2007 2 July :: 12.49am
just a quick though.....
IF hillary clinton is elected president, i probably won't have the money to move to canada, nor will they let me in. So I will buy a flag pole and fly the rebel flag every day she is president.
2 Rain |
2007 1 July :: 11.04pm
you know, lately i feel like i've been making progress in life.
i look at some of my friends, not naming any names at all, but i look at some of them and they don't have jobs arn't going to school, they just exist.
i've been taking my ritalin again, i can concentrate on doing tasks i compleatly hate doing like homework. It also gives me ambition, last wednesday i took some before i went to my class, i got to math and realised that i didn't check my schedule and that my math class is on mondays and thursdays so i went home and cleaned my car. by clean, i mean the interior is spotless the only thing in it right now are my keys, 4 AAA batterys, my radio, my headphones, and my CD's. in the trunk i have a gas can and a few tools. I vaccumed, scrubbed the carpets, powerwashed the floor mats washed the dash and even claned the stuff out of the glove box.
as far as life goes right now, I feel GREAT, i feel like i'm on top of the wold and nothing can bring me down.
I look back on where I was last year; I was in a job that I dreaded getting up for each day, A relationship that I compleately regretted and wished I would have gone a compleatly different way back then.
8 Months ago; I was beginning college, very very excited about it. I got there and my relationship ended 6 days after I started it seemed like a blessing because I didn't have to deal with the nagging and whining when I came home on the weekends, Progress starts.
6 Months ago; Febuary, the distance of college was taking its toll on me, I wanted to be home with my friends, my uncle passed away, I wasn't doing to hot, Ohio wasn't to friendly with me. I had thoughts of scuicide, Lizzy and Andy we're going to come and pick me up one night but I told them not to.
5 Months ago; I quit college and have been depressed since.
Currently; I am going to G.R.C.C. to get some general credits taken care of, I'm back on medication and doing really well in school. There is a new female interest in my life, someone that I've known for a really long time and I know wouldn't ever do me wrong.
and finally an update on the stuff thats happened today.
Justin McWilliams shows up around noonish, my Dad, Justin, and I hop our asses up on the roof and finish it. Kayleigh Calls me and her and Chase come over, was good hanging out with them, Later We went to the mud runs in Sand Lake. Kayleigh left when we got there, Chase, Justin and I saw a bunch of people there that we knew, I had fun. Then we came home and watched some movies, I took chase home before dinner and tried to fix their computer, I don't know if I was successful or not but I tried.
Steak for dinner, Helped my Dad carry some stuff up from the basement to the dumster, wen't and fueled up the Tempo, stopped by Howies and hung out with Jennie for awhile, I miss her as my boss.
Came home, Finished my homework and now here I am, Writing a Woohu entry that is taking me 21 minutes.
Good Night.
thanks for reading.
- The BeaVe
1 Rain |
2007 30 June :: 11.03pm
put some stuff on the back burner tonight, was going to go to nates, but we got done roofing and i'm whooped, was supposed to go to mirandas but again whooped, mitch wanted me to come hang out with them guys, but whopped.
skipped running last night because i was sore from the other night.
skipped it tonight because i'm way to tired to do anything.
confused a little bit about stuff but thats normal.
looking forward to going and watching the mud runs in sand lake tomorrow around 2 roof should be finished.
if my cam is here by wednesday it will be put into the motor and the truck put together.
mounds trip on the 21st hoping i don't break anything.
i'm getting better with money, i'm stashing $50 from every check away. the rest goes to car parts or paying bills. or getting me to and from college.
i got my hair cut, i have side burnns tan lines from where they used to be, i think i look better now.
kate is on her way home, i hope she brought me some of poland back.
anywho, off to sleep. i'm whooped good night.
2007 30 June :: 2.19pm
spent like $150 today, havn't seen anything from it yet.
ordered a cam from summit, then i ordered a TRD shirt from toyota.
2007 29 June :: 11.38pm
its friday night, i'm all alone.
2007 29 June :: 11.02am
I either suing the city of grand rapids... or killing me some civil engineers...
p.s. I'm serious... except for the killing part...
1 Rain |
2007 28 June :: 9.48pm
well, i just left MA 104 an hour and a half early. i got bored so i was like "hey, what are we doing next week" and the teacher told me we have a test i was like "okay"
and i went home.
i like college. but MA 104 is easy as shit, it bores the fuck out of me. everyone is dumb in that class.
1 Rain |
2007 28 June :: 3.07pm
Apparently cheeseburgers from wendys are worth getting in a big fuss about.
Shannon and I had quite the experience today.
We went in the side entrance to the wendy's parking lot that clearly states drive thru and has arrows pointing the way, and we pulled up to wait our turn and this bone head in a gaudy white station wagon got out of his vehicle and says "you guys aren't going to cut are you?" and I was like "Maybe" and he replies with "The line starts behind me, I suggest you get in it".
However, we were there before he was. (Douche bag).
I was going to cut just to be an ass, but I decided that if I had, he may run into me.
So I just hung back and let him go, and he rear-ended the truck in front of him.
And the guy in the truck was like "You fucking dumb ass! That is what you get for being a total ass hole".
Unemployment and Peoplelink are trying to jew me.
Bastards can suck my anus.
Because I specifically state on my application at Peoplelink I wouldn't work second shift, or for under $8.00 an hour, I apparently do not meet michigans standards to collect unemployment.
So they are going to try and make me pay back the money I collected on unemployment in may.
But I am protesting and they can kiss my fucking ass.
2007 28 June :: 5.01pm
Leaving Poland
COMING HOME PARTY (they say to put the important stuff first)
Yes, I'm returning to the mother land.. to the United States of America. I've been in Poland for ten months. Have you forgotten what I look like? If so, then you should come to my party and reacquaint yourself. If not, you should still come because I envy your good memory. Here are the details.
Jessica Schmidt's dad's house (on main street)
July 4th
5:30pm - pretty late because we'll be watching fireworks and celebrating
If you don't know where Jessica lives.. call her. Unfortunately I don't have her phone number. Maybe if she reads this note she will be so kind as to leave a comment with the number at which she can be reached. Orrr.. you can call me after July 1st at 696-9764.
I know it's Independence Day and you're all popular and torn between which party you're going to choose, but I hope you can at least stop by for ten minutes.
Do zobaczenia!
3 Rain |
2007 27 June :: 10.00pm
just got back from another run, i ran farther before slowing down this time, definatally out of shape, but getting better.
my female intrest came over today and we hung out again, good times. i got my hair cut, and she cut my sideburns off and i have a sideburn tan line now haha.
2007 26 June :: 10.31pm
today was going great, class got out early, i got everything together for the truck, i called this girl i like, she didn't answer but she called me back. shit was going GREAT until i put the cam into the motor and i stripped the middle cam cap bolt hole, i dont know if i can helicoil it and it will be fine or if the head is junk, if the head is junk i'm going to be pissed because i just bought it.
after i got home from work, i ate some dinner and went for a run. the run helped me get my thoughts together and calm down. i think i might do it regularly now.
oh well,
2007 25 June :: 6.53pm
i'm done for good with this lexapro generic knockoff...
i'll deal with depression my own way, pills don't work for me.
3 Rain |
2007 25 June :: 7.22am
what do you do when anti-depressents make you worse?
2 Rain |
2007 23 June :: 11.40pm
tonight was fun.
today i went and got the head for my motor, met this kid from GL4X4 and he had an AWESOME truck. way way cooler than mine, but yeah.
then i went and hung out with a friend of mine and helped her with some work, had a great time. and i'm just overall happy right now.
good night.
2007 22 June :: 9.38pm
forecast for the weekend looks great,
so far, tonight i bought a set of wheels and tires for my truck, the tires are 33x12.5R15 on 15x12 slotted mag aluminium wheels. i wanted these wheels for my cutlass sooo bad, my uncle found them at a yard sale for $125 he talked 'em down to $75 :D haha
tomorrow box and i are going to ypsilanti(sp?) well, newboston its over by there to get a head for my motor. afterwards i get to help build a fence, then after that who knows. hopefully something cool. :D
sunday is probably going to be spend working on the truck, MAYBE MAYBE monday it will run, not likely but there is a slim slim chance
1 Rain |