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:: 2008 4 November :: 11.55pm
:: Music: Flaw

Another day goes by....
I`ve Been Running away for far too long
Afraid of what
Afraid of what I know is soon to come
I may not be much of an example right now
But I can give you all of my knowledge on how
to get along in this place
right now all I can say

Is that I will do the best that I can
to be a good example of man
I know one day that You`ll understand
you deserve the best that I am
you deserve the best that I am

It`s So hard
so hard to think about when I was child
so angry at life
I blamed the world for such a long long time
But Things happened so quickly
some people just go
I needed answers to heal me
I wanted to know how to get by
and now its my turn to say

Is that I will do the best that I can
to be a good example of man
I know one day that You`ll understand
you deserve the best that I am
you deserve the best that I am

This is all for you
everything in this world
everything in my world
everything in your world
things wont always go right in this life
theres always changes
we`ll make it
"Flaw: Best I Am" Lyrics to live up to

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:: 2008 2 November :: 11.48am

Everyone assumes this is easy for me. While i may whine (so they say) it gets annoying and actually rough for everyone to think this is so easy. I have to deal with what i thought were my friends talking shit about me and to have her think this is easy on me. I have few friends left and i will do anything to hang on to them. I'm about to just lay down for the count. I am to the point in my life to where something as little as a dropped ipod or something so minute can just mess my head to where i will drop everything to just be alone. It is easiest to just get away from everyone so i dont say or do anything drastic or stupid. Enough rambling from me. Have a good one.

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:: 2008 15 April :: 10.34pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Guns N Roses- Rocket Queen

Like I have stated before, I am not a very interesting writer. My life may be interesting, yet I am not very good at translating into text. As I write, Paul, our kitten is curled up on my neck. It is actually strangely alright with me. Jess and I watched one of the "8 films to die for" a little while ago, and frankly it was creepy, but by no means that scary. that is about that, although i am starving again. Damnit........

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