all in all not the worst weekend ever. bowling was great. the whole DD thing kind of killed the mood for me, but at the same time provided a new perspective onto the intoxicated times had.
moped around yesterday and today. Boo to that.
it's about a negative four degrees farenheit here. cheers.
Its currently 6 am.
No one is online and i feel like talking.
I can't sleep because there is far too much on my mind.
I've done a lot of thinking lately about where my life is at right now, if i like it, and if im happy, and where i want it to continue to go.
And tonight just added more to my plate to think about.
Ugh! What to do what to do..
Oh, and i was watching vh1 today, it was 100 best one hit wonders.. and Los Del Rio or whoever sang the Macarena was number 1.. and they were showing clips of people doing the dance, and they showed Barack Obama on there, and of course Al Gore and Bill Clinton.
fucking chris got me stuck on turbo ford's
it probably wouldn't take much to get that car running, just a complete motor swap because the douche probably burned that motor up, its just an N/a motor with a turbo on it, can handle like 5psi max :(
So im sitting on my dads laptop, getting my ass chewed out by my mom via msn about a lowsy 45 bucks, and at the same time shes talking to my dad on his cell phone while he's sitting directly across from me talking crap about me.
I need a map of your head, translate it into english so I can learn to not make you frown
feel better if you vent? put your frustrations into four letter words.
Your communication skills are improving kevin-san, just take a chill pill and enjoy the moment.
2008 24 January :: 6.41pm
:: Mood: aggravated
:: Music: I don't need anymore friends
Love these genes
Gotta love these genes. My mom's over-analyzing powers, and my dad's anger and limited patience. I'm so glad I got these traits, because it makes doing anything thats new next to impossible. I've already tried to play the guitar some more, but I can't because it feels like its out of tune and my fingers won't work right, so I can't do a damn thing about it. I'll have to go spend an awkward day with my uncle to even get chords, which makes me feel pretty damn stupid.
I went to Physics for the first time today, setting a new record for missing the first day up to a certain point. The first two times weren't my fault, but the others have been, so its just a meh situation for me. Professor Bacon was cool about it, showed me what I needed to do, and set me on the right path, which is more than I can say for the guys back at central. Though walking in today not touching physics since high school where I got one of my lowest grades ever was a bad idea. I don't think "88 mph" was how fast that ball was falling in the problem, but I saw it in back to the future, so who knows.
Another fun thing I did while cleaning up my room was I found an old John Meyer disc and got really pissed, and destroyed it. Bonus points if you know why! Also, I'm beginning to think that I am really messed up in the head, and could use some therapy or something.
I'm off to go make or buy dinner, I haven't decided, so later kids.