#006699 Life as we know it will cease to exist#006699


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My Soul Cries for deliverance~*

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:: 2007 2 October :: 4.23pm

the gogo tempo is gogo gone.

$200 i still need to pull it off the jack stands so the guy can come and get it.
he's got the title, i've got the cash.



:: 2007 2 October :: 12.32am

36 hours or so in at howies so far. thats last week and today.

my only day off is thursday, there are 2 people comeing to look at the tempo tomorrow, one guy said he is bringing a dolly and $250 in cash.

i'm excited. I need the money.

i'd probably just throw it in the bank for awhile though.



:: 2007 30 September :: 11.54pm

no more partys for awhile.

heh heh.

stupid hangovers.

next week is going to be busy.
my day off is thursday, i have bowling that night, during the day i'm definatally going to attempt wheel bearings on the toyota.
howies keeps me busy now, i like it.

i'm to busy to spend money so all i do is save it.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 27 September :: 10.32pm

Read more..

rawer i can survey too

5 Rain | bows


:: 2007 27 September :: 10.03pm

Name:Mindy Giaimo
Birthdate:January 3rd, 1988
Birthplace:St.Marys, Grand rapids Michigan
Current Location:Comstock park
Eye Color:Brown
Hair Color:Light brown
Tatoos:3 and one more to come
Overused Phraze:whatever
Candy:Anything chocolate
Alcohol Drink:Vodka
Body Part on Opposite sex:hair
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:Coke
McDonalds or BurgerKing:McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon:Watermelon
Hot tea or Ice tea:Ice tea
Chocolate or VanillaChocolate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug:Kiss
Dog or Cat:Cat
Rap or Punk:Punk
Summer or Winter:Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:Scary movies
Love or Money:Love
Bedtime:8 in the morning when I work otherwise around 4 in the morning
Most Missed Memory:Everyone hanging out
Best phyiscal feature:Butt
First Thought Waking Up:Damn am still tired
Goal for this year:Save money for a house
Best Friends:Tasha,Jessica, Amy and the boys
Weakness:I hold grudges
Fears:Being alone, dieing
Heritage:Indian, Italian
Longest relationship:a year or so, not sure
Ever Drank:YES
Ever Smoked:YES
Ever been Drunk:YES
Ever been beaten up:NO
Ever beaten someone up:Naww
Ever Shoplifted:NO
Ever Skinny Dipped:YES
Ever Kissed Opposite sex:YES
Been Dumped Lately:NO
Favorite Eye Color:Blue
Favorite Hair Color:Brown
Short or Long:Short
Height:5'7 to 6
Looks or Personality:Both
Hot or CuteHot
Drugs and Alcohol:Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny:Medium
Number of Regrets in the Past:some
What country do you want to Visit:Europe
How do you want to Die:In my sleep
Been to the Mall Lately:nope
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes
Get along with your Parents:Yes
Health Freak:nope
Do you think your Attractive:Yup
Believe in Yourself:Sometimes
Want to go to College:Yup
Do you Smoke:Nope
Do you Drink:yes
Shower Daily:yes
Been in Love:yes
Do you Sing:In the car
Want to get Married:yes
Do you want Children:yes
Have your future kids names planned out:Kyle wants one named after him
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:been there
Hate anyone:Yup




:: 2007 27 September :: 9.59pm

done good tonight.

game 1. 101
game 2. 180
game 3. 151

i'm getting better.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 27 September :: 3.10pm

today i got some shit done i needed to, not that big of an acomplishment but i did stuff. I made the list last night

1. Call comfort suite in sandusky to see if my charger is there.
2. Close chase account
3. Clean room
4. work on truck
5. Put cutlass and tempo on craig's list for cheaper (also put r/c truck up for sale
6. get bills orginised (sorta did this)
7. Cash Check
8. Bowl
9. go to chase
10. Adjust lifter on the truck.
11. pay $26 to best buy.
12. build battery box for the toyota (probably end up doing it saturday.
i still have some more stuff to do but yeah, i feel a little bit acomplished today.



:: 2007 27 September :: 2.23pm

Name:Katie Ann Albrecht
Birthdate:January 16, 1988
Birthplace:Grand Rapids, MI
Current Location:Cedar Springs, MI
Eye Color:Gray-Blue
Hair Color:Dirty Blonde
Piercings:Alot, 22
Tatoos:9, soon to be 10
Overused Phraze:Whatever
Candy:Tootsie Rolls
Drink:Grape Juice
Alcohol Drink:Margarita
Body Part on Opposite sex:Eyes
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:Neither
McDonalds or BurgerKing:BurgerKing
Strawberry or Watermelon:Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea:Hot Tea
Chocolate or VanillaVanilla
Hot Chocolate or Coffee:Hot Chocolate
Kiss or Hug:Kiss
Dog or Cat:Cat
Rap or Punk:Punk
Summer or Winter:Summer
Scary Movies or Funny Movies:Scary
Love or Money:Love
Bedtime:When ever I fall asleep
Most Missed Memory:HS Band
Best phyiscal feature:Eyes
First Thought Waking Up:I don't wanna
Goal for this year:Play more music
Best Friends:Erin Miller
Longest relationship:2 1/2 Years
Ever Drank:Yes
Ever Smoked:Yes
Ever been Drunk:Yes
Ever been beaten up:No
Ever beaten someone up:Yes
Ever Shoplifted:NO
Ever Skinny Dipped:Yes
Ever Kissed Opposite sex:Yes
Been Dumped Lately:No
Favorite Eye Color:Blue
Favorite Hair Color:Brown
Short or Long:Short
Style:Laid Back
Looks or Personality:Personality
Hot or CuteCute
Drugs and Alcohol:Alcohol
Muscular or Really Skinny:Muscular
Number of Regrets in the Past:Alot
What country do you want to Visit:Germany
How do you want to Die:Painless
Been to the Mall Lately:No
Do you like Thunderstorms:Yes
Get along with your Parents:Yes
Health Freak:No
Do you think your Attractive:Kinda
Believe in Yourself:Alittle
Want to go to College:Already There
Do you Smoke:No
Do you Drink:Yes
Shower Daily:Yes
Been in Love:Yes
Do you Sing:Yes
Want to get Married:Yes
Do you want Children:Yes, 2
Have your future kids names planned out:Ethan, Xavier
Age you wanna lose your Virginity:Already gone
Hate anyone:Yes, bitch Dawn




:: 2007 27 September :: 11.45am

lots of things have happened since i updated last.

i'm single again, jen and i decided the distance wasn't working between the two of us. we are still friends.

my laptop charger is gone, the hotel said they don't have it at all.
it dissapeared i guess.

the battery fell out of the 'yota on delivery last night, the positive terminal landed on the crank pully, killed the battery. I stand by the wal-mart "never start" batterys, if they go bad during the warranty, you get a brand new one. Lindsey took me to wal-mart last night.

I got home from ludington yesterday, Chelsea, chris and i went up there to fuck around. we saw some elk. it was good times.

jennie is giving me alot more hours and hungry hell. money is good.

thinking of donig the 63" chevy spring swap on the yota. MMM flex.

thats all for now i guess. eric's birthday saturday after werk. red flannel the next weekend, then sometime in october is my silverlake trip. then a mounds trip on thanksgiving i think.

3 Rain | bows


:: 2007 27 September :: 1.30am

6 months
So things are going really good. We moved into our new place. Its awesome, lots of extra room not sure what were gonna do with all of it. Gotta pick up some things for the apartment yet, but then it will be complete. Today is 6 months for me and kyle. So we went bowling today, joined a league. Hopefully getting our own bowling balls soon. Gonna be working more now, picking up a extra shift, but will be good for more money. Then hopefully going back to school for the winter semster, just gotta go down there and change my major. But am pretty excited about it. So everythings going great, just waiting for the cocktail party.



:: 2007 26 September :: 3.16pm


Name: Autumn Irene O'Connor
Weight: 8lbs 9oz
Length: 21 inches
Time: 12:15 PM

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

4 Rain | bows


:: 2007 24 September :: 11.05am

i died again in my dream.

i was some sort of warrior/hero in the roman era, probably 80BC or so, i went through this village and killed a bunch of people, i had mercy on the rest of the village and this guy decided he was going to kill me, i wasn't armed at the time and i started running and the next thing i could tell is that my head was falling. it was weird.

i dont like dieing in my dreams.



:: 2007 23 September :: 7.59pm

worst part of the whole weekend, i left my laptop cable in the hotel.

FUCK, lucky my brother has the same lappy as i do.
i'll just make a trip to best buy tomorrow and get another one.

1 Rain | bows


:: 2007 21 September :: 9.26pm

Interesting things have happened lately.
I was in shock for atleast a 24 hour time period.

Wednesday night around 10:15 we heard a knock at our door. So Mike told whoeverit was to come in because we were doing one of his Criminal Justice Quizzes online.. But whoever it was just kept knocking. So he got up and answered the door. Much to his and my surprise, there stands a man saturated in blood. From head to toe. Covered. Mike jumped back about 2 feet, and my eyes grew as big as they could possibly get. Mike asked the guy if he wanted us to call 911. But he just kept repeating 'i crashed my bike, please don't call the cops.. please man, don't.. i'll go to jail.. im drunk" So we got the guy a wet towel, so he could put it on the gaping hole he had in his head. Mike followed the guy out to the pavement when the guy realized he was at the wrong apartment. He took him down to his nephews apartment and the cops showed up. When Mike was talking to the cop, and the guys nephew one of them asked the guy if he got beat up. And the guy, who entirely intoxicated, said "yeah I did. that guy punched me in the face" (pointing at Mike) and Mike was like "dude, you just showed up on my door step, I don't know who you are". I went outside after swallowing my stomach, and there was a massive blood trail. Blood all over my door, bottom of the door frame, side of the door frame, our door mat, steps. In the mean time we're trying to find out where this guy came from, and what happened.. And we notice that his BICYCLE was leaning against one of the garages out back, and the door as well as his bike was covered with blood as well. So then we followed the trail back the other way, and found the spot where he crashed. He either hit a parked truck on his bike, or just simply fell over. There was an extreme puddle of blood on the ground and then smears on the front of the truck.

I haven't ever witnessed ANYTHING like that in my life.
When I went to try to go to sleep that night, I had knots in my stomach so bad that I thought I was going to puke and everytime I'd close my eyes, I'd picture that guy. When I did fall asleep, I'd start sweating so bad that I'd wake up, or Mike would wake me up.
I had nightmares.

Now Im just paranoid of everything and anything that could possibly be in the dark.

6 Rain | bows


:: 2007 21 September :: 4.05pm

i got ambitious today and decided to make our lawn look good.


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