2007 18 July :: 2.39pm
Today, I became so bored and desperate to use the internet. I went to the last place in the world anyone would expect to see me.. a library.. Yea thats right.. Scary huh?
Well As of lately, ive been doing a whole lot of nothing, since i dont have a job as of lately ive had way too much time on my hands. so if anyone needs any work done on their car.. or computer.. or anything of the sort.. Let me know.. I may be starting to work again soon, but am not 100% on that.
Auto repair for half the price a shop will quote.. thats my offer. Or if its something simple and stupid.. im sure we can work someting out.
If anyone wants to just hang out, im almost always home so just stop by..
2007 15 July :: 5.10pm
because $500 into the motor and some stolen 33's never looked so good.

after a little bit of cleaning, wash, wax, some aromorall.

thanks phil justin and will.
16 Rain |
2007 15 July :: 12.09am
i think i want to join the Freemasons.
2007 13 July :: 10.00pm
Well a lot has happened since I last updated. Well this month will be 4 months for me and kyle :) I got a new job at St. Marys living center, which is super close to where I live. Also I got a 1.00 raise. Kyle got like 3 job interviews so hopefully something good will come from that. Soon we will be moving, most likely staying here just moving to a one bedroom loft. But going to check out one other place first. My dad bought me a honda accord. Which is fucking awesome. I am either getting it tomorrow or Monday. Depending on how fast I get insurance on it. Well one more week of work then I have a 2 week vacation before I start my new job. So instead of going to school in august am going go to walker medical and get my patient care tech. Then go the winter semester because by then my new job will be giving me 2,500 a semester for college or better depending on where am working. So things seem to be going great right now. I still have my two hyper cats and maybe one more if I can talk kyle into it lol. Well thats all for now.
2007 13 July :: 9.13pm
Nothing exciting has really happened in my life.
I'm still bitter, and distant.
I doubt that will ever change.
I'm still with Mike.
And I'm very happy.
I'm currently looking for a second job.
So if you have any suggestions, please let me know.
Carley: I apologize if you recieve the same text from me a dozen times. Service in Sheridan is crap and doesn't send my texts and then when it does, they send like a dozen times.
I sliced my finger open today.
It bled quite a bit, and has bled since I've been home.
Anyway I think I am going to go get cozy in my bed, or on the couch and watch Shooter.
1 Rain |
2007 12 July :: 8.50pm
this is my first update from my car.
its raining downtown here in grand rapids.
1 Rain |
2007 11 July :: 10.15pm
so, I've been through 2 colleges, multiple jobs and still can't find anything i want to do in life.
I'm thinking maybe the military is right for me.
I've got a few friends in, Bill loves it, My friend Richard just re-enlisted for another 2 years in the navy and is trying to get into an officer program. I think it would give me some direction in life.
thinking of maybe being a combat engineer in the army. but thats the first branch i've looked into.
4 Rain |
2007 9 July :: 7.13pm
i missed doing algebra.
3 Rain |
2007 9 July :: 11.21am
another $82 down the hole.
timing chain set, head gasket, timing cover gasket.
more to come. i'll probably get it all back together and get it running right and i'll toast a water pump or something.
in fact there is a good chance of it with all the sediement i found in the coolant journals.
2007 9 July :: 8.29am
i should get to class on time.
2 Rain |
2007 5 July :: 11.12pm
when i get this paid off, its going to get 4gigs of ram...
that is all.
2007 5 July :: 7.46pm
time to find my calculator.
2007 5 July :: 12.03am
I havn't updated in awhile, I havn't had anything interesting going on lately.
At least nothing worth writing about.
Just a list of stuff to do:
1. Clean room, I hate the clutter.
2. Get the Helicoil kit for the truck, along with a 40mm frost plug and some red engine enamel
3. schedule classes for fall.
4. read chapter 15 for english, Submit paper and topic proposal.
5. chapter presentation thing, due monday i do the one that starts with C heh, can't remember it right now.
6. critical reading assignment summary due on monday. holy shit to much english for a weekend.
Today was alright. Justin came over then phil and will came over and we went to see transformers, bitchin movie :D
i've got so much catching up to do on stuff, i missed 2 classes this week because i drive a peice of shit car and it wouldn't start.
Girls are confusing... wich brings me to a joke i heard along time ago.
"a man is walking along a beach and finds a magic lamp. the guy picks the lamp up and rubs it and a genie pops out and tells the guy that he will grant him one wish, the guy says "okay, i dont like flying so can you build me a bridge to hawaii i want to go there on vacation" the genie looks at the guy and says some thing like "well... do you have any other wishes that one is hard to do" the guy looks up and the genie and says "can you teach me to understand women?" and the genie replies "would you like that bridge 2 land or 4?"
i need to find direction in my life, it keeps me happy and content, so if anyone has any ideas, let me know. thanks
2007 3 July :: 3.17pm
Fuck It.
And that is exactly why I get along with guys so much better than girls. They are backstabbing bitches.
I'm done.
2007 2 July :: 1.18pm
rough day. I can't write a paper.
new computer though.
toshiba satellite laptop.
1 gig of DDR2 ram, 200gig harddrive, AMD athlong turion 64 x 2 mobile, ATI x1200 mobile video card.
got some bitchin speakers to it, the 1.3 mp in moniter webcam,
and mother fucking windows vista.
5 Rain |