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fluttering beats in the dark

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:: 2018 9 September :: 9.15 pm

just leave

are you reaching out

:: 2018 9 September :: 9.28 am

I just want to give up. I hate every beautiful day.

are you reaching out

:: 2018 5 September :: 7.51 pm
:: Mood: adoring

when baby dog is really happy, she runs around completely nuts around the living room and then bolts away into the kitchen to get a drink and then bolts into the den

my mom squeels with glee every time she does it, and it's always the same adorable sound with a wonderful giggle after and it's just one of my absolute favorite things. it makes my heart sing.

are you reaching out

:: 2018 5 September :: 6.19 am

I suck at comforting people

one day down of sober September and I have had no break from an uncomfortable unsettled feeling deep in my stomach, like I ate copious amounts of cheese.

I can do this.

are you reaching out

:: 2018 4 September :: 9.34 pm

I'm really fucking sick and tired of being treated like I don't know shit.

I know a lot. I'm smart. I've had jobs in different areas and understand how almost all insurance works (besides life insurance, but that seems like the most straight forward insurance).

but go ahead,just treat me like I don't know anything. it's okay.

are you reaching out | Random Journal