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:: 2006 7 April :: 11.15am

this was a pretty funn video advertisment(SP) that i got in a email from my ucnel so i uploaded it to gmail, check it out

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:: 2006 5 April :: 10.03am

well... this spring break isn't much different then the rest of them, just sitting around. I found a few weeks ago that my neightbor is selling there house. and come to find out my other my (Teresa) is looking into buying it. that is going to suck if they do get it. living kitty corner to use. then she can really keep an eye on me. watch what i am doing at all times. that would suck completely. well i'm outta here now.

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:: 2006 3 April :: 2.06pm

apparently i'm an asswad.

now i'm a hunny bunny and a snookems
cause bethhy loves me.

but after asswad i was a dick and a fucking cock.

i should keep a list of names she calls me in a day, cause that was like 5 minutes lols

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:: 2006 1 April :: 11.02am

she's coming home tomorrow. no more nasty ass welding dust.

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:: 2006 30 March :: 4.48pm

i'm not getting any oil pressure in the grand am now...
its not looking good...

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:: 2006 30 March :: 10.46am

so yeah, I've been watching car shows lately on tv, i want to get my cutlass running, i've said it a million times before, and i've never done anything a million times before. its just talk, an idea, i need a garage to put it in for a couple weeks to get it put together, thats all.

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:: 2006 25 March :: 9.29pm
:: Mood: just a little pissed

okay, i'm just a little bit pissed right now, beth's parents were supposed to give me a ride to work today because me and beth stayed at her house last night, they never showed up, so i had my mom come and get me, no big dea, but now beth's siblings and reeba are all here, its not that i dont like them cause i do, its just i'm feeling really really crowded and shit and i just want some alone time, meanwhile her little brother is sitting here watching tv while i'm trying to have some me time....

fucking parents, i'm so pissed right now.

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:: 2006 21 March :: 10.48am

i play harvest moon, so what!!!

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:: 2006 18 March :: 4.17pm

I'm kinda pissed, why is it that she gets to go to a hotel and stay then night and go get spoiled at her cousin's house while i'm at home busting my ass trying to find a better job while working at the one i'm at. Also I havn't had any money in my pocket since i spent my last dollar buying some hamburger last week wednesday.

No hotels, no new clothes, no new shoes, nobody spoiling me, I've got to work for everything i have from now on.

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:: 2006 17 March :: 1.05pm

this is a must watch.

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:: 2006 17 March :: 12.51pm

well, lost my job tuesday and i'm picking hours up at howies today and tomorrow

yay me.

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:: 2006 16 March :: 8.33pm

[x] this is stupid.

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:: 2006 16 March :: 8.26am

it only gets worse

yesterday box and i were being stupid and drove through the road closed signs on summit, there was a bout a foot of water going through there and it stalled my car out, no biggie right, we get it to dry land and try to turn it over and its hydrolocked (where water gets into the cyilder and the pistons cant compress the water) no biggie right, we'll take it home and pull the plugs out of it and then turn it over, put the plugs back in and it'll fire right up...

we leave it there beth's dad coems and gets us, We go back to my house go put some apps in at belmont construction and do some other shit, My mom gets a call from the courthouse saying a cop was just there and the windows were gone out of my car, i'm pissed now, my dad was yelling at me in the background and shit like this, so a bunch of other uselss stuff happens and we finally get to my car with a trailor at like 11:30, The passanger side window and back passangerside window were shot out with a bb gun, nothing missing at all, i'm just pissed that it happend.

so now i'm jobless, car less, and my dad is pissed at me.
oh and i spent my dollar.

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:: 2006 14 March :: 8.33am

so.... friday, my boss tells me that he'll call me over the weekend to tell me what we're doing on monday, sunday night he calls, tell's me that i have monday and tuesday off because we dont have any work, okay, so i make some plans to go job hunting and such because my boss is a cock.
he calls me up yesterday and asks me to stop by last night to talk about the schedule, he tell's me that he's got a meeting at 5:30 so i decide to show up a bit later, I had to go to my uncles(who lives next door to my boss) so i stop by around 7:30ish, Nobody was home, so i helped my uncle and went home, i get an aleart on my 2way this morning, its my boss asking me where i was last night and the such, i tell him what happened he's like oh... well you've got to be at york creek at 8am. I say to him "hey man, i've already made plans today you cant be doing this to me" and he replies "I guess i'll find somone else then"

and that was the end of our conversation, Here it is 8:38 AM and i'm still not down at the york creek maintence building.

I can't belive this guy tricked me into thinking that he takes care of his employee's and convinced me that he'd be a much better boss than Andrew.... At least when Andrew was my boss and i worked at howies i had fun... I havn't had much fun at all since i've worked for Robert.

So today, i'll continue my plans at finding a better job... I've got to now.

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:: 2006 13 March :: 10.40am

so yeah, the boss calls me last night and tells me there isn't enough work for me monday and tuesday so dont come in until wednesday... WTF is this? i'm not a temp. so today, i'm going job hunting, Maybe i'll go back to howies in october when minimum wage is raised to $6.95/hr. but until then, i can't afford it.

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