2007 6 February :: 10.58am
:: Mood: thoughtful
:: Music: Bright Eyes-True Blue
Is it moral to use the handicapped stall in a public bathroom if you're not handicapped?
These are the questions that keep me up at night.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 5 February :: 11.11pm
I feel like crap. I've had a headache all day, and now I feel really queezy. Eh. I hope this isn't the norovirus.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 4 February :: 2.17pm
:: Mood: calm
I am officially a Brother-In-Training for KKP. I had first degree, found out who my Big was, and got my pin. It's all very exciting.
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 3 February :: 6.55pm
The weather outside is frightful, but my dear you're so delightful
I come home and it snows, and due to the blizzarding conditions for most of the day, I've been stuck inside. Unfortunately I had a cleaning bug, so I cleaned my room and rearranged all my furniture. I cleaned out drawers that had stuff from when I was in first grade. Among the things I found were some baseball cards from 1995, and some Poggs. Remember Poggs? Yeah. It was a big fad in the first grade. So, my weekend home has been quite productive.
My parents won't let me go out tonight, which is okay because our road hasn't even been ploughed yet, but I wish I could hang out with Jessie and everyone. That's pretty much the reason why I came home in the first place (well, besides free laundry and non-RFoC food). Ah, well, there's not much I can do.
I'm leaving tomorrow morning about nine-thirty or ten because I have an initiation ceremony for KKP.
So much for a weekend home.
At least I have clean socks, now, though.
[edit] Craptastic. The pellet stove (which is the only source of heat in our house) just stopped blowing hot air for no apparent reason. This wasn't the best weekend to come home...
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 2 February :: 4.26pm
so i just got a job at kindercare i think. wow i interviewed there WAY back in december so i am excited. they will pay more than beaners and i can have more hours if i want. i feel bad because i really liked beaners but maybe i can somehow work at both places... ehh i duno! i feel so bad they are all gonna hate me there and i really liked them
but i guess here i need to pack a list of pros and cons
Pros of Beaners:
nice people
work at 6-2 so i have my whole day to do whatever
close at 9 so i get home early
nice schedule
i love coffee and get 1/2 off
it's like a two minute drive to get there
Cons of Beaners:
Louis makes me nervous
i dont like working with food!!!!
not good pay
getting up way early kinda sucks
i HATE wearing a uniform like that. black pants, black belt, black shoes and orange shirt.
i can't wear earrings, jewerly, not even my ring, and NO NAIL POLISH
Pros of working at Kindercare:
they have something where if you are going to school for child care or like early childhood dev. they will pay for you tuition so if i decide to switch i could do that and if you do that then you can get a job at kindercare as like a manager or whatever
more pay
more hours if i want
dont have to work weekends
i think they close at like 6... so i wouldn't be there late
friendly people!!!- heather , the manager or whatever is really really nice
BABIES, agian. but for real, i LOVE THEM it makes my heart melt just thinking about how i will be able to feed them their bottles and rock them to sleep!!!
Feel like i am teaching and helping kids instead of just providing customer service or coffee lol
dont have to work with food except snack time and lunch time lol
not a very strict uniform policy
Cons of working at Kindercare:
loud annoying kids sometimes
further drive
more physical work so it might be tiring
maybe not as flexible of a schedule??? but again, not sat or sun
okay so it looks like kindercare is a better option lol. ahh i just wanna work with babies!! maybe i'll try to keep both for a while and make sure i like kindercare but that might be hard to do but i can do it.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 2 February :: 1.42pm
so my neighbor or whatever is just letting the bass boom boom.... boom boom.... boomm boooom.booom booom. .... i swear it was the beat of Ice Ice Baby earlier. well i dont care what he/she is listening to but they better shut it off soon!!! i am pissed and it is getting hard to drown out. i am trying to watch last night's grey's episode again on my computer but it wont load and i am getting pissy and the bass is not helping.
bass like boom boom not bass like a fish. just to clarify.
hey i think they shut it off.... maybe
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 1 February :: 11.00pm
:: Mood: restless
New Critics
Waiting. Tired. Eleven O'Clock. Packing. Dirty Socks. Memoirs of a Drunk.
I hate when people get their futures handed to them on a silver platter, and they piss it away. If only they could know how hard it is sometimes. If only they could realize...
I can't even describe how angry I am. There are people in Cedar that are working at fast food jobs for menial pay that are more intelligent, and have more insight than many people that I've met here.
In my edu 107 class we had to take a survey of our high schools. Cedar Springs ranked as a rural school (on the chart, it was at the bottom). Out of 115 people, two were from a school such as ours, and 100 were from "elite" schools (one notch below private). Most of those kids don't deserve to be there. They're there because their parents can pay for them to. They skip classes and aren't there for the academics. It makes me angry. It makes me angry that so many people from Cedar feel like they can't do anything with their life except work at a minimum wage job and hope for a promotion, or go for vocation training, or, go into the armed forces, when all these little bitches here sleep for most of the day. They don't study, they don't do anything. They complain about writing papers and having to actually participate in classes. Sometimes it's a little much, but I LOVE being here and having intelligent discussions. I love my professors and their dedication to their area of study. I even love having to write papers and work my ass off, because I know that it'll pay off one day. It'll make my life better, and I'll be able to make a difference somehow. But these bitches don't do anything. They 'try' a little so that they won't fail enough to get kicked out, or get bitched at by their parents. How are kids suppose to be encouraged in school to "do their best" and succeed, when there is little hope of them doing anything better than their parents after graduation. What's the incentive? What's the point? Why don't we just put everyone that has enough money to go to college in one school, and then train everyone else that doesn't to be a plumber. That's pretty much what China does. A communist nation is kicking our butt because the privledged are too good to get their head out of their asses, and the poor kids have no hope for anything better. Whatever.
*end rant*
[edit] In retrospect, I've realized that plumbers actually make good money, and therefore, please substitute plumber with another vocation that doesn't make much money...such as a stocker at a grocery store, or a security guard (the ones without guns).
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 1 February :: 10.58pm
my boyfriend just threw his shoe at the wall in a fit of anger. hmm and apparently he hates me. what do i do.
but i still got flowers....???
but i still have a "pooch" so i still am pretty much worth nothing.
i wish i lived on Grey's Anatomy and George married me in Vegas instead of Callie. Nothing against her, she is great and pretty andfunny and smart but I wanted to be George's wife and now it will never happen. Unless they get a divorce, but then I'd feel too bad for Callie that I couldn't marry George... or maybe I could. I want to be a hot surgeon dating a hot surgeon. Meredith and Derrick though would get on my nerves sooo bad. I love Meredith but I hate her when she's with Derrick and when she says "LOVE ME, PICK ME, CHOOSE ME." annnnnoooyyyinnnggg.
Marry me George and we can do surgeries together. Jessica O'Malley. That's so much better than any other potential name.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 1 February :: 7.11pm
i am so angry. i try and try and try to please that STUPID woman who for the majority of the time that i have known her has been nothing but rude hurtful and mean to me. i have lately been gettting along with her but it always happens that we are starting to be better and then she turns around and is a huge bitch.
we were gonna go sledding and she was brining us snow clothes and she says " i'm brining a woman's size 8, i figured that would fit jess" and roman's like yeah probably with all the clothes on and stuff and he says "what size do you wear" and i'm like "a 6 or 7" and she says "i figured an 8 would fit her . she's been packing on the pounds. she was scaring me, i thought she was pregnant. is she pregnant? yeah she's been gaining weight she's got a pooch. but she knows it. yeah she 's been packing on the pounds"
and so i immediately start crying. i haven't been called fat since i was in 1st great and my great great aunt thelma said it. bitch.
what a fucking bitch. like she has any right to talk. she's fucking like 300 pounds. i'm nothing but nice to her. and then she says shit like that. you dont say that to a fucking girl. sorry nope. i finally FINALLY have gotten to the stage where i am beginning to accept myself just me for me. i have been getting used to my imperfections and telling myself that i'm OKAY the way i am but nooo that fat bitch has to go and say shit like that and get me feeling self consious again. STUPID BITCH.
so i wanna go home and roman wont take me. we get in this huge fight. roman starts driving he wants me to get out of his car. i wont . i think we're going home. he calls his mom and says we're not coming. the bitch tries to talk to me on the phone and i say psh no i'm not talking to anyone leave me alone "oh she wasn't saying you were fat blah blah blah " i'm like 'YEAH RIGHT? HOW ELSE CAN YOU SAY I'M FAT WITHOUT ACTUALLY SAYING THE WORDS. what other synnonems (sp) can you think of? i'm not rude to her, she has NO RIGHT to be so rude to me" and i hope she heard me say all of that. she deserves to be CALLED out once in a while for all her fucking little comments. she thinks she is queen of the mother fucking world and that her opinion matters so much that no one has a right to get mad when she says shit like that.
stupid fucking cunt bitch go fall down a flight of stairs you fucking bitch.
i am so fucking done.
does anyone else think it's a little fucking out of line. i'm so sick of it.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 1 February :: 7.16pm
Why does my foundation (make-up) have caffeine in it?
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 1 February :: 7.10pm
:: Mood: determined
I'm leaving for closed rush in a bit. It's at eight and they told me it would just be an interviewing process. I'm really quite excited.
p.s. I'm coming home this weekend. :)
You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 31 January :: 11.43pm
:: Mood: calm
Failure is only the opportunity to begin again more intelligently. ~Henry Ford
If only you would be a little sensible, this wouldn't be quite so difficult, I think. I'm here when you need me.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 30 January :: 10.41pm
:: Mood: calm
I'm very content today. I'm not sure exactly why, but I simply feel content.
There are a few directions I could be going very soon. I'm not quite sure which I will take, or even if I will go anywhere.
I don't see the need to separate yourself because of the things you do to relax. Just because I drink and smoke doesn't make me any better or any worse of a person. Just because I don't believe in a Christian God and don't go to church doesn't mean I'm any better or any worse than anyone else. Just because I've wanted to stop living, or just because I've had premarital sex doesn't make me good or bad.
The way I act, the way I present myself, the way I treat other people is what makes me who I am. You can't decide someone's station by a single action. It's the sum of all the parts, and how those parts are interpreted.
I just felt I need to say that, and that's all.
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..
2007 29 January :: 9.22pm
this is what happens when Mitch looks in the mirror
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You almost always pick the best times to drop the worst lines..