2008 25 December :: 5.48pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: "On top of the world" By: T.I. ft. Ludacris & B.O.B.
Christmas Day.
Today is Christmas, and suprisingly we woke up later than I thought we would. We were going to wake up at about 7:30, but, I guess it was around 9 when we finally woke up. It was alot of fun. It was us, the Grandpa, and Aunt Beth. She ended up coming over this morning. We had two stockings each this year. One from "Santa", and then one from Wolverine/YMCA cos they "adopted" our family to help us out. So, it was a good Christmas this year. I don't really feel like going into detail about the things I got right now, because I am going to go watch "The Nightmare Before Christmas" with Ava, but, I hope everyone had a a good and happy Christmas. So, no more countdowns from me. Bye.
-Samm d'Massacre.
365 more days until next Christmas. HaHa, Just Kidding.
2008 24 December :: 7.40pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: "On top of the world" By: T.I. ft. Ludacris & B.O.B.
Christmas Eve.
Tomorrow is Christmas; the day I have been looking forward to since about November. And now, it's all going to be over soon in less than 24 hours. Oh well, at least we are the kind of people that keep our tree up until the middle of January. HaHa. My Aunt Beth is supposed to come over tonight, but, we don't know if she's still going to. Then tomorrow morning she's going to be here and so will our Grandpa Bennett. So, I'm excited. I'm also really excited to see the reactions of Mom, Doug, Bri, Dylan, Montanna, and Ava when they open the presents I got them. I'm going to say what I got them all, but you can't tell. HaHa.
-Mom: A very nice photo album and I already put some pictures in there. Ranging from us kids, all the way to pictures of her as a baby.
-Doug: Two Stephen King books. The first one being "The Green Mile", and then "The Bachman Books", which is four novels in one book.
-Brianna: Fuschia Semi Perminant hair dye.
-Dylan: A Breaking Benjamin CD.
-Montanna: A Tinkerbell purse.
-Avalyn: "Parachute Pig". It's a stuffed animal pig that has a parachute with a back pack and all included. It's pretty cute, if I do say so myself.
So, that's what they got. Not much, but, I did my best.
Tomorrow, we will, of course, wake up early and have our usual Hot Chocolate and Cinnamon Rolls. We will open presents, enjoy them for a little bit, then chaos will erupt. We will have to all get ready to go to my Aunt Diane's for lunch/dinner. And HOPEFULLY we will be able to go to my Grandma Schrivener's tomorrow after Aunt Diane's. I love it up at my Grandma's. Especially around the Holidays. There's like 150 people packed into a double wide trailer(that's not the part I like, in fact, I loathe that part), and there's a million things of food, and as for dessert...oh boy. There's way more than enough to go around. There's everything from finger jello, to pies, to Ice creams, and more. I love it up there. Then the guest bedroom is always the official PS2 playing room. Everyone in the gathers and plays racing games, Guitar Hero, and more. Then of course, there is always Sabrina's husband Derrick and his Viking Hat while he's been drinking. HaHa. It's great times.
But, I have to try and stay awake because my mom and step dad need my help transporting the presents from their hiding spot to our house. And, I'm going to watch "The Dark Knight", and hopefully finish it because I have had it for 4 days and I have not been able to watch the whole thing. But, going to go do that. Bye, and everyone, Have a Merry Christmas. And don't forget to party hard. HaHa.
-Samm d'Massacre.
The strangest Christmas Enthusiast EVER.
2008 22 December :: 3.36pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: "If I ever leave this world alive" by: Flogging Molly
Ah, Christmas presents.
So, on Saturday our dad picked us up at about ten, and then I passed out on the couch immediately after arriving at his house. HaHa. But, the best was Sunday morning. We got our presents from him, our grandparents, and "Santa". I have to say, I have my own personal favourites when it came to what I got from them. The first being a box of herbal tea I got, it has a few different kinds of tea in it. It has the following: Chamomile, Peppermint, Lemon Zinger, Wild Berry Zinger, and Sleepy Time. Then, the second is a shit ton of art supplies I got. I got acrylic paints, sketch pads, a variety of pencils, erasers, sharpeners, paint palletes, and 25 brushes of different sizes and kinds. Then my Grandma T. got me "Twilight" and the new T.I. CD "Paper Trail". Those are my favourites.
So, one of these days, you will think to yourself "Hey, where is Samm, and why hasn't she posted anything?". I will be locked in my room, painting masterpieces, listening to T.I., and drinking awesome cups of tea. HaHa. Just so you know, that is where I will be. Or dead. HaHa.
OH! I almost forgot!!! I also got a new movie! "The Dark Knight". I was super happy when I opened it and realised it was now mine. Now, I will have one, and Doug(shh. He doesn't know yet) will have one.
And there are still presents coming. From Mom and Doug, whoever drew my name from the hat on one side of the family, and then doug's parents and grandma.
But, better be off. Have to get laundry and some chores done so either Jess can hopefully come over, or so I can get closer to locking myself away with my presents. HaHa. Bye.
-Samm d'Massacre