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:: 2008 14 November :: 3.08pm
:: Mood: contemplative

Ah yes. Teenage Girls Dilemmas.
You haven't called in 2 days. You haven't come over for your usual lunch break hang out. So, I'm only hoping she didn't get inside your head.
Hoping she didn't twist and contort your thoughts on me. She's the kind of girl that lives, breathes, and even ingests drama.

"I can't believe you ditched him! He was hurt and disappointed and upset".....Yes, well, that stung a little bit I have to say. But after I talked to you and you assured me she was blowing smoke out of her ass, I felt a bit better. The burn was gone. I hate it when she says "Well, he didn't say that. But you could tell he was thinking it".

That was last month, but her drama just brings stress and irritability into my world. I don't need anymore of that. My days lately have been waking up early, getting the kids off to school, showering Ava, dressing Ava, getting Ava onto her bus, waking my mom up, getting Ava back off of the bus, watching Ava, cleaning, chores, sometimes I talk to my friends, go to bed, and start the same thing all over again. One reason I loved the movie "Dream Catcher". It brought me a saying for my life. S.S.D.D. Same Shit, Different Day. Love it. Live it.

It seems the only thing that excites me anymore is "Alright" by: Pilot Speed. Yes, sad to say, a song is the thing that excites me most. HaHa.

But, Mom, Doug, and Ava will probably be home soon. I should start on more laundry. Yes, that's me.... House wife in training. HaHa.

-Samm d'Massacre

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:: 2008 12 November :: 11.14pm
:: Mood: amused

I am now located at my new journal so my bff Samm d'Massacre can blog it up, Cedar style.

Give her a warm welcome, everyone!

Yeah, I'm done. Over and out, my dear.

So drive yourself insane tonight.
It's not that far away, and I
just filled up your tank earlier today.

[edit :: 3:46am]

Yeah I'm back, and I'm stronger than ever.

I love who I love.
I spend my time doing things I enjoy.
I 'waste my gas' driving around the places I like.
I laugh at things I find funny, offensive to you or not.
I hurt your feelings because I'm honest and I don't believe in sugarcoating anything.
Yes, sometimes I antagonize and push. I have my moods. So do you.

But! UNLIKE YOU, I'm carrying out my life in the aftermath of the decisions I made, not anyone else. My morals were chiseled in me from tried-and-learned experiences in my actual life, not handed down to me from my grandparents' bible.

Fuck you for almost making me believe I was less of a person for it.

Does it really matter what kind of vodka I drink - or that I drink at all? No. And yeah, I smoke, so fucking what? At least I can sleep in the bed I've made for myself, wake up every morning and be content with the life that greets me.

My parents don't love me based on what I choose to show them and what I keep hidden away under my bed so's not to 'disappoint.' No, my dad knows about my (gasp!) premarital sex and pregnancies. My mom can come sit on the porch with me and talk about our days over a cigarette. My grandparents have seen every tattoo on my body, and my little sisters aren't surprised at anything I say.

I don't keep secrets and my honest thoughts are the first in my mouth and through my barely-parted lips.

My family and (true) friends love me not because I'm perfect, but because I'm real.

At first I was going to abstain from all social websites, but decided to keep my woohu and facebook. However, MySpace, Trig, ModelMayhem, etc - are all dead and ground into the dust.

So the bitches with the drama can get a new hobby, because I'm perfectly content to manage my life without he-said-she-said.


* ps, I apologize if this lacks my usual prowess with words and prose. I'm better but STILL (a bit) bitter and so am ranting with my fingertips. Who the hell am I kidding? You guys understand ;]

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:: 2008 10 November :: 10.56pm

I did blame others for my faults. I took others above the ones that mattered. I say this with the miniscule thing in my chest that keeps me alive, that i am so sorry. So so sorry......
I gave you my heart, i hope with all of me that it works for you......
I hope someday, maybe just maybe i will be forgiven.

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