2007 25 August :: 8.29pm
yay i got a new job.
at red robin in grandville! come see me.\
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 24 August :: 10.12pm
The job is going better. I've gotten over most of the ackward phase where you're not sure exactly where you fit in and who acts like what. They only gave me three days next week, which is fine because i have sixteen credit hours this semester. I'm looking forward to staying busy.
It's been really hot out and the apartment doesn't cool off easy at night, so even though it's seventy out right now, it's still eighty five in here...but there are fans, which help.
It's about time to go to bed; I have to work in the morning. I fall asleep to the sound of sirens and tires hitting the pavement: my own genre of urban music.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 22 August :: 2.08pm
It was warm out today. Too warm. Fark news: Redheads may become extinct because of global breeding (rueben says it's old, but I still find it disheartening).
My kind is going extinct. oh noes!
We went and bought our books today. It was upsetting. Just about three hundred for me, four for rueben.
At least my acting class doesn't have a book.
Miners? Yeah, they're definately dead by now.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 20 August :: 8.29am
I haven't disappeared into the chasm known only as mt. pleasant. I'm here. really. I just don't have internet because my apartment apparently has wireless and my computer is too old to do that.
First day of work went well. the apartment is great. lonely, but rueben will be here soon.
I thought i had a lot more to say. i certainly did when i was thinking in the shower this morning...
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 15 August :: 12.22pm
:: Mood: complacent
Change is upon us.
I leave on Friday to move into my apartment in Mt. Pleasant. Classes start on the twenty seventh, Wheatland is the weekend of the seventh, the shower is before my brother's wedding which is on the thirteenth of October.
Then comes my parent's moving.
When I come back for Christmas, I'll have a new house in a new place. Actually, it'll just be the place I'm staying until I move on again.
All the lists and the planning in the world can't quench my anxiety.
I'm happy that Rueben and I will be living together. It'll be nice to be with someone I can get along with.
Oh, what am I doing? Rambling on like this? Another symptom of my anxiety, I guess. I have to go pack. I'm behind. And I have a dentist appointment in an hour and a half.
Here I go, out into the world/ Looking, searching, for something to/ Hold Onto.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 13 August :: 3.02pm
Odd moods. Misaligned Chakra, or something? Not sure.
I have lots of packing to do. I wish I didn't have so much stuff.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 8 August :: 7.25pm
:: Mood: bouncy
:: Music: Pretty Baby - Vanessa Carlton
It's amazing how some make up, music, and clothes can put me in a good mood. I was rummaging through my closet looking for 'lost clothes' - clothes that i haven't worn in a long time, but still like. I couldn't find any, so i decided pull out my luggage that's been in there since i got back from college this spring...and i found it full of clothes that i forgot about! And it's all cute stuff, too, and, i tried on some pants that didn't fit in april, but fit now! (even though I'm bloated to the gills). I didn't really gain any weight when I went to college, but i've lost about ten pounds this summer, so all my stuff fits a lot better! AND I put on make up and covered up my zit that comes every month from hormones and trimmed and shaped my eye brows and curled my hair a little while listening to some up beat music and I FEEL HAPPY!
I know, girly stuff. Ew.
In other news, I painted my old night stand/ small bookshelf silver and wrote quotations about books on the sides and top of it in black permanent marker. It looks really awesome, and the great part is that the words cover up the horrible paint job. I realized that 1. I'm bad with spray paint and 2. I didn't get enough. Oh well, it's done now, and it's not john deere yellow anymore, thank god.
I talked to a Brother from the frat last night and got a little anxious and guilty about an upcoming project, but I feel better now that I realize that I didn't do anything bad, and now, after thinking on it a bit, I realize that it's not so terrible, or difficult, or terribly diffcult, or rather, not as much as i supposed it to be earlier.
I'm excited for the next couple weeks. Transitions! I'm leaving my Meijer, moving into my first REAL apartment, and starting up at a new Meijer with new people and new drama and new everything. I'm really happy with the classes that i'm signed up for, and really excited about band again. AHHH!
[edit] This happy entry brought to you curtesy of off-brand midol.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 7 August :: 6.45pm
i made it into the nursing program.
my life is so incredibly crazy and stressful right now. on top of it all i hate my job that i am working 40 hours at every day. going in at 630 all week. sucks.
i sold another book online which is great but of course i can't find the cd that goes with it. wonderful. i need to go to the post office to mail it but i can't mail it until i find the cd and i can't go to the post office unless i get out of work on time and i have to return the library books but i need to go at a time when it's open beceause i need to get some more books for my report which is due in two weeks
annnnnnnnnnnd we are moving in three weeks and nothing and i mean nothing is packed or planned or anything. omg. or cleaned. ugh. no boxes. nothing ugh.
annnnnnnd we are going to ohio in two weeks and so we wont pack then.
we will never pack
we will end up throwing random belongings down the stairs and in our car . carload by carload and drive it all 5 miles to our new apartment and carry it in handfuls up our 3 flights of stairs.
and all my classes. class every day. and no time for work.
what the hell am i going to do
and my hair dind't get done today because shit got messed up so i will have ugly hair for at least a week probably more.
i'm gonna go drink all by myself. me and my cats.
we're gonna go get drunk.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 6 August :: 1.32pm
:: Mood: cold
Back to the simplest terms: listing
Things I hate:
Wasting ten minutes of my life arguing with a moronic, toothless old woman about the price of cheese she thought was on sale, but wasn't.
People who do a rolling stop at stop signs.
People who go before me when it's my turn at a four way stop.
People who pass me when I'm going the speed limit.
People who do the last three things within two minutes.
Feeling restless and uncertain.
Hot weather.
Going to work for a four hour shift.
I think that's it, for now.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 5 August :: 10.36pm
i cannot stand my hair right now. i wish i never had cut it all off. i hate it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
it is like a tiny bit longer than shoulder length and all the same length, no layers.... it is my normal color which is like dark underneath and then it gets highlights in the front from the sun or whatever and i just can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
tomorrow i am making an appointment. i mean i haven't even gotten it cut since like march or something so it needs it anyway and i haven't got it dyed or anything since last year. and i dyed it myself in probably like december or something.
so i am gonna get it cut and layered but only cut a little bit because i want it to grow out so badly. and then i am dying it all the same color - a dark brown with a little bit of a copper tint and then getting coppery or carmely highlights and blonde highlights.
yes sir. can't wait. because i fricken hate my hair.
and then i am not cutting it (as in majorly cuttting it- anything besdies a trim) until my wedding. which is a long way away so my hair will be super super long. i want it to be down to the middle of my back so that i can have huge curls and big beautiful hair for my wedding.
yup sothats my plan
just had to let you all know lol.
and yeah jess i still work at the daycare and i loved it when i first started but now i can't stand it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ahhh
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 2 August :: 8.51pm
my banana bread i just made is in the oven baking. mmmm it smells so good.
I really have no idea what to do. Move or don't move? I dont know. we could save a lot of money but is it worth the hassle? and there is the possibility that we wont save much money if any.
i duno
gosh i have lots to say but i have no time.
i HATE my job though. seriously HATE my job
does anyone have any jobs they can offer me? i really hate my job. seriously.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 31 July :: 10.48pm
what the f is wrong with woohu. it like never works for me anymore. i can't get to my friends page. gughghgh
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 31 July :: 10.45pm
Everything is going wrong for me right now. and i seriously can't take it right now.
i got my hopes up. i jumped the gun and i didn't even do anything to deserve that.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..