | ? | Black or white?:: | black | Dog or cat?:: | dog | French toast or pancakes?:: | french toast | French fries or onion rings?:: | french fries | Hamburger or hot dog?:: | hamburger | Pepperoni or sausage?:: | pep | Britney or Christina?:: | britney | McDonalds or Burger King?:: | burger king | 50 Cent or Eminem?:: | | Canada or Mexico?:: | canada i think | Hug or kiss?:: | hug | Movies or TV?:: | | Truth or dare?:: | | Do you... | Shower daily?:: | yes | Sing in the shower?:: | no | Like to sing?:: | in my car | Like to dance?:: | yeah | Smoke?:: | no | Drink?:: | on occasion | Cuss?:: | sometimes | Talk to yourself?:: | not really | Believe in yourself?:: | ? | Play an instrument?:: | yes | Go to school?:: | starting on the 27th | Go to college?:: | " " | Have a job?:: | yeah | Like your job?:: | most of the time | Want to get married?:: | am | Want to have kids?:: | yes | Get along with your parents?:: | yeah | Get along with your siblings?:: | yeah | Drive?:: | yeah | Random... | Do you think you're trustworthy?:: | yes | Think your funny?:: | sometimes | Ever toilet papered someones house?:: | yes | Gone garbage can tipping?:: | no | What are your parents names?:: | stacey and michael | Siblings names?:: | brandon shannon stefanie | Do you wash your hands frequently?:: | yes | How many time a day do you brush your teeth?:: | 2 | Collect anything?:: | no | Ever been in love?:: | yeah | In love right now?:: | yeah | What color pants are you wearing right now?:: | grey | How does your hair look?:: | up in pony tail | Ever had your heartbroken?:: | yeah | Ever broken the law?:: | yeah | Been arrested?:: | no | Been out of the country?:: | yea | Can you stick your fist in your mouth?:: | no | When was the last time you got drunk?:: | umm i cannot remember | Do you do drugs?:: | no | When was the last time you were high on anything?:: | n/a | Do you prefer the lights on or off?:: | off-save energy | Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: | yes | Do you prefer boxers or briefs?:: | boxers | Do you like to laugh?:: | yes | Ever had a bloody nose?:: | no | Have you ever caught a fish?:: | yes | What was the last thing you ate?:: | hamburger helper | What time do you go to bed?:: | depends | What's your favorite color?:: | blue | Do you like to give or recieve?:: | | Are you obsessed with anything/anyone?:: | my dogs probably | Do you live alone?:: | no | Do you own a blender?:: | yes | Do you like the snow?:: | i like how it looks but nothign else | Ever been up a mountain?:: | no | Ever been rootin'?:: | ? | Do you like surprises?:: | yes | You've been totally Bzoink*d! Take This Survey | Search Surveys | Create a Survey |
Crush me
2009 14 July :: 10.59pm
jessssssssssssssss have you seen this?
cute huh?
2 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 14 July :: 10.56pm
i need/want botox.
1 Broken heart |
Crush me
2009 10 July :: 10.47am
a random idiot i ran into today!
so i'm trying to do this new routine every morning just a quick workout because our complex has a small gym room with some equipment and then after that take my dogs for a walk.
so anyway i get to the "gym" and start on the elliptical and it keeps saying "motor unplug" which it did this the first ti me i ever used it like after 15 minutes , but i just got off , unplugged and replugged it and then it worked fine...
but today i kept replugging it and finding different plugs and it just would not work so instead i used a bike thing for like 10 minutes and then tried the elip again and it finally worked... so i did my workout on that and then .... this is the whole point of my story...
i walk back to my apartment and get the dogs and here i am walking, and i walk out of the apartment area/property and start down a road that turns into a housing development with pretty nice houses and i'm like just getting to the road with the houses, minding my own darn business with my dogs, and this stupid BITCH pulls up in her car and rolls down her window and says to me,
"You better be picking up after your dogs!"
and I say, "what?"
and she says "I dont see you holdin' no pooper scooper ! (notice the poor grammar which just made me more annoyed)
and i'm like "umm i have baggies right here! thanks!" (because i have the little clip on baggie holder-)
keep in mind my dogs are 6 and 12 lbs- they are not big dogs- they really dont create a lot of waste- i dont have to carry around a fricken SHOVEL to take care of the mess my dogs make... i'm not going to wheel around a fricken trash bin with me either ok.....
gAWD she was a stupid bitch!!!! i wanted to punch her in her fricken mouth. i called her a bitch after that but i'm not sure if she heard me because she was starting to pull away. i just HOPE she felt like a stupid bitch after she did that. how rude! i wasn't even doing anything wrong.
and she just put me in a horrible mood and UGGHGHGH i hate people like that!
1 Broken heart |
Crush me
2009 8 July :: 1.16pm
You can go through life disposing of people and then picking through the trash to pull them back out when you're desperate and ready. You can treat people as though they're renewable. You can laugh at others silly emotions while you keep yours bottled and to yourself. You can explode, alone. You can give false feelings that are returned with real feelings. You can mark your body with something you believe in, but don't bother to follow. You can keep acting as though your actions have no equal or greater reaction. You can sense someone is happier than you and use one sentence with intention of stopping that. You can be aged until you slip back into your group of fake friends. You can keep using big words until even those aren't big enough to hide behind. You can use people as much as you'd like and then drift around them as if there's nothing to feel one way or another about. You can fall into holes as soon as you've burnt your own bridges. You can blame every one and every thing else when something doesn't go your way. You can change depending on who you're around, never truly being yourself and later hating yourself for that. You can blame the honest and let them take the fall for speaking what you're too small to say. You can play the prey when you're the predator. You can give credit when credit is due, but you won't. You can search for the same person with a different skin, and you will. You can want the past, but you'll only get the future. You can play games with people as if they're toys, but they're not. You can then laugh at how much better you are than those toys, and you are. You've learned what buttons to press and how we're all wired, so you use your tools to break and not mend. You can learn to earn satisfaction through good, but you'll choose bad. You can think you're so grown and wise, but you have fields of growing to do. You can cry your own tears, but you'll assign others to do that for you. You can think you're above everyone and be much more informed, which you're not. But, no matter how many words you read, you don't speak them. And when you finally do it's going to be too late and no one is going to understand you.
You're no more than surface level garbage.
You should pick yourself apart and only keep what works.
If you're playing a game, you're playing with yourself.
And you win. You always do.
2009 5 July :: 8.11pm
grrr....i guess we'll wait and see.
1 Broken heart |
Crush me
2009 2 July :: 1.08am
:: Mood: thug
:: Music: best i ever had
got a house but i need new furniture why spend mine when i can spend urrs? ?
Baby you my everything you all i ever wanted.
We can do it real big.
Bigger then you ever done it.
You be up on everything.
Other hoes ain't never on it.
I want this forever, i swear i can spend whatever on it.
Cause she hold me down everytime i hit her up.
When i get right i promise that we gon live it up.
She make me beg for it till she give it up.
And I say the same thing every single time.
I say you the fucking best.
You the fucking best.
You the fucking best.
You the fucking best.
You the best i ever had.
Best I ever had.
Best I ever had.
Best I ever had.
I say you the fucking.
Know you got a roommate
Call me when its no one there
Put the key under the mat
And you know I'll be over there
(Yup) I'll be over there
Shawty, I'll be over there
I'll be hitting all the spots that u ain't even know was there
Ha. And you ain't even have to ask twice
You can have my heart or we can share it like the last slice
Always felt like you was so accustom to the fast life
Have a nigga thinking that he met you in a past life
Sweat pants, hair tied, chilling with no make up on
That's when your the prettiest
I hope that you don take it wrong
You don't even trip when friends say you ain't bringing Drake along
You know that I'm working I'll be there soon as I make it home
And she a patient in my waiting room
Never pay attention to them rumors and what they assume
And until them girls prove it
I'm the one to Never get confused with Cause.
Baby you my everything you all i ever wanted.
We can do it real big.
Bigger then you ever done it.
You be up on everything.
Other hoes ain't never on it.
I want this forever, i swear i can spend whatever on it.
Cause she hold me down everytime i hit her up.
When i get right i promise that we gon live it up.
She make me beg for it till she give it up.
And I say the same thing every single time.
I say you the fucking best.
You the fucking best.
You the fucking best.
You the fucking best.
You the best i ever had.
Best I ever had.
Best I ever had.
Best I ever had.
I say you the fucking.
Sex, Love, Pain
Baby I be on that tank shit
Buzz so big i could probably sell a blank disk
When my album drop
Bitches will buy it for the picture
And niggas will buy it too and claim they got it for they sister
Magazine paper girl
But money ain't the issue
They bring dinner to my room and ask me to initial
She call me the referee
Cause I be so official
My shirt ain't got no stripes but I can make yo pussy whistle
Like the Andy Griffith theme song
And who told you to put them jeans on
double cup love
You the one i lean on
Feeling for a fix then you should really get yo pheen on
Yea just know my condo is the crack spot
Every single show she out there repping like a mascot
Get it from the back
And make yo fucking bra strap pop
All up in yo slot until the nigga hit the jackpots
Baby you my everything you all i ever wanted.
We can do it real big.
Bigger then you ever done it.
You be up on everything.
Other hoes ain't never on it.
I want this forever, i swear i can spend whatever on it.
Baby you my everything you all i ever wanted.
We can do it real big.
Bigger then you ever done it.
You be up on everything.
Other hoes ain't never on it.
I want this forever, i swear i can spend whatever on it.
Crush me
2009 19 June :: 10.20pm
Getting married in the morning...... Sweet niblets!
2 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 16 June :: 9.31pm
'One morning an elderly man was walking on a nearly deserted beach. He came upon a boy surrounded by thousands and thousands of starfish. As eagerly as he could, the youngster was picking them up and throwing them back into the ocean.
Puzzled, the older man looked at the young boy and asked, "Little boy, what are you doing?"
The youth responded without looking up, "I'm trying to save these starfish, sir."
The old man chuckled aloud, and queried, "Son, there are thousands of starfish and only one of you. What difference can you make?"
Holding a starfish in his hand, the boy turned to the man and, gently tossing the starfish into the water, said, "It will make a difference to that one!" '
2009 4 June :: 8.10pm
Okay, kids.
I have a question/request.
My deodorant just isn't cutting it anymore.
Apparently I sweat when I'm hot now? This never used to happen. I am obviously out of my element.
So what do you guys use? Guys meaning GIRLS. Because I tried using Nick's and it doesn't work. Unless you have asexual deodorant.
12 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 1 June :: 6.19pm
sooo... i need a new job. can anyone help?
2 Broken hearts |
Crush me
2009 30 May :: 11.57pm
At NewJob this week, we actually had to do some work. We had to call up hotels and supply them with credit card info for some guests. The reasoning is really boring and lame. Of course, we got assigned hotels that speak our language.
Ug ug.
So I call up a hotel and the guy has no idea what I'm getting at. He cannot understand my French. (It was pretty terrible. My first call, haven't spoken French in ages, super nervous etc.) Anyway, he can't find the reservation and puts me on hold for long enough that I begin to think he's trying to get rid of me. He comes back finally and I tell him I have the reservation number if he wants to look it up by that. Sure, he says, let's try that.
I read the number (which of course has to be nine numbers long, three sets of three. It can't just be three numbers.) and he repeats it back to me. "Cent vingt neuf. Trois cent quarante cinq..." He can't understand quarante of all numbers. Okay, "un deux neuf. Trois quatre cinq." He's with me so far. Thank goodness. This isn't that bad after all! "Un six neuf." He repeats it back to me: "un huit neuf."
Oh no. Please don't do this to me. I know my French sucks but SIX (6) sounds nothing like HUIT (8).
Kids, six sounds like "cease." It is nowhere near huit which sounds like "wheat". It had to have been a phone problem because I was clearly saying CEASE. NOT WHEAT.
"Pas huit...six."
"Huit. Un huit neuf."
Sure whatever. Huit. I don't care anymore. He's never going to find the person anyway.
So he can't find the reservation and finally we both give up. He says he found it and has the credit card number and I can't/don't want to fight with him.
I au revoir him and move on.
Next guy I call up can't understand me either. He switches to English. And I'm all, whatever, I love English. It's my native language. So I get it done in English and call the next one.
Who also switches to English.
Then I call the next one. Who ends up getting upset that I said his fax machine wasn't working. I am sorry but it wasn't. He also switches to English but doesn't speak good English so we're doing a half and half thing and he calms down. He flirts with me and invites me to Corsica because the weather is wonderful. Everything ends up going well and he finds everything and I'm done. I remember to get his name: Philippe.
The moral of the story: my French is terrible.
Then last week, I end up fighting with Hope girl because I hate French people and French and she's all why'd you apply for the job then and I'm all for the thousandth time, they found me. And it turns out she's dating a French guy and gets all defensive and it's awful. Oh and she's one of those uptight controlling people. And I'm the exact opposite. You know me, I'm completely chill. It's not going to kill me so I don't care.
Anyway things are crazy. I wouldn't be able to survive it if my class and my trainers weren't so awesome.
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3 Broken hearts |
Crush me