2009 21 June :: 11.54pm
:: Mood: calm
:: Music: "Wanted" By: Jessie James
Shopping, Surprise Anniversary party, and a cook out.
Well, this was a pretty good weekend. We got to my grandparent's house on Friday night, and just relaxed. Then Saturday morning I woke up at 7:30am, got dressed, ate a bowl of cereal, did my make up then took off with my Grandma. We went to Goodwill, Cato's, Dollar Tree, and Wal-Mart, all in Ionia. I got a couple shirts, A hippie necklace with a peace sign on it(made of wood and hemp), a bracelet, nail art, nail polish, cosmetic wedges, sun glasses(rockstar shades, let me tell you), and one of my alllll time favourite movies, un rated and special edition....."The Boondock Saints". Hells to the yes. So, I am extremely happy right now. I watched it today, and laughed my ass off. My favourite part is when they come down through the cieling, tanlged up in rope, and they kill the mob people, then the brother that bought the rope looks at his brother and mockingly says "What do you need your stupid fucking rope for huh?". HaHa. So, everything went well this weekend. And after shopping yesterday, we went to my Aunt Tina's for a surprise anniversary party for my Grandparents 40th wedding anniversary. And today for Father's Day, we just had my Aunt and Uncle over for a cook out. The only bad part about this weekend was I finished my book so I had nothing else to read, and my Pokemon game on my GameBoy froze up, so I had to start all over. But, today was good. And it ended with the best thing. Being held by Brendon and him giving me kisses. But, better go. Bye.
2009 18 June :: 1.10am
:: Mood: Adored
:: Music: "Wanted" By: Jessie James
Wow, this guy is....Amazing.
I can't believe the difference in mine and Brendon's relationship. I look at the times we've tried before, and it just amazes me that this time it's working out, very well I might add. We see each other everyday, we watch movies, play volleyball, other things no one should know about..HaHa. Then I also love that he gets along with ALL my siblings. That's usually pretty hard. Him and Dylan get along great. They play War games together, him and Brie laugh and talk in funny accents. Him and Tanna play ball and talk. And him and Ava play, talk, watch TV together, etc. He's a total sweet heart and I love everything about him. We don't fight or bring up topics we differ on just to annoy each other, we've grown up. I love spending time with him...soooo much. When I see him my heart beats faster, When he kisses me or just holds me I get butterflies in my stomach and it's always hard to contain my smiles when I'm around him. He makes me smile, laugh, feel amazing about myself and everything else. We could be in a war zone, but as long as his arms are around me and he's kissing me on the forehead, I wouldn't care. I'd be smiling. But, I have to go. Bye.