2007 26 April :: 2.54pm
Prom is Saturday. I'm excited. I'm really excited for pizza hut though. it'll be bitchin'. yup...should be awesome! =) yay!
7 Rain |
2007 26 April :: 12.30pm
last night box and i watched "supersize me" and something about severly obese people on TLC, its inspired me to watch what i eat now.
so far today i've had a bowl of life and some cheese and crackers.
and a lot of water.
3 Rain |
2007 25 April :: 7.22pm
So I really wish that I would have been told by Peoplelink before today, almost 2 weeks AFTER my lay-off that I was eligible for unemployment again.
However they are a bunch of flaming idiots.
I did file a claim though.
I have to call tomorrow to see if I can claim these last two weeks.
Hopefully I can.
I recieved a call from Vicki at Peoplelink telling me that I can work in Rockford for awhile and then she said she'd call back with a time/date that I could start over there.
I stopped into Peoplelink and she still hadn't heard from them with a date or time.
She told me that if I wanted to take a pay cut, I could go to Clarion and work 3rd shift.
We'll see how things go tomorrow.
I need a paycheck. Not having money blows ass.
I should probably pick my mouse up off the floor..
5 Rain |
2007 24 April :: 7.28pm
Well its been a while. A lot has happened. I've been going out with Kyle for a month now. Things are going great. Prly the happiest I have been in a long time. The apartment is almost all finished. I got new coach, in tables, entertainment center, and many other things. My dining room set comes Friday. I also cleaned all the carpets. So now am Just trying to figure out what am going to do with the walls. Now just me and Amy live here and pretty much Kyle too. So everything seems to be working out the way I want it to, couldn't be happier right now. I started my new job last week. Its going awesome, I like it a lot. So no more Burger king, which is awesome. Other then that just the same old partying, work, hanging out with friends and Kyle.
2007 23 April :: 9.24pm
I made some pasta today.
The same kind that Katie and I used to make when I was in high school.
We ate this stuff ALL the time.
But for some reason it just doesn't taste the same.
Maybe its because the last time I made it, I ended up throwing it back up.
Just a theory.
My bed now sits about 6 inches higher.
Pretty excited about that.
Not sure why, but I just am.
Maybe its because Im easy amused?
Wednesday, I have a lunch date.
With my Aunt and my grandmother.
Maybe it will put me at some ease with how my grandmothers health seems to be progressively getting worse.
Doubt it, but its seems worth a shot.
Well this about sums it all up..
2007 23 April :: 9.08pm
You are driving in a car at a constant speed. On your left side is a 'drop off' (The ground is 18-20 inches below the level you are traveling on), and on your right side is a fire engine traveling at the same speed as you. In front of you is a galloping horse which is the same size as your car and you cannot overtake it. Behind you is a galloping zebra. Both the horse and zebra are also traveling at the sam e speed as you . What must you do to safely get out of this highly dangerous situation?
Get your drunk ass off the merry-go-round
1 Rain |
2007 23 April :: 4.36am
did i mention that i got engaged?
i just finished my 8am assignment for art.
i will need lots of coffee or something like that tomorrow.
oh and i have lost 15lbs exactly since i moved to chicago.
if i am lucky i will be able to fit in clothes that i thought i would have to give away. only another 10 and it will be good. but for now... lotsof bed!
4 Rain |
2007 21 April :: 10.38pm
I got to see Katie today.
I am happy that I did.
And I got 36 ringtones from her.
Woo! It's exciting.
Anyway, its bedtime.. haha
2007 21 April :: 1.21am
Tonight was a good night, with a few minor execptions.
Exceptions being: Mike being called into work at 5:30, Lots of yelling and me leaving my purse in Carleys car.
I like hanging out with friends.
And I miss Carley.
It was like old times.
And I guess I remind her of Sara Silverman.
2 Rain |
2007 20 April :: 12.24pm
i hate ohio...
gatta go back there today. speding the night in a place with a swimming pool.
hitting up sonic for the last time.
getting my george foreman back.
maybe some pics of the TB hospital for you guys... who knows.
Fuck lima!
2007 19 April :: 6.33pm
:: Mood: Happy.
:: Music: If I ain't got you - Alicia Keys
This week has taught me a lot..
A lot has happened this week.
At the beginning of the week most of it was bad and I was truly petrified.
I was close to losing the best thing in my life right now.
I had several anxiety attacks.
But I quickly learned how to get him to open up.
I was finally able to get him to talk to me.
We are a lot happier.
In other news, my sister and brother-in-law are coming up this weekend.
I am excited to see them.
Things in my life are going rather well.
Other than I am laid off for another week.
So I do not return to work until April 30th.
Which totally sucks, but right now quality time is needed.
1 Rain |
2007 19 April :: 12.54am
so yeah, had a physical the other day.
some old guy was playing with my balls.
sad part is that it was the most action i've gotten in 6 months.
(edit) you niggers need to get online so i have somoene to talk to.
1 Rain |
2007 17 April :: 9.27am
Graduation is in only one month.
My birthday, exactly two months.
So excited.
Cant wait to get out of here.
2007 16 April :: 5.11pm
A lot of bad things have happened today.
None of which I care to discuss openly to everyone.
I got my hair cut today.
I think its too short.
It was supposed to be just a trim.
Anyway.. I have nothing really important to say.
Oh, my sister got a new puppy.
Her name is Belle. And she is either a lab/boxer mix or a shepard/pitbull mix.
She's cute!
4 Rain |
2007 15 April :: 12.08am
Happy birthday to me!
yay for no longer having teen in my age.
and for seeing my love later today!!!
1 Rain |