#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 17 January :: 11.36am

yesterday was a pretty long day... so I came home, made some chicken and drank some beer. Then it wasn't so long.

whoever came up with the doug thing gets a blowjob from me

finally I can incorperate doug into my life without being completely embarassed!

3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 16 January :: 6.55pm

so i know this is a weird request, but does anyone have a spare lamp laying around, its kinda dark in my dorm room since my roommate took his lamp with him, the bastard also took my shelves.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 16 January :: 3.02pm
:: Music: British radio

I haven't been on woohu in months. I read a few pages back in my friend's pages and oh my dear God.. I feel like I've been gone a century, not just from woohu, but from all of your lives. I feel like I'm a million miles away. But I guess I am pretty far. Even a different state would make a difference. But here I am across the ocean, on another continent, in a country many of you know very little about, experiencing things most of you could never know. I am living another life here. Each of you are living another life there, even from each other. You're all friends, you all influence each other, intertwine each other in your lives, but you've all got separate worries, thoughts, problems.. I used to know what was going on. I guess the appropriate phrase is I feel "out of the loop." I'm not upset about it, it just really hit me now. I have friends, family, school here, everything I have in the USA, and my mind is consumed in them. My mind is in Poland and my life here. Coming to woohu right now and reading about all of you with boy/girl problems, school stresses, family frustrations, good parties, great nights out with friends, getting drunk.. your minds are consumed in your lives. Maybe all I'm saying is that life goes on, whether you're there or not. People keep changing, or maybe they keep up to their old habits, but whatever happens, nothing stops. When I get back to the states you guys may have partially forgotten about me. It's understandable. As far as you know, I hardly exist. I'm not around, you don't hear from me, you just simply know that I'm in Poland. And you might read my brief sugar-coated articles in the paper. It's just strange. All of my friends are living their lives and I'm not a part of them anymore. I'm living my life and none of you are a part of it.

It makes me wonder. When I come back, will we still be an ocean a part? Will things go back to being the same? I don't think so. I used to think 10 months wasn't very long, but really it is. We're all growing up. Should I work to read woohu, talk to people on msn, email frequently? Or should I stay focused on my life here that I'll be leaving in five months? But then again, I will never really leave this life. I'm going to be traveling constantly because the friends I've made here are the real ones that I can't fully leave. And when I get back to the states, I'm going to be there for a summer and then it's off to college. The closest there's a chance of me being is a few hours away in Alma, MI. But my hope is to be on the east coast in Boston or New York. I'm not trying to decide if I should stay in touch with all of you or not, because that's rediculous. I will stay in touch with those who I'm meant to, and I will drift with others. It's just life and I'm fine with that. Though it is hard to leave the people you care about so much.

Now I think I'm digressing. I was just struck by the strangeness of reading how all of your lives had progressed and for once not being a part of it, not being the listener or a prominent person in the "group." I feel like someone watching through the window, merely an outsider.

It's different, but it's not bad. I actually think I like it. I like my life and what I'm doing and what I plan to do. It probably will never involve Cedar Springs or even Grand Rapids very much ever again in my life, though. So drop me a line sometime and let me know how your life is and I'll let you know how mine is. It's nice to catch up with the people who used to be so involved in your life.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 16 January :: 9.01am


har har



:: 2007 15 January :: 8.50pm

sledding tonight at meijer midnight, meijer on 10 mile. it'll be fun, bring sleds, and people.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 15 January :: 1.14pm

so andy, when did you change the saying?

6 Rain | bows


:: 2007 15 January :: 10.45am

So Life has been going Awesome. I've been having tons of parties. So far my Neighbors have all turned out to be pretty cool, which is prly why the cops haven't been called. Lately it seems partying never gets old :) I decided to go back to College. But because I signed up so late I only got two classes. But at Least am trying and going back. So hopefully it will go a lot better this time around. I think it will help that most the people I've been hanging out with lately are in College too. Well its time to get this apartment back to being clean. See ya

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 12 January :: 9.22pm

i got some booty!!!! yay for 4 day weekends and visiting boyfriends!

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 12 January :: 8.52pm

So I have finally moved.
I live in Sheridan
The quiet little town of Sheridan.
I live with my boyfriend who I love more than anything.
Even though we don't have the most perfect relationship I love him to death.
And it seems like all my friends are getting hitched or knocked up.
Oh well.. Those plans aren't in my future...
Well I'm off..

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 12 January :: 2.13pm

man, talk about a bonding day, my dad took a vacation day today, i thought we'd hang out or somthing, i was sitting there talking to him about cars and shit and he just kinda puts his headphones on and plays his PSP, kinda sucks.

to all of you who can hang out with your dad, props to you.
i wish i could.

3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 12 January :: 11.25am

Eh.. I freaked out... who doesn't.

So I'm reading Rolling Stone on the crapper... usually a dissapointment. However, today was different. They had a little article in there about emo music. It was titled. "Who Hates Emo Music More?"
It was blocked off into different quotes by a bunch of shitty bands like Hinder and Disturbed, as well as other bands that aren't really shitty necessarily but I'm not exactly huge fans of them like Tool and The Killers. I thought it was ironic that Brandon Flowers hates emo, I don't think I really need to say why, I mean, the kid's practically emo himself. I guess he's really in that more artistic with no real artistic skills group. Sam's Town was not as good as their first album, by a long shot. ANyway.. Mayndard said probably the funniest thing. I quote:

" This shitty emo music is created by frat boys for frat boys that slip roofies to their dates. Ooooh, look at me, I'm sensitive, I feel. Here, have a Roofie Collada."

It was also noted that My Chemical Romance was tormented in england. This is a band that has a couple moderatly catchy songs, but is REEEAAALLLYYY Bad live. Have you ever heard the guys voice? He can't sing at all! The english crowd threw all kinds of shit at him, and when he tried to wave UK flag they booed. It's funny that he's never waved an american flag to my knowledge before. THey also apparently said things from like "Fuck your black parade, you cock sucking nunce." Classic english... anyone wanna go there?

And this isn't even the best part. When Panic! at the disco, who were clever enough to divide their name into two unintelligable fragments as opposed to one cohesive statement, played the same crowd, someone threw a beer bottle at the lead singers head and knocked him the fuck out. How fucking awesome is that?

2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 January :: 6.17pm
:: Music: knocking on heaven's door - guns n roses

so yeah...Root Canal. Should be a fun time...along with wisdom teeth.
Can I get any luckier?


4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 9 January :: 8.58pm

Have you seen me?


2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 7 January :: 1.42pm

hey phil, there is a $16 check hanging on my fridge, sorry i forgot to give it to you last night, just stop by some time today and my mom will give it to you.



:: 2007 7 January :: 1.22pm

hey phil, remember when we were at mindy's and we were talking about cats and stuff and i mentioned fruitcat but mindy wouldn't let me use her computer to show you.

i present to you......
Fruit cat.

4 Rain | bows

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