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I close my eyes and you're all I can see

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:: 2007 17 September :: 12.50am

gunnie if you are online please get on aim

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 17 September :: 12.05am

finally finished dying my hair. thanks to roman of course.

it looks kinda dumb but i dont care. i like the change. and since i am not cutting my hair because iwant it to be long at least this is a little change.

i love grey's anatomy omg. i love it so much. if i had a dying wish i think it would be to be a charatcter on greys anatomy. yeah fer realllllllllll.


i should replace meredith. because she is annoying and i loveh er but hate her at the same tie.


dont mind my typos. i just dont care and omg i can't breathe i feel like my throat is bleeding from all those chemicals and standing in the bathroom with all those chemicals for so long gahhhhhh can't breathe.

yesss! i love endoplasmic reticulum and ribosomes. gosh.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 15 September :: 10.32pm

When I'm back home I feel weird. I'm a totally different person. I honestly feel like I'm in high school again. A perpetual senior.

I don't know what it is. Maybe just being around the familar, my house, the road where I live.

I'm surprised that, as much as I hated high school, I am as fondly nostalgic as I am about it.

I have to study for my exam for foundations of communication theory. I think this might be a tough one. Communicationt theory is not my thing at all.

I found out last night that I'm getting a Little. That's a prospective member of the fraternity and I'm her "Big" brother that's suppose to help her through the initiation process over the next twelve weeks. I'm very happy, but I don't feel old enough. She and I are the same age.

I guess we'll see how it works out.

I'm doing well in my "big girl" english class. It's literature of non-western cultures, and I'm one of three sophomores in the class (everyone else is a junior or senior). We had to write a five hundred word paper (critical analysis) on a novel. The average score in the class was 37/50, and I got a 47/50...AND she asked me to send her an anonymous version of my paper so she could put it online as an example for the other kids in class....this makes me happy.


4 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 12 September :: 2.12pm

The best feeling in the world is to wake up in the morning and go to Rueben's room, lay next to him, and feel his warm, sleepy arms tightly curl around me.

That's what love is all about.

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 12 September :: 12.39pm

The big drama in my life right now is tracking down a two thousand dollar scholarship that I was suppose to be getting from the university for academics, but they took off my financial aid for apparently no reason.

I'm just fine without the scholarship, but I would still like the money.

If I could get this scholarship back, then I could quit my job and just focus on school and the frat.

That would be nice.

I've been fairly overwhelmed with work and school and the frat...and I would love to be able to just focus on school and the fraternity...which I love dearly.

We had open rush last night and nineteen people signed up to get more information. That means we might have about twelve people rush this week! Yay!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 11 September :: 5.58pm

hes a handsome black man.

adn i just opened my book and it is confirmed.

i will fail this class.


You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 11 September :: 5.53pm

great. my teacher is a really old, unapproachable man.

YES, he walked in to the wrong class and started writing his name on the board and a lady came in and said 'i thought you were in 301?"

"this is 301, isn't it?"

no its not hahaha- i still have a chance to get a better looking, younger, more approachable professor in this class. i'll keep you pposted as i'm sure you all care so much.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 11 September :: 5.47pm

this is what you get because my statistics class is in a computer lab.

why is my math class in a fricken computer lab?

god am i typing really loud or is it just me?

i put my bags in the seat next to me because i dont want anyone to sit by me.
god i'm a bitch.

why are there so many old people that go to davenport. shit i hope thats my teacher because he's pretty hot. he's wearing a tie. oh, nope he sat down. anyway- old people? i hate having so many old people in my class because then no one talks out of turn and it's nothing like high school. everyone acts like they are so much smarter than they really are. i hate it. gosh that guy is cute. well - for a man . man. man man........................

shit i need to go drink and get the hell out of this clas. why am i in this class. i suck at math. i'm probably going to fail it. i did awful in my other math class. shit shit shit. why i am in this class. 3 hours of math. it's gonna kick my ass.

i haven't even opened the packaging on my book. maybe i should do that.
god i need some friends at this school.
but you remember i put my bags in the seat next to me so no one sits by me, right?

i'm a fricken moron.
lets get this show on the road before i write another pointless update.

4 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 11 September :: 5.44pm

the sky is pretty right now.

i'm going to have so many regrets when i die.

i'm never going to have that feeling again because i dont have enough time to.

i'm living my life grey's anatomy style. stop feeling sorry for yourself!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 10 September :: 8.37am

Wheatland was amazing. I got some henna tattoos and made a hemp necklace, and wore my Mike Gravel T-shirt and had people ask me about him. I listened to a ton of great music and danced a little, too. I also got a little obsessed with Llamas...but that's a story for another day.

I have class in about an hour. I haven't done any homework for a while. I'm slacking. This is going to be a busy week. But I'm still on a Wheatland/Hippie high.

Why is it that, as a culture, we are more comfortable seeing two men holding guns than holding hands?

[on Mike Gravel shirt, not my own genius]

It's so shitty that Mike Gravel won't win. I shouldn't say he won't. There is always the possibility that someone will shoot the eight candidates that are in front of him. But, until he is totally out of the race, I will do everything I can do educate people on his existence and stances. I'm surprised that I haven't talked about him more on here. I want him to come to speak at CMU. That would be the shit.

Mike Gravel:
Exposed the Pentagon Papers
Filibustered for five months to help end the draft
Alaska Senator in the seventies

Full LGBT rights (including marriage)
Universal Healthcare
Fair Tax
Decriminalize minor drug offenses and emphasis prevention and rehabilitation instead of jail

Seriously, visit www.mikegravel2008.us

If you like him...let me know...I'll make you a shirt or something.

Also, facebook groups Mike Gravel 2008 and Rock08.

Or, add him as a friend on facebook.

Check it out.

3 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 9 September :: 5.21pm

so fucking stupid.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 8 September :: 3.23pm

i feel weird.

something weird happened and i'm afraid to fall asleep.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 6 September :: 11.06am

Sitting in the UC, eating my salad....

I went to the financial aid office and asked them where my honors scholarship was...the two thousand dollars that they took off my financial aid for no apparent reason, that I don't really need, but would like for rent and such.

They said they'd get back to me.

After this, I'm going to pearce computer lab to type up some minutes from my fundraising com. meeting and to print off my grade report and class schedule for the secretary (so they know I'm really in band and I have a good enough GPA to be in the frat).

Then, I might go home for a bit...but I have my acting class at two, then a pre-ed major meeting at six, a play to watch at seven thirty, and then my frat meeting at nine thirty. Then we're going to go shopping to get food and supplies for wheatland, which is tomorrow.

So busy...

I hope it rains tonight. I hope the rain comes pouring down and makes little puddles on my window sill.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 5 September :: 7.53pm

we moved into our new apartment and it is so cute and wonderful and big and spacious and great and i love roman and we are so happy .

and my new job is really good i am so much less stressed. i can tell my body is thankful that i got a new job. my face is totally clear and i dont feel pissed off all the time. that job was no good for me. too stressful.

i love life right now except for school. school sucks but oh well. love

4 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 28 August :: 4.40pm

16 credit hours + Fraternity + 20 hr/wk work = overwhelming?

I had to pretend to forge through strawberry jello in my acting class.

I want strawberry jello now.

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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