2007 13 April :: 11.33am
i totally didn't expect to end up where i did last night.
3 Rain |
2007 12 April :: 11.40pm
i think it is sad that out of the like 4 or 5 blogs i have, this is the only one that i rarely look at but usually get something out of.
to live, to learn.....
i want alcohol
2 Rain |
2007 12 April :: 6.02pm
So I had a terrible morning.
I had this bad feeling when I woke up this morning.
I knew that for some reason I wasn't supposed to go to work this morning, but I went anyway because I'm stupid.
On my way to work, I don't know why other than maybe Im slightly not all there, I took County Farm road.
Mind you, County farm has like 6 curves, and they aren't small either.
Well I became friends with a ditch.
And almost some trees.
I did a few 360's.
And sat there as I shook extremely bad and tried not to cry my little eyes out while I called Mike and said "hey call someone with a truck to come pull me out of this HUGE ditch"
And so who does he get to come get me and take me to work so that he can come get the car out when he gets out of work, Paula, his daughters mother.
If that didn't make the situation worse enough, I lost a contact somewhere between my car and getting into hers.
So I had to go the entire day wearing one contact.
Also, I had to take a blueprint/metrology test after work.
Which I managed to pass with a 100%.
Oh and yesterday, Joe's (my mom's boyfriend) dad died.
Today would be his birthday.
He was the crankiest old man on the planet.
So I feel bad about that.
But this evening should be better.
I get to meet Daryl's daughter.
Im excited about that because I guess she's really cute..
Oh and I am really really tan!
2007 11 April :: 8.47pm
This has got to be the longest week I have had in a long time.
Sunday was alright but the few hours i spent with my mom were long and dreaded.
Monday I vaguely remember what I did monday.
I believe I went tanning, and then came home to sit my happy ass in bed like usual.
Tuesday I had a blueprint metrology class after work and then didn't rest until about 9.
Today I didn't rest until about 10 minutes ago, and I am still attempting to find ambition to clean and finish up laundry after taking his daughter to soccer practice and then taking him to work and all that gay stuff.
Tomorrow will be the same repetitious circle as Tuesday.
Im hoping that I will be able to see Daryl before the 19th but at this rate, that won't happen.
My phone is a hunk of shit.
I am so sick of it NOT working correctly.
Katelyn is having a girl.
But she won't name her Raychel.
However I do not blame her.
1 Rain |
2007 11 April :: 7.45pm
shits weak....
1 Rain |
2007 11 April :: 12.20pm
Can this class start.... pleeeeaaase!
i hate my mother... blah blah
i am bored... it is sleeting outside and i won't walk back to my appartment
and i don't have class for another 50 minutes.
i have been here with nothing to do for just over an hour
and some fucker keeps banging on the wall.
my birthday is sunday, my parents aren't coming to see me. mike is... but i feel like spending it alone.
seeing as he has other obligations i would prefer he didn't come.
i am depressed... i need more caffine. i wish i had my stupid ID so i could do my math homework... i still have to buy the gd book.
i really want to hit the fucker that is banging on the wall.
5 Rain |
2007 11 April :: 2.05am
i just found an hour long step by step video on how to build a pneumag frame.
i'm doing it as soon as i get my bills cought up
2007 8 April :: 6.01pm
I have yet to believe things could be better than what they are right now.
I am insanely happy.
3 Rain |
2007 8 April :: 1.20am
tonight, bored enough to gather big news 1 2 and 3 lyrics and songs and read the lyrics with the songs playing.
i wonder what happened to jason kipp after he emerged from the belly of captian bly.
3 Rain |
2007 6 April :: 10.30am
he lives in texas.... at least thats what google tells me.
4 Rain |
2007 3 April :: 2.12am
i'll get this computer fixed yet.
2007 2 April :: 1.04pm
highlight of today was giving the dog a bath.
she's so hyper right now... and she splashed around alot in the tub, its good times.
2007 1 April :: 5.46pm
:: Music: skife
just a quick update.
last night the quarter landed on tails.
allision is having a girl.
6 Rain |
2007 1 April :: 4.00am
The craziest shit just happened.
Mike and I were dead asleep and next thing you know, theres some guy I've never met before but he has, standing in our bedroom.
It scared the piss out of the both of us.
Who knows how the guy got here, he's trashed.
He told Mike several different stories.
The guy wasn't wearing any shoes.
And he pissed all over my bathroom floor.
I was enraged when I discovered it.
So now Mike is out trying to find a place for this guy to stay as I sit here confused and scared with the door locked and all the lights on.
It's messed up!
4 Rain |
2007 30 March :: 12.07pm
soo.... I still remember everything...
1 Rain |