#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 25 December :: 4.27am

procrastination is wrapping your presents at 4am Christmas morning

thank god i don't have to do that again for another year.

5 Rain | bows


:: 2007 23 December :: 9.12pm

i don't want to be here tonight, i wanna go do something, but nooooo, i'm guilted into staying home because the roads are bad.

fucking shit man, i'm 21 and my mom is still telling me what to do.
i need to get the fuck out of here.

12 Rain | bows


:: 2007 23 December :: 7.17pm

my mom wants me to stay home tonight cause the roads are bad.

they arn't that bad.



:: 2007 22 December :: 12.13pm

So i haven't updated in about a month.
Figured it was time I should.

Still looking for a job.
Christmas is around the corner.
All my shopping is done.
I have christmas with my moms family today at 3.
Christmas with my dads family tomorrow at 1.
Christmas with my dad sometime between now and monday.
Christmas with my mom monday I believe.
Christmas with Paula and Jim and the kids on Monday night Tuesday morning.
And i think that about sums up my christmas' for 2007.

The closer christmas gets, the more exited I get.
And I get to see my sister and my brother in law!



:: 2007 22 December :: 2.14am

for box.


oh look, trent reznor wrote it.

6 Rain | bows


:: 2007 18 December :: 3.51pm

i am moving back to cedar. there is nothing in this godforsaken armpit of america.
move home at the end of the month. much work and debt repayment will follow.
then 21. then enjoying my life and planning my wedding.

oi, there is way to much to do before october.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 17 December :: 2.42pm

tonight, the HH christmas party :D

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 16 December :: 9.41pm

[21:40] [skife] i want sex
[21:40] [Saria] haha
[21:40] [Saria] yeah me too
[21:40] [Saria] dammit :|

why i love IRC

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 16 December :: 3.05am

hmmm, not thinking about much right now.



:: 2007 14 December :: 2.07am

i'm pissed right now.
really pissed.
i have been for the past 3 days.
not sure why
its getting to me

little things set me off.
stupid things

i just want certin people to leave me alone
not happening though.



:: 2007 11 December :: 1.57pm

So every knows I'm in the habit of saying things that get me in trouble. Well watch this, and wait and see what Jeff Ross says to Courtney Love. I've never been a fan of Kurt Cobain, but damn.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 December :: 11.43pm

you know, i don't mind doing favors for friends, i actually enjoy them.

But, when you never ever help me with anything....

don't ask me to give your friend a ride somewhere espically when;

1.) We don't hang out much at all
2.) You've known this guy for like a week
3.) you told me the reason he needs a ride because he's running from the cops
4.) you wouldn't do the same for me

also, when i tell you that i won't do it grow the fuck up and don't get pissed at me for you asking me to do something illeage.

also, grow the fuck up.

10 Rain | bows


:: 2007 10 December :: 3.15am

i can never seem to make up my mind on anything.

except i want feety pajamas

5 Rain | bows


:: 2007 5 December :: 2.32am

new AIM:




:: 2007 4 December :: 9.54pm


[21:15] [skife] boo?
[21:15] [jeff] aaaaa.
[21:15] [skife] bbbbb.
[21:18] [Jeff] ccccc?
[21:18] * skife claps
[21:26] * Jeff glares


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