#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2008 8 April :: 4.29pm

So I am still waiting for that student id number.
I called and left a message with the admissions lady..
Being that it is spring break this week, I highly doubt i will get a response this week.

Anyway to go more indepth about the things my last entry contained..
My dad had a date-ish type evening saturday. I am happy for him, and he's happy, and he smiles a lot too.

I spent time with my mom on saturday. We played cards. It was entertaining.

And lastly, Mike's fish.. We had a power surge, and his fish was fried. He swam all weird and retarded like for a couple moments, and then nothing. It was sad.

But now I must shower. Sandpaper dust does not leave a very attractive odor behind. And let me tell you, I would be so very happy if i never had to see sandpaper again.

2 Rain | bows


:: 2008 8 April :: 7.41am

erin was here last week, she's amazing.

she left satuday, i'm sad.

I miss her alot.

anywho, i've been up since noon yesterday, i worked from 11pm till about a half hour ago, its sleepy time.

night night



:: 2008 6 April :: 10.02pm

A big weekend has just ended..
My dad had a date.
I willingly went to see my mom.
And Mike's fish died..



:: 2008 3 April :: 1.23pm

John Stewart pretty much sums up why I hate polotricks. Because it all comes down to a game of bowling...

1 Rain | bows


:: 2008 2 April :: 6.38pm

So finally we have 2 running vehicles again.
I am waiting for my student id number so I can register for summer classes.
I just finished cleaning, but I still have some more to do..
But I am running out of ambition.

Tara is moving to Texas.



:: 2008 2 April :: 6.38pm

god damnit... now I'm back to this again.

3 Rain | bows


:: 2008 2 April :: 4.38pm

la la la la wait till I get my money right >: /

I ain't no cosby no I didn't go to hillman

1 Rain | bows


:: 2008 31 March :: 8.21pm

that must of been some concert...

4 Rain | bows


:: 2008 30 March :: 9.12am

i have my erin.



3 Rain | bows


:: 2008 27 March :: 10.34pm


1 Rain | bows


:: 2008 27 March :: 5.40pm


3 Rain | bows


:: 2008 27 March :: 5.03pm


bowling till 9:30
clean a bus
ride to chicago with danno and ryan

tomorrow: meet erin at the airport at 9:17am
hang out with erin, dan, ryan, and jeff tomorrow, get some chicago pizza, help danno pack
erin and myself hop a train to the mitten and we hang out here for a week, then i have to drive her back to o'hare and she heads home to texas :(

2 Rain | bows


:: 2008 26 March :: 4.46pm

Now I just wait for an answer and the days to pass..
As well as my student ID for MCC so I can register for classes.
Not to mention take the placement test.
They set me up with a time, but I can't do it at that time because I have this thing called work that I must attend so I can bring home a small paycheck at the end of the week! Yippy.

I dread most of it.



:: 2008 24 March :: 9.11pm





:: 2008 24 March :: 7.41pm

I must have smoked crack today...

Today is the last fast food meal for what I wish would be the rest of my life... and being that i"ve eliminated pot already I decided to make a list of other things to get rid.

things left to eliminate:
-Hamburger Helper
-not excercising

oh right, why I would say that.

Well I kind of went on a cleaning spree, and cleaned everything.

btw, who would have thought?

MyHeritage: Celebrity Morph - Family tree chart - Dynasty

9 Rain | bows

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