#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 26 October :: 2.09am

i'm in bed.

i don't know what to write about, my mind is kinda blank.

i don't really care about much anymore, to me life is boring and i need something to keep me going, i don't know what that something is yet, but i think i'll find it soon.

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 24 October :: 3.50pm

Things have been looking up lately.
Not that they had far to go, seens how things had already been going good.

But I was told today that I was recommended for a job. (in the same shop).
Hopefully I get it.



:: 2007 23 October :: 2.09am

is it bad that i want to move to europe just so i can own one of these?

9 Rain | bows


:: 2007 23 October :: 2.09am

is it bad that i want to move to europe just so i can own one of these?



:: 2007 23 October :: 1.33am

time for some things to change.
i'm tired of drinking and partying all the time.
i'm tired of going nowhere in life.
i'm tired of the same shit every day.

it just gets old.
time for something new.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 22 October :: 11.36pm

so my step grandmother just died, my great grandmother is in the hospital with fluid around her heart.

its supposed to rain all week.

great week huh?

was at the hospital to see my great grandmother today, she wasn't very coherant, i couldn't stand to look at her, it made me sad.
on the way home, we got a call from my dad saying that my grandpa's wife just passed away.
we just built a ramp for her wheelchair yesterday... irony huh?

so i sit here now, drinking the rest of my vodka, alone.

i think my step grandma died from the rain.... its depressing.

"its the rain, its gatta be"

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 22 October :: 1.56pm

signing up for classes tomorrow
definatally going to take a welding class.
a german class and maybe bowling.

5 Rain | bows


:: 2007 21 October :: 4.35am
:: Mood: Sleepy
:: Music: Bright Eyes

4am Forever
Bright Eyes concert follow up:


2 Rain | bows


:: 2007 21 October :: 2.56am

darkside of the rainbow never ever gets old.



:: 2007 19 October :: 8.57pm
:: Music: Portishead - Glory Box

I miss everyone I've ever known.

6 Rain | bows


:: 2007 18 October :: 9.12am
:: Music: Skunk Anasie- Secretly

i feel sick,
i have had at most 3 hours of sleep, but here is the best of it, i could have fucking sstayed in kalamazoo longer because i had class cancelled until my 3 o'clock.
it sucks, fucking hauling it out of bed, feeling like shit and trying to sleep on the fucking 6:37 train all to show up by 8 am and find out no class.

On the ups, it gives me time to work on all i need to do. on the downs, i feel sick and i only have 2 ciggs.
i hate commuting. I want to go home, forever. i am sick of school.

and bonus!!!! not only do i have to remake a 10 page project that didn't save, I don't have my third class either.

god, today was a waste.



:: 2007 18 October :: 12.55am

today made me a little bit happier than i used to be. not sure why.


big list of todo's tomorrow,

sign up for classes
clean room
tighten wheel bearing on truck
some other random crap

6 Rain | bows


:: 2007 17 October :: 4.29am

mmmmm cowboy bebop....



:: 2007 16 October :: 11.27pm

i don't want to think anymore.
it drives me crazy



:: 2007 16 October :: 4.11pm

okay, so i decided to change my journal layout a little bit.

black backgrounds use alot less energy than a white one i guess.
dunno, maybe i was just bored.


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