2007 8 May :: 4.04pm
it would be so easy and convienent to just quit right now.
2007 7 May :: 9.55pm
i got this really cool dollar coin out of the vending machine today, been trying to find super glue all night so i can glue this thing to the floor and watch warehouse workers try to pick it up.
like 2 minutes later, i asked ed... he had some
there is now a new $1 coin glued to the floor in front of my desk
1 Rain |
2007 5 May :: 11.20am
spider-man 3
probably the most dissappointing movie I've ever seen, based on how awesome the other two were...
As my brother put it " I't like Sam Raimi said, 'Fuck this, I'm going to Mexico!' and then hired a 12 year old to write the script...
3 Rain |
2007 5 May :: 9.40am
my eyes keep fucking with me... like i'll see mice crawling around and shit.... i've been up way to long.
8 Rain |
2007 5 May :: 7.30am
i'm so tired i'm just randomly blacking out sometimes at the slightest moment
i wish i could sleep.
3.5 more hours.
2007 3 May :: 12.01am
I got called a hussy by a kid around the age of ten today.
Little bastard.
Baseball starts tomorrow!
Little kids attempting to play baseball.
I have a feeling its going to be about the same as them attempting to play soccer.
Watching 8 year olds play soccer/baseball, is worse than watching the special olympics.
Anyway, my bed is calling my name..
2 Rain |
2007 30 April :: 11.29pm
From 11 last night until 5 this afternoon was the longest I have ever gone without speaking to or seeing Michael in the last 18 months.
It was really hard for me.
But when I saw him, I realized how lucky I am for what I have with him.
I also realized, that I don't ever want to lose him.
And that I am in this relationship until death.
2007 30 April :: 12.05am
:: Music: Crazy - K-Ci and Jo-Jo
What zeh fuck..
Shitty end to a perfect weekend.
Went to the blessing of the bikes in Holland today.
That was a long ride.
But I made it safely.
A couple of the guys we went with, left shortly after we did, and they collided and crashed.
Leaving both bikes totalled, and one guy with a broken foot.
I'm so happy that it's finally riding season.
Maybe I will finally muster up the courage to learn to drive a motorcycle. Not that I'm scared, just a tad nervous.
I think before I even attempt to do that, I need to practice safe speeds in a car/truck first.
Apparently, I was doing about 90-95 up 131 today in his truck when we were coming home.
His spedometer is WAY off.
Oh well.
I also got pulled over tonight.
Wasn't for speeding. And there wasn't a ticket issued either.
I didn't cry to get out of it either.
Oh well, enough information disclosed about that.
2007 29 April :: 12.07pm
this is bullshit.... complete bullshit
i've been up since 6pm last night okay, i worked a 12 hour shift, and on my way home i noticed how nice of a day it was and called my dad and was like "hey lets go pull the motor out of my truck" and he said "awwwe not today" i replied "come on man, i've actually got ambition for once" and he says "we'll talk about it when you get home"
so i get home and he says he doesn't want to do it... doesn't give me a good reason or anything.
i'd go do it by myself but the fucking thing is at his work locked up....
i mean come fucking on, i worked 12 hours and have been up for like 18 and still want to go pull that fucking motor and he just makes fucking excuses what the fuck is that all about. i'm so pissed right now.
3 Rain |
2007 29 April :: 8.40am
i think the most exciting part of another day at the office is when carmen came to me to see if i could call someone to fix the toilet.
i just fixed it myself. and i logged it in my activity log.
thats right... i'm good like that.
2007 29 April :: 7.32am
somthing exciting finally happened, i got a call from mark.
he said tell the temps not to clock in for another hour or so....
so now i've got to deal with a mix of 6 pisssed off black and mexican people.
1/2 of them don't speak english. and the ones that do i can hardly understand them.
2007 28 April :: 11.17pm
any of you bastards want to keep me company tonight. add me to msn messanger
iamtheskife AIM
2007 28 April :: 7.55am
quote of the night
"endale endale, fold some boxes, hurry up or no corona!"
i think gale said it.
funny as shit.
2 Rain |
2007 28 April :: 3.17am
i like listening to the mexicano's talk.
I think one of them said somthing about his "ruca"
isn't that girlfriend?
1 Rain |
2007 27 April :: 10.39am
work at howies 5-10, work at surefill from 11-11
maddie dog wants attention. she keeps nudging me wanting her face itched. she's so loveable when she's tired
11 Rain |