i am in kalamazoo with lisa and dustin
i have about 2 months until i start at the Illinois Institute of Art
I m fucking tired and hungry
I will be at home working an 8-5 job later today.
no home this weekend, at least i dont think.
which is okay, cause i have a roomate that is cool finally. (AJ) hA!
going to be weird having to share my room again. but oh well.
you guys taker easy.
good night.
I'm come to terms with my insecurities.
Which in turn has made me become rather bitter.
My sarcasm has spiked to its all time high.
I've pushed my mother away, because I don't believe anything she says anymore.
I think we've only argued once since we moved.
He's becoming more serious about our relationship.
We are working on communicating more.
I am very happy.
Our financial troubles are working themselves out.
But I have to go clean and do laundry!
If I didnt treasure my internet dearly, I'd tell Charter to lick my anal region.
First my VOD doesn't work.
So they had to reset.
Then my movie channels wont work.
So they had to reset.
Now nothing works.
Fucking dumb asses
The only problem I have with any minority is that they continually go on about how they want equality (by which I mean equal seats in government, business, schooling). They want half of the pie. the problem is, why would you give half of the pie to 30% of the population. That means the other 70% is only gettin half. Now that's not very fair is it? Young minorities are trained by their parents that everyone is out to get them, especially the white man. So they respectably honor their own traditions ( no foul play there), but in turn feel as though it is their mission in life to push this tradition on others, and when we don't want to be a part necessarily, it's racism. The minorities of the past suffered immensly, and today these people should be educated about it, as "white people" are educated about horrible things we've done about minorities, i.e. hitler, slavery, etc.... ( by the way, fuck howard zin, he goes on the incesent rants about how we aren't educated and we don't know anything about how awful of people we are). I feel no need to apologize for what someone did 200 years ago. I don't have the same mind set, feeling, or faith as those people, so why should I feel bad? In fact, I'd rather not associate with them at all. Maybe I should turn myself green, then people will leave me alone.
Basically, everyone needs to shutup, deal with what they have, and make more valuable educated decisions about what we, (majority or minority), do in the future.
2007 25 January :: 9.43am
:: Music: The bloody irish boys - drunk tonight.
AJ found these guys on myspace, definatally fucking rock.
Take me back to that open road
Where it leads ill never know
Take me back to that place ive been
Where I said id never be again
So raise your glasses to thee
Celebrate another drunken year for me
Everybodys gonna get drunk tonight
Were gonna drink and fight Hey Hey Hey
Everybodys gonna get drunk tonight
Everything will be alright
Play me a jig sing me a tune
My dear friend this shots for you
Feel it burn as it goes down
But watch out here comes another round
Drink until you cant see
Celebrate another drunken year for me
The place youve been is the place youll be
The questions come but no one answers thee
Why we drink when were told not to
I guess thats just what were born to do
So raise your glasses to thee
Celebrate another drunken year for me