#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 13 February :: 6.11pm

this is right outside of our dorm

the drift.


just looked outside and i saw these kids shoveling snow into this huge snowbank, then i looked at it closer and its actually a ford ranger.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 12 February :: 10.17pm

i'll probably be coming home early this week haha.

tomorrow and tomorrow night, accumulating up to 16 inches of snow, wednesday its going to be below 2 with a wind chill of like -16

definatally going to a "level 3 weather advisory" which means that you can only go out for necessety or emergency.

8 Rain | bows


:: 2007 11 February :: 7.44pm

So things have been going up and down lately. I lost my job for something that wasn't my fault, so that really blew. But at least I got my job back at bk so I cant still afford my apartment. I am going to check out a nursing home on Wednesday. So hopefully something will turn up. So other then that its just been the normal partying. Which seems to never get old.



:: 2007 11 February :: 6.02pm

best chart ever nate you will appericate this.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 11 February :: 12.02pm

mmmm yota

3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 February :: 10.31pm

I'm a jack ass.
And damn proud of it.
I wish I had a theme song.
Perhaps I will right one later on tonight.

Anyway, I went back to work friday.
For how long, no one knows.
I go back monday to finish doing what I was doing friday.
Gauging hooks on springs is fun!
I did well over 5,000 on friday.
I sat alone in a corner for 8 hours.

Booze cruisin' was in store for this evening.
But our parade got rained on.
More like stormed actually.
His daughter came over for a few hours, and by the time her mother picked her up, he was dead asleep.
And dead asleep is where he stays.
I'm not surprised though.

Tomorrow we have wrestling.
Yay! Not. I get to sit on hard bleachers for about 5 hours, trying to look interested in little boys touching each other.

Anyway, it's time to go see if maybe he'll wake up.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 9 February :: 10.15am


the US GOVT dropped a large sum of money into my checking account this morning :D

9 Rain | bows


:: 2007 8 February :: 3.55pm

I fucked your grandma because I'm beautiful

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 8 February :: 3.39pm

So I had this dream, and I think that it's kind of relative to my life and my current mindset...

so I'm in a room of mirrors... and I see a bunch of things, what they are is irrelevant to you. THey were all things that I desire (make jokes, go ahead). I try my hardest to get a hold of everything I see, but no matter how real it looks to me, when I try to grab it it just ends up being the reflection. I cannot, for the life of me, find the real things.

you can imagine how frustrating this was for me.

so , to make me feel less wierd about this, lets make a joke...

Kevin, you were trying to get a hold of (fill in the blank).

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 8 February :: 7.23am

man, getting dressed before i went to bed was such a good idea.
I just woke up, took a whore bath.

put some deo-for the beo on.
put my boots on and now i'm ready for class.
thanks courtany for waking my ass up this morning.



:: 2007 7 February :: 10.53pm

Today I got 2 kind of good phone calls.
The first one was from my mom.
Calls from her usually don't result in anything that makes me happy.
But I get to go work with her tomorrow and make money.
Kind of exciting. I get to answer phones.
It was more exciting to want to do, but now that i get to, im not so excited. haha
And I got a call from Vicki at Peoplelink and I go back to work on Friday!
So I'll hardly be online anymore, and very rarely will I be up past 9 haha.
Things are still good with Mike and I, even though we have had a couple of arguments this week.
He needs to learn to sleep.
And I need to leave him alone when he's trying to sleep. haha
Yeah buddy.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 February :: 9.08pm

this is turning into a pic post now.

anyone know who's cat this is?

i took a picture of it along time ago and posted it in my woohu.

andy, this one's for you, definatally a good pic i think.

half of this thread got erased :( i'm a sad panda

here we go again


Rache took the best pic of jay ever

its still in the basement

the last pic of my tasha dog... she's drinking kool-aid, it makes me sad i miss her. (she was actually my uncles, but she was great)

this entry is hilarious
" :: 2004 24 November :: 7.17 am

quote of the night

"at least let me put it in my mouth"


from my first trip ever to lima

when someone photoshopped the cutlass and nate thought it was real paint


andy's doba

I wish it still looked this good.

always a good day when you get 2 boxes from jegs

okay thats all for now.

3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 February :: 6.25pm

i hate banks.

Fuck them all.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 6 February :: 8.30pm




:: 2007 6 February :: 2.00am

i'd just like to make a note that you guys all suck at staying up and being online.

espically rache, i was just talkin to you then your like "i'm tired going to bed night" and bam your out.

i'm not tired, i'm just bored. somone get online and entertain me, some of you dont even have school tomorrow. gah!


i leave here thursday at like... 8:30 in the morning.

7 Rain | bows

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