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I close my eyes and you're all I can see

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:: 2007 31 March :: 10.22pm

Yeah, that's right. I'm EVERYWHERE.

LogoThere are
people with my name
in the U.S.A.

How many have your name?

5 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 31 March :: 1.18pm

i seriously love roman bryan garcia.

and i'm watching austin powers right now... funny stuff.

also. we went to this club last night... not gonna say where. but me and jessie hazen went and OMG. so effing stupid. lol. ahhh last night was crazy. i hope no one heard the dog. that stupid stupid ugly dog. oh yeah but the club. seriously. hahahhaaa never again will we go there.

i think i'll do my homework tomorrow. i put stuff off so much. but i dont care.

oh i love my new tanning place- midnite sun and cruise. it's so nice. the beds are so nice. yay i'm gonna be tan soon.

we are going to a fricken carnival on 28th street tonight. isn't that crazy. theres a carnival less than 2 minutes from my apartment. that's weird. a weird little carnival . we have to go though because... we have to! yay

okay peace out.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 31 March :: 12.53am

Talking to Rueben who is walking back to the towers after a night of fun.

He is complimenting my body parts. Oh goodness.

He just quoted Green Eggs and Ham...and can't remember it. :)


kiddypoo's are evil, I guess.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 30 March :: 12.07pm

soo.... I still remember everything...

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 29 March :: 10.31am

bleh i dont wnat to go to work. yay they didn't charge me the overdraft. blehhh i seriously can't wait until work is over today. ...but then i have to back tomorrow... ahhh the cycle never ends..........!

jessie g- do you want to come over tonight? supposedly shae is coming.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 28 March :: 7.12pm

god people can be so insanely fucking rude. stupid fucking ugly bitch girl at the tanner was a big fucking rude bitch. stupid fucking bitch.

god that stupid fucking bitch made me fucking cry.

god i hate mean people!!! there is no fucking reason.

also, people who don't use their turn signals relaly fucking bug me.

oh AND i also like paid my insurance twice this month or something on accident which i didn't figure was a big deal b/c it just goes toward next month but since i am waiting to get my check on friday before i cash my 2 other checks since my bank is so far away there is not much money in my account and i got gas today too so now i probably overdrew my account if the gas payment goes through my tomorrow and then i'll have an overdraw fee WONDERFUL SHIT HSSHITSHITSHITHSITHS grr.

1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 27 March :: 10.09pm

she totally refuses to expell me from her life. she could just not talk to me anymore, but no, she has to pop up every few months to remind me...

7 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 26 March :: 3.27pm

hair is gone. very short. pictures later.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 25 March :: 1.59pm

Happy belated fifth birthday, journal!

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 25 March :: 1.21pm
:: Mood: busy

Today is a super busy day. I woke up at nine and cleaned the dorm, went to breakfast (where there was a fire alarm and I had to stand in the rain for ten minutes with two really drunk girls who couldn't walk), and went to the music building for the KKPsi bit class service project. We polished the marching band tubas and faltos and all those good things and enjoyed some silver polish fumes. Now I'm in the UC (university center) studying for my KKPsi final exam and waiting to get my hair cut! I made an appointment for five and I'm getting about eleven inches cut off. I will have before and after pictures on facebook eventually.

After this I have my final exam and I'm a bit nervous. I'm the only one in the entire group that hasn't been in marching band, and thus, I don't know the fight song, or the Alma Mater, or Go Chips. We have to sing it (as a group), and I'm going to look like an idiot because I forgot to listen to it when I was at my dorm with a computer that has speakers!!! GAH!

Anyway, after my meeting, I have an annotated bibliography to do and who knows what else I forgot.

I'm just having some odd days lately. Not sure why. Silver polish fumes, perhaps?


1 comment | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 23 March :: 7.06pm

oh i forgot to mention- i totally chopped off like all my hair..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

my kitty fergie- Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

8 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 23 March :: 12.19pm

I'm really tired and this chair rolls very smoothly. It's an office chair and I'm ALONE in the computer lab. It's Friday, so OF COURSE I'm alone in the computer lab. No one has FRIDAY classes except for me. Exception. Exceptional. Exceptionally tired. Gah.

I have a quiz in fourty minutes. It's extra credit. But it is of vital importance to my grade. VITAL. I haven't studied much. Rolly chair. I'm dysfunctional today. They shouldn't have let me outside. On the PROWL. Eh, cats?

You know, they outlawed the sale of "tobacco" pipes and bongs on Tuesday (well, that's when it went into affect, at least). You can't buy bongs anymore. You can't buy crack pipes anymore. At least not in Michigan. Do they think that making paraphenlia illegal is going to reduce illegal drug consumption??? I've seen a bong made out of an Aunt Annie's salad dressing bottle. No. It's not going to reduce it. GAH. If anything, it's going to make the general population more creative. Stupid.

Quiz in thirty five minutes. Who knows what neutral omniscience is off the top of their head? Ooohh, me. wait. no. never mind. but it was right next to the Oedipus Complex in the book. That's when a guy wants to get rid of his dad so he can take his place with the mom. Mother/Son sex. The Electra Complex is the feminine form of that. Good to know.

it's nice outside. a tid bit windy, but that's okay. i can see the catholic church from here. it's a small red brick building with lots of bushes. i hate those people who got to church on sundays because they feel bad about partying the night before. they ask to be forgiven for there sins. how can those people think they are better than anyone else?

Quiz in thirty minutes. better study. printer activated. vocabulary words out of a list. bowling tonight, though, and i have a faint craving for a hotdog. one of those nasty ones that you get a football games wrapped up in aluminum foil, all smushed and gooey and warm. one of those.

i'm so tired. i need to go to bed. how am i going to make it through this class? i already acted like an idiot in my last class. the prof asked why the great gatsby was a great book, and i said because people can relate to it, all people do in it are drink and party, and because of the clear modern language and descriptions riddled with metaphors and similes, it's easy to understand and relate to. in the back of my head i though "you can't argue that a book is great, there is no way to prove it" and there isn't. there is no way to prove one thing is better than another. it might be more symmetrical, more correct in language usage, it might employ dramatic irony, metaphors, similes, but to someone, a technical car manual may be the best piece of literature they ever read and for another it might be Shakespeare, or Judy Bloom, or some trashy novel they got at the grocery store for five ninety nine. You can't say that something is the greatest book, or the best, or good, or not good. you can't prove it. you can argue, but you can never prove it.

twenty five minutes.


2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 22 March :: 9.50pm

i had a very intense dream last night that i was one of the final contestants on American Idol.

Vote for me!!! ..............

2 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 22 March :: 11.21am

I called Rueben and he was in class. Opps. My mistake. Never mind.

Listening to bad nineties music. Makes me laugh. Blink 182. Fuel. heh.

There was a lovely thunderstorm last night at four in the morning.

You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..


:: 2007 21 March :: 12.25pm

my new kitten, fergie keeps letting out these little squeky meows as she purrs. she is so cute, aw i love her. she is fascinated while watching me type.

i hate school.

3 comment..choose the best time | You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..

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