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:: 2009 13 May :: 11.47am
:: Mood: calm

Well. the Garage Sale is in 2 days. I hope the weather cooperates. We just have to grab a couple things from the basement and the attic, then make signs and we are done. Well, aside from having to set up and what not, we are done. I definitely feel a hundred times better than I was the other day. My cold started late Saturday night, and it got worse, the calmed down alot. My nose is still somewhat stuffed and I do cough up crap, but, it's definitely gotten better. I'm sure my smoking doesn't help with the phlem in my throat, but who cares. It's just phlem. HaHa. I'm around chapter 12 in that White Oleander book. The book is definitely better than the movie. That's usually how it turns out. Except How to Deal.The book sucked hardcore and the movie was a million times better. One of those rare cases where movies outdo the books. But, since I got that book, I have a nightly ritual. I wait until all the kids and Doug go to bed, so it's quiet, and then I make a cup of tea and just sit at the dining table and read anywhere from 2 pages to 4 chapters. I'm glad I got this book. It's nice to have something that allows me to escape from reality for however long I choose. But, I better go. Bye.




:: 2009 10 May :: 8.40pm
:: Mood: sick

Birthday Shopping.
Well, I went Birthday shopping yesterday with my Grandma T. We went to Goodwill and Wal-Mart, both in Ionia. I got a pearl necklace(for my Marilyn Monroe costume), 2 shirts, a new cute wallet, and Gladiator sandals. I used to looks at those things and say "ewww. Horrible fashion trend", now, I love them and I wear them all the time. HaHa. My dad is still taking me to get the claddagh tattoo around my wrist, but he wanted to get me something to open. So...he got me the claddagh ring. I now have the necklace, earrings, and ring. And soon I will have the tattoo. I love it. It has my birth stone. But, my birthday is in a week exactly. So, Saturday night I plan on going to Kayliegh's to hang out and celebrate it early in a sense. Because I can't have fun on a Sunday night.....because Sunday is LAME. But, my Grandma H. is having a hard time exactly trying to find out a time to take me shopping for my birthday. They are starting to go camping a bit, so, she had to plan on a day where they wouldn't be camping or anything. So, we set it for Father's Day weekend. It's a little ways away, but I can wait. She said that there's a new coffee shop opening around that time in Lowell, so she said we can go get coffee there, then we can go wherever I want to. We are for sure going to Goodwill and this store in Ionia that has cute clothes, and they never go over a certain price. Then we can go pretty much wherever else I want to. I'm thinking I might also want to go to Meijer, Wal-Mart, and a bookstore, if we can find one outside of the mall. I love the mall, but, I just don't want to go there this time. But, I am going to go. Bye.

P.S.- Let the Birthday count down begin. 7 days until my Birthday!!!!!!!



:: 2009 8 May :: 9.17am
:: Mood: drained

The weekend.
The weekend is sort of here. I just have to stand doing chores until about 7pm. Me and the kids(except Brie) are going to our dad's for the weekend. Saturday my Grandma T. is picking me and Tanna up to go Birthday Shopping. I'll probably ask to go to goodwill, maybe Meijer. So, that should be fun. The Sunday, we are getting picked up early by my mom, Doug, Ava, and Brie and we are going to my Grandma T.'s for Mother's Day. But, Jenny brought me "The vampire chronicles" yesterday, that will help me with the empty parts of the weekend. THANK YOU JENNY!!!! :] Have fun up North. HaHa. But, we went to the new Meijer here in Cedar the other day.....wow, totally different set up from every other Meijer I have been to. Guess what they have....come on guess. Okay...they have a HALL of bread. No, not an isle.....an actual HALL. It's loaf upon loaf of bread. Along with Hostess cupcakes and more. But a hall of bread. It's strange, but it's cool. This Meijer isn't as big as Rockford's, so, it has everything except a Jewelry center, shoes, Juniors clothes, and I think one more thing. But, it's pretty cool. They also have a TON of books. The books were the first thing I saw when we walked in, and I just gasped. My mom didn't know why I was gasping so she assumed something was wrong. "What's wrong??" I just pointed and said, "They have books. Lots and lots of books. And I see a few I have, want to read, or look interesting". Yes, I said "look interesting" from afar. I am a person that does the opposite of what they tell you. They always say "Don't judge a book by it's cover"....yeah...well.....I can't do that. If it looks like a cheesy 80's advertisement on the front, I won't read it. The picture and description have to grab me. If one doesn't, then it's not going to be read by me. But, I have to go vacuum....Ava's teacher is coming over for a home visit. Bye.

P.S.- Yesterday Brendon and Kayliegh were over...there was a Gardener snake, Brendon picked it up to throw it in the woods...and as he threw it, the snakes tail came off. HaHa.


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