2009 6 April :: 11.33pm
:: Music: Burn Halo - Dirty Little Girl.
You caught me under false pretenses.
..and on my day off from Aveda and the turmoils of memorizing head and scalp conditions, what do I do?
Type up my scalp condition notes.
I have seemingly developed a creepy need to be organized.
Organized to the point of self-irritation.
I'm not just keeping an agenda. No. We're talking re-ordering my music library, being two weeks ahead on my homework, making note cards (insert 'wtf' here) for things I ALREADY HAVE MEMORIZED (or, excuse me, compartmentalized..).
I have even gone through my phone and reassigned all of my ringtones.
Not only have I tidied my own bedroom, but Courtney's as well because she's in Florida on spring vacation so she isn't here to lock me out like Cammie does and dear god I cannot help myself.
Fuck an alarm; I get up before the sun and you can bet I'm looking for senseless things to preoccupy myself with.
I mean, who has their fridge color coordinated?
This bitch right here, thanks.
Oh p.s., I've passed all of my knowledge assessments and practical applications so far.
So woo.
2009 6 April :: 1.27am
:: Mood: Fuck Off
:: Music: "Almost Lover" by: A Fine Frenzy
Flower pot painting and crazy movies.
Well, Girl's Night was a success. It was fun. We got moneys and went to Dollarville and each got flower pots and painted them when we got back to Kayliegh's house. Mine is Ocean themed, Kayliegh's was flower themed, and Jenny's.....I don't even know. I know there was talk about splotches and snails. HaHa. Afterwards, Jenny and I headed to her house to grab some movies. We watched "Shrooms" and "Requiem for a dream". Crazy movies. But, part way through that second movie, it was time for me to rest my head and my tired eyes. The next morning I was seriously dragging though. I got over 8 hours of sleep, yet it felt like I pulled an all nighter. Then...the worst part came. I went home! *Dun Dun Dun* I wanted to just lay down and sleep or just play Pokemon....no no. Impossible. The kids blew the Dining room and Living room to all hell. I had to pick that mess up; Repeatidly. Then we had a talk. Not going into that right now. Then the rest came. I played Pokemon for a total of 5 hours. Yeah, that's right...I am a huge nerd. But, I better go. Bye.
2009 6 April :: 12.07am
:: Mood: exhausted
:: Music: Muse - Supermassive Black Hole.
I've been lax on the updatage 'round here on account of the fact that I've BEEN GETTING MY ASS KICKED with school and the overflow of material I need to cram into my head.
Or as Aveda says, "compartmentalize."
def: to store away in different compartments of the mind.
So now I listen and daydream about little secretaries running around my head, which is filled with a million filing cabinets.
I really shouldn't be complaining considering work starts on Wednesday, so if I think I have it bad now, I should really finalize my Will.