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I close my eyes and you're all I can see

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:: 2004 21 May :: 10.56 pm

ughh dont be like this. this is why everything is so stupid to begin with. ughh forget it i dont care idont care just stop

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 May :: 7.26 pm

Life is good. I'm okay with everyone and everything, even if I don't like you, I'm okay with you. With everything that's happened, that might happen. I guess you could say that I'm over it, over you. For once I can breathe again, and you couldn't ever for the life of me understand how ...good it feels.

He's different than most of them, but...I like it. This could be a good thing.

only 6 more days of school left! I am so excited this summer is going to be so great! I cannot wait to be gone.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 16 May :: 12.34 pm

lol I ripped my pants last night haha but that was the least of my worries haha. Lol me and Brie had a fun time! lol good times.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 14 May :: 7.00 pm

We're going to make you wish you were dead...

I love you Kate :)

14 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 27 March :: 9.42 pm

I'm at my Uncle's, it's really nice to get away from everything for a little bit. He took me driving. yay! that was fun! And now were watchinga bunch of horror movies! So I'm gonna get back to that.

Oh yeah, you suck! yup, that's all.

<3 Jess

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 25 March :: 8.19 am

Yesterday was a blah day. Wasn’t good wasn’t bad. I was looking forward to after I got home, but yeah…nothing to really look forward too. I didn’t have practice because of the weather, which really bites. And then I went to the gym w/ my dad, where I played basketball w/ a bunch of smelly dumb guys who couldn’t really play basketball at all. Went home and went to bed, I was really sleepy. What a fun night huh?
I did do a lot of thinking last night, nothing really knew. Yeah, I just don’t care anymore. I do, but I don’t ya know? I’ve got my eye on something else that might actually work out anyway. So good is where it’ll stay. But IF it turns out like that again, ahhh I’ll go crazy. Forgiveness is a hard thing that doesn’t make sense. A hard thing that I really can’t seem to find these days. But hey, what’s new? I just simply…don’t care. You should have chose it, simple as that, and you didn’t. So yup, that’s it.
Our first game is Monday, I’m so excited! Yay! You all better come to watch me, and make posters w/ my name on them., WITH SPARKELS!!! Heh. Just Joshin w/ ya. But yeah I’m really excited. The rest of this year is going to go bye so fast. We have like 2 or 3 games a week, w/ tournaments on the weekends. Spring break is in like a week, less than that. Like 3 days. Then we come back to school for a week or so then we leave for New York, fun fun! I’m gonna miss Devon! Then we come back, then I leave again, then we have games all month. Yay! I’m soooo ready for school to just get done and over with.

<3 Jess

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 24 March :: 8.30 am
:: Mood: angry

Fuck it.
This is such bullshit. I'm not the one who chose for things to be the way they are. There was a chose, and the wrong one was made. You've known for about 2 weeks or less, I've know for years. I've dealt w/ this shit before. And this is what I want! I'm not going threw it again. You have no right to do that. This involves me, not you. YOu want me to be happy right? Well then leave it a lone, b/c I'm not going to care b/c you think I should. I'm done caring. I just get fucked. So forget it and we'll be fine. You're one of my best friends, and you should understand. And if you don't, you should just trust me then. I don't care, the whole thing can go to hell. I'm not dealing w/ it anymore. okay. It's a bigger deal thany ou think. That's it, period.It's done and over with.

kasjfdkajs;dfljalksfjlk;asjdfkljadfkljaslk;df bah

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 23 March :: 8.20 am

I don't know about anything anymore. I should just learn to not expect anything more than getting scrwed. That's what always happens anyway. I just hate how I'm the one after everytings said and done wishing this place wasn't so fucked up, as it really is. I wish I wasn't the one who always cares more. Espically when I have nothing to care about. You should.

I feel like the bad guy for deciding to walk away from you. Or at least I did before. Now I know that it's what's best for me, and for you. Because you don't need someone who will actually care about when you lie to them, or when you stab them in the back, or when you just screw them over. You need someone, you need a friend who will just forget about it, and won't care. I'm clearly not her.
For once I'm going to ignore the fights and arguments and do what's going to make me happy. I don't care about fixing a damn thing anymore. I wouldn't be put in this position if you would just think first. I am walking away. Dealing with how you've made me feel is not worth it, not at all. I care a lot about you, but I really just don't care about "it" anymore. So I don't care, just fuck off, because I'm not sticking around for the next time you wanna be a bitch. Which will probably be soon.

I'm not going to chase it away this time. I care too much and I mean that so for now I'm just going to forget how I feel becasuse this is better than anything. It's exactlly what I need, espically when you totally understand me. I'm not going to fuck it up.

It's funny, since this happened, I've been so much better w/ everyone else. I actually appreciate how the rest of my friend treat me. And it makes me feel a lot better about the whole thing, and a lot closer w/ everyone else.

Last week I heard this song, it's called "Dare you to move" bye switchfoot, ahh it makes me cry. lol yeah, I made Linds and Dev listen too it! So yeah. :) Here are some of the lyrics.

"Welcome to the planet, welcome to existance, everyone's here, everyone's here. Everybody's watching you now, everybody waits for you now, what happens next, what happens next? I dare you to move, I dare you to move, to puck yourself up off the floor. I dare you to move."

yeah heh I love it!!! Anyhoo enough of that. Talk to ya later All my love, Jess.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 21 March :: 1.25 am

"Jess...if you could change anything..what do you think it would be?

To not have a heart, sad huh?"

Yeah, dont care too much about people or things, always get screwed. It doenst matter how much you care about someone, how much you love them. It doens't matter.

Dont care about someone who doens't care about you. It's not worth your time..... if only it were that simple.

No one understands. After being so down for so becomes to routine, it takes something big to get you out. After hating everything for so long, for being so sad for so long, it takes a lot to learn how to be happy again. Espically when your best friends fuck you over.

I wish you could see what a dumbass you're being. You're not in 1st grade anymore, grow the fuck up. Your excuses dont work anymore. When you make choices, or lack of one's, they have consequences, and wheny ou hurt someone who's been there for you, you're not always going to get another chance. Becuase you lost one of the best god damn fucking best friends you ever will fucking have! Hope you're happy. Hope it was worth it.

wht the fuck is worth it anymore.

God I hate people.

I hate everything.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 20 March :: 11.59 pm

FUCK YOU!!!!!!

I hate you!


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 20 March :: 11.10 pm

what the fuck!!!?!?!?!

people are so fucking stupid I swear I should just fucking shoot myself in the head.


1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 20 March :: 4.51 pm

Andy, wow I'm so know exactlly where you were coming from before. I'm so sorry. Yeah wow I'm a dumbass.

This is soooooooo much better.

But so much yea worse.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 20 March :: 10.49 am

this is lindsey. i would jut like to say that i'm really bored at this choir thing. i'm really tired. and yeah jess was gonna come over last ight but no!!! lol devon is here too. so is emily and i want sex real bad<---Linds.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 20 March :: 1.16 am

Me and Pappy are great lol! Hilarous! yOu have no fucking idea! lol it's great. So yeah...but she's a bitch. I don't care anymore. Fuck stupid poeple. They shoudl fucking a ice cream cone.

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

:: 2004 18 March :: 9.54 pm

43 school days left for everyone.

36 school days left for me.

16 school days untill New York.

8 school days untill first softball game.

Thank you Lord!

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. | Random Journal