2003 18 November :: 6.24 pm
It just doens't matter. Either way you look at it, it's just.... ughh I dunno it just isn't the same. It never could be. This isn't the first and defiantly is not the last.
As far as I think of it, there is nothing left. At all.
The pieces just don't fit together, jadkfjakdjfaklsjdf I don't even know how to explain it.
Everyone has set in their mind they understand, or that they even know what I'm talking about, and they don't have the slightest clue. Not a *single* clue. They can't put the pieces together any better than I can.
But I'm not going to hurt because of something like this, because there is nothing I can do at all. So bah aksdjfkajsfklajsdf whatever. It's dumb.
The only thing that does matter to me, is that it hurts me and they can't even say a word. That kills more. but hey, what can ya do?
*nothing lasts forever, not even your troubles*
<3 Jess
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 17 November :: 5.20 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: Green Day-Brain Stew
grrr last night....shannon called me...lots of crying. This is so messed up dfjasdkfjaklsdfjkasdjf
seriosuly....every fucking time! EVERY FUCKING TIME! I'M SO SICK OF IT!!!! I don't want to deal with this shit anymore. djfajsdfajsdfkjasdfklj grrrrrrrrrrr
I hate when people lead you to believe one thing and then go tell other people something else. I also hate when people lie to me and when people are ...sdfkasdklfjaskldfj
First it was with one guy, then him, then him, and now him. She always fucking get's in the way! fjalskdjfklajsdfkajsdfklajsdfk
This is so messed up, he tells me one thing, and then I find out something else.
How can you even fucking like someone you dont even know. It's so messed up, I don't get it, I don't get anything. ksjdfajsdfkajsdf
I'm so sick of everything, you have no idea. Nothing ever goes right, and I doubt it will. The only thing that makes me happy is paps!
kdjfkasjfkasjfjasdfkjsdfjsdjf WHAT THE HELL IS THE DEFINITION OF FRIENDS ANYWAY. Guys are so faksjdfajsdfkjdkfj asdkjfasjdf and it isn't just one of them, it's ALL of them. My Lord!
*calm down Jess* adjfaklsjdfklajsdflkajdf yeah I'm going to go to the game w/ Jess now, later
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 13 November :: 4.14 pm
:: Mood: cold
:: Music: Blink-182/Secret Crush
so much more to it than all that simple stuff
Today was a long boring day. Nothing really great about it, but nothing really terriable about it, besides the fact that I think I really messed it up this time. I'll deal.
heh, he's a sweet kid, things are definatly looking up. :) <3 Jess
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 12 November :: 3.07 pm
:: Mood: confused
:: Music: incubus- i miss you
Why did I do that? I'm so dumb, adlkfjalkfj !!!Why are people so dumb?!?!?
Yesterday I have to say, was a great day. I really haven't had such a great day....all year basically. I got to school and Devon rushes to give me ballons and a card, then I get to the top of the stairs and there is *everyone* lol waiting, and it was so sweet. Emily got me flowers, and I got a bunch of cards, the Katie's got me presents, Jess got me a really cute thing to hold pictures of me and her, and she baked me cupcakes (you're so sweet pappy ;) then my brother, kevin, and tom put my backround and a happy birthday sign on for the morning annoucments, can't say I was too happy about that one at first, more like extremly embarssed. But it was very sweet, and it's the thought that counts. Then everyone sang happy birthday to me in 5th hour, and then Mitch brought me home, and I thought he was gonna let me drive lol...but he didn't. Then I had to re-plan the whole party thing that was going on for the night, cos the bowling alley all had leauges except for Sparta but they didn't open up for public till 8:30 so me, Kevin, and mitch were just planning on still going. So after I called everyone and told them we were just gonna meet at the movies to see Elf, I started getting ready and then when I have half the side of my head curled, and the other half like a big friz ball Mitch and Kevin show up at my house lol and so I made them go pick up cass cos she needed a ride and I needed to finish getting ready, then they picked me up and we left. Farell was already there , then Jess and collin came, then Sischo, then the rest of them like Caleb, Devon, Lindsey, Emily, and Shannon later. I was really bummed that we didn't get to go bowling, cos sitting in a thearter doesn't really give you time to talk to any of you're friends. and I really wanted to talk w/ everyone and take pictures, but oh-well there's always my party so yeah. So after the movie hehe I got to drive :) wooo Mitch was next to me and Kev, sischo, and Farell were in the back seat, but no biggie, I'm a good driver ;) So all in all I had a pretty damn good day, thanx for you guys that came, I had a lot of fun!
Today though...sucks! The only good part was the 2-hour Delay, I was really tiered because I talked to Jess on the phone till about midnight, so I needed the extra hour and a half to sleep in.
yeah....I did something really stupid today, and I need to learn to just keep my mouth shut, because the more I spill about how I feel the more crap I get myself into, and the more I end up losing. I don't know though, I needed to say it because that's how I feel, and ... it was driving me crazy, but now...things are messed up, and wierd and I don't want them to be that way. I don't know what I'm supouse to do though, because that's how I feel and ....I just don't know what to do to make it ok..I guess. I don't know why I thought that it would work out the way I wanted too, maybe because I .. really feel something this time, I really feel like it could be something that would make me really happy, and make my problems just disapear, but how can I not see that what I want still wants what they already had? I guess I should have just understood that, just been understanding and gotten over how I felt, but you know what? That's really hard to do when you care a lot about them. adkfjalkjdflakjsfkajdf I don't know what to do, or what to say anymore. I should just forget about it.
fajdflkajfkjafd I'm so frustrated and honestly...that was the only time when I didn't really think about my problems, was talking to ..... yeah . I just grrr...i'm so dumb, why I said that today I don't know adkjfaskjfaljflakjf nothing's going to happen now, djfaljdfklajdf forget it!
I love all of you who went last night, espically the 4 who were willing to drive w/ me! ;) <3 Jess
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 10 November :: 8.17 pm
:: Mood: warn out
:: Music: Green Day-Time of youre life
What to think what to do?
A lot of things are rushing thew my mind lately. Espically after tonight. I've had one of the worse days, I am sick of bad days. You don't even know.
First I had to wake up at 5 just to get ready to go *back* to the hospital to get more tests, and getting blood taken makes you pretty damn tiered, so it was a struggle to stay awake all day.
Then Corbin....people using it to make it about themself'es, poeple who didn't even know him, pisses me off. Pray for the family and friends that really need it. akjdflajdflakjsfd Brings back all the memories of Penny. fkjad;fa;klhfa
I really like him, I really do....ah adjfkajdflkajsdfkjasfj I dunno what to do. I really don't, eerytime I'm around him....or talk to him....everything's just...ok. ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!
Tomorrow' my birthday, Mitch and Kevin are taking me bowling baby! fun times! lol Happy 15 to me! yup, 15...not 16 lol happy 15!!! lol
<3 Jess
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 8 November :: 4.20 pm
:: Mood: stressed
Everything’s really…. blurry right now. I’m not sure what to think about everything, but I do know that I think that I want to enjoy what I have in front of me now, more than ever. I was just thinking about if I didn’t have what I did, how different things would be. And I love all you guys, my friends that make everyday worth it! The ones that have hearts of gold. And you make me a better person, you are the people I want to spend all the time that I do have, with you guys now.
I don’t want to think about any of the dumb little stuff anymore, I don’t really have time or really the strength to care about any of that. I just need to think about what’s going on now, and hope for the best, and just have fun. I need to realize that …I shouldn’t take everything to heart, because I’m 14, almost 15 hehe J and I have a lot to worry about in front me , so why worry so much about it now? Now is for fun, now is for smiles not stress, and tears. I guess I’ll just have to let go of the things even if it means a friendship if it is just…not worth it. Live in the moment, think for the future, don’t forget about the past.
Jess-You're the other me, and w/ out you. I woudln't be here. You've saved me over and over again, and you don't even know it. I love you pappy! And without you, I woudln't be me, I woudln't be here,a nd I wouldn't be nearly as happy.
Linds- How can I even begin to thank you for being such a great bestfriend. You're so accepting and caring and understanding. You area ALWAYS there for me, and you go threw so much trouble just to please me for two seconds, and I love you too death, don't ever forget how much you mean to me.
Shea-You're the biggest sweatheart, w/out you....I woudln't laugh I woudln't know what having a good time really was. You bring out some of the happiest moments in me. And the way you care about our friendship...lets me know we'll always have that friendship. I loe you!
Kate- YOu've always been there for me when I've needed you, you've never been anything less than a GREAT bestfriend. You care so much, and do so much for me that you don't even know it! And I just always want you to be able to turn to me when you need someone. I want you to know that I care about you soooooooo much! You'll never know!
Cass-Don't for one second think that I still don't love and care for you as much as I did when we were still super close last year, but I do lov ya just as much, if not more because I've realized how special the friendship we had was and still is, I'm always here for you no matter what.
And-What can I say, I love you no matter what comes our way. You're always going to be like my older brother, and you're stuck w/ me wether you like it or not :) No one's better to argue w/! And never will be :)
Kev-You're such a great guy, and you've really been there for me lately when I've needed to vent, and I lov that and I lov being able to tell you things. I lov u bunches, which will always be more than tonz! :) hehe
Danielle Denne-You're so sweet, I love you!
7 comment..choose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 7 November :: 5.44 pm
Spent the night in the hospital, not fun.
That was ....dumb.
Things hopefully are okay.
Dont' care about the dumb things anymore.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 6 November :: 8.22 pm
The more time I spend with him, the more I end up liking him, so I'm starting to think that either I need to just do it already, or just stop spending so much time with him, then I woudln't have a reason to complain now would I? djfalkdjfalksjdfla;ksjdf ..........you know what though?............He's "perfect" ....he really is.
Him on the other hand, is a big effing ass whole, and I'm sick of his immature crap. There's no reason for it, I haven't done anything wrong, he's the one who's messed things up not me. And now , after EVERYTHING , this is when he actually wants to start something,...yeah a lil. late on that one sweetheart, and then he gets pissed as if it isn't understandable! djfaksjdflaksjdflkajsdf eff you@
I get to see Elf tomorrow! :) heh and hehe w/ him too woo!
MY birthday's TUESDAY, the BIG ONE FIVE! hehehehehe fun times!
<3 Jess
3 comment..choose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 3 November :: 9.20 pm
Well today was going *great* till about after school, that pretty much sucked! Couldn't have been worse. Oh-well not much ya can do.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 2 November :: 7.41 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: East Side Boys-Get low
What is all comes down to
Emily, I love her so much! She's like one of thee *only* people I can talk to about this "guy" issue I have, cos she's the only one who really understands, cos she's there, she's in the exact same shoes that I'm in. And I love how she's so understanding and how sweet she is. I really can see us being really close, she's so easy too talk to, and so understanding.
This weekend was so much fun, Friday I went to Shea's and me linds Kate and Jess all hung out and we basically hung out at Reed's, played with his kids in the yard all night, till they went to bed, then the teachers got drunk, left the Jack Daniel's in the driveway, alone with us, haha NOT A GOOD IDEA lol and then we tped a bunch of people and me and shea went around writting "Go State" with Green chalk in all the Michigan fan's a.k.a. Mr. reed's Driveway, and then those stupid fuckers lost the game! lol I was so pissed, oh-well Michigan just got lucky! There's always another game!
Then I went over to Jess's and hung out with her and Collin, plans got screwed up on my part, but I was still good
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 2 November :: 7.41 pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: East Side Boys-Get low
What is all comes down to
Emily, I love her so much! She's like one of thee *only* people I can talk to about this "guy" issue I have, cos she's the only one who really understands, cos she's there, she's in the exact same shoes that I'm in. And I love how she's so understanding and how sweet she is. I really can see us being really close, she's so easy too talk to, and so understanding.
This weekend was so much fun, Friday I went to Shea's and me linds Kate and Jess all hung out and we basically hung out at Reed's, played with his kids in the yard all night, till they went to bed, then the teachers got drunk, left the Jack Daniel's in the driveway, alone with us, haha NOT A GOOD IDEA lol and then we tped a bunch of people and me and shea went around writting "Go State" with Green chalk in all the Michigan fan's a.k.a. Mr. reed's Driveway, and then those stupid fuckers lost the game! lol I was so pissed, oh-well Michigan just got lucky! There's always another game!
Then I went over to Jess's and hung out with her and Collin, plans got screwed up on my part, but I was still good
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 1 November :: 10.36 pm
:: Mood: relieved
:: Music: Summer is gone
Things are clearing up
heh well things are good all around, I'm pretty happty, cos I know even if they don't go how I *really* want them too, they'll still be good! heheheheheheheh
GO STATE!!!!! heh <3 Jess
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 19 October :: 5.36 pm
:: Mood: curious
Hay Ride
Well Linds called me today and asked me to go to Klarkles hay ride with her, so I did. Wow, it was fun the three of us, minus the part where the little girl almost got ran over by our wagon...wow that scared the crap outta me!!!
...I think I'm un-grounded...hope so cos I'm going insane!
I don't know what to think...everything's just a blurr....
No one gets it, not for a second...which makes things *really* hard...dfkjalskfjalksjf
4 comment..choose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 12 October :: 5.35 pm
:: Mood: happy
Well I'm at Shea's house and we just got home from seeing School of Rock, it was a good movie. It was really cute!
....I am scared....ahhh....okay, I'm going to go now... *giggles* ahhh this is either going to be really good, or really bad, ahh....let's hope good.
<3 Jess
2 comment..choose the best time |
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |
2003 10 October :: 7.01 pm
I wish I was brave
I wish I was stronger
I wish I could feel no pain
I wish I was young
I wish I would try
I wish I was honest
I wish I was you not I
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over
I wish I was smart
I wish I made cures for
How people are
I wish I had power
I wish I could leave
I wish I could change the world
For you and me
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over
I feel so mad
I feel so angry
I feel so callous
So lost, confused again
I feel so cheap
So used, unfaithful
Let's start over
Let's start over
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines.. |