2007 22 February :: 11.13am
if anyone wants to get me an early birthday present or christmas present or just wants to have a good party with a badass live band.
we could find some people to pitch in.
1 Rain |
2007 22 February :: 8.55am
fuck man...
i woke up today like an hour ago and my knee hurts and my left ankle hurts, and i have to drive home today... man i hate ohio.
2007 22 February :: 12.49am
for those of you that think my college is easy, this was a problem we have to solve.
its made of .050 sheet
i think we have to be within 1/64th of an inch.
i'm pretty sure i'm close.
4 Rain |
2007 21 February :: 7.48pm
so today we started studying the female reproductive system and its pathology...
she was throwin alot of terms my way...
A vagina has never stressed me out more...
5 Rain |
2007 21 February :: 3.37pm
 Get your own CrushTag!
2007 21 February :: 10.05am
i ate my last bite of hasbrowns at ihop last night.... today begins my 40 days of no fast food.
13 Rain |
2007 20 February :: 6.02pm
well today, i was talking with courtany about lent and shit
and giving shit up for the whole 40 days.
i'm not catholic(sp?)
but hey, why not challange myself right?
so this year for lent, i've decided to give up somthing more serious than masturbating, somthing that will actually do me good.
Good bye McDollar menu, burger king, KFC, and all other fast food places i blow way to much money at. I'm not eating there for another 40 days.
Andy made it, i'll support him.
 Get your own CrushTag!
15 Rain |
2007 20 February :: 11.00am
I can handle the embarassment
 Get your own CrushTag!
2 Rain |
2007 20 February :: 9.42am
Fergie from black eyed peas

someone can't hold it.
and a random video of a little kid talking
7 Rain |
2007 20 February :: 9.11am
so yeah, this weekend was okay.
except i was stuck on a fucking lake for 12 hours and the yota still isn't running right.
i'll be back this weekend, i've already got plans for saturday night. I'm selling the tempo and i have to fix the toyota i guess haha, its probably just a stupid vaccume leak
2 Rain |
2007 17 February :: 10.33pm
Found out some bad stuff today.
But because I don't like dealing with my own problems, I brushed it off.
I tried to have a good day anyway.
And to my surprise, I succeeded.
I didn't let it get to me, and I didn't cry.
However I sunk to a very low level.
But that was after he took me out for a reall fancy dinner.
His daughter wanted to spend the night.
But she also wanted her sister and one of their friends to spend the night as well.
And because I have been fighting this terrible cold all week and its still not getting better, he told her no.
She threw a fit, and he even tried to explain it to Paula, and she got pissed.
She drove over here to bitch at him because she thought he was just making up an excuse so that he could go to the bar tonight.
Well much to her surprise, she was wrong.
She apologized because she felt like an ass.
Anyway I am going to go snuggle into my bed, and watch tv while I wait for this cold medicine to kick in and I drift off into a very deep sleep like I did last night.
2007 16 February :: 4.42pm
a true redneck.
Me, my dog, and my truck all in one picture.

12 Rain |
2007 15 February :: 6.17pm
so I don't know how frequently any of you see Mrs. martino... but I am looking to talk with her. I left her a voicemail but I don't know if she checks them or whatever...
so if anybody reading this could, tell martino that I'm looking to talk with her about a project I"m doing, some pretty intense stuff...
give her my cell number 1-724-812-6724... and MAKE SURE TO TELL HER THIS because I accidentally gave her the wrong number
thank you whoever decides, if anyone does, to do this for me :)
4 Rain |
2007 15 February :: 1.15pm
I had a brandon boyd dream last night... maybe I'll write about it later...
7 Rain |