2018 29 August :: 8.24 am
why is it that I always manage to convince myself that my bf is gay and in love with another man?????
it happens every time. am I crazy? am I imagining it?
is it just my insecurities about not being a man? maybe I was just supposed to be a man. idk.
life is so confusing.
are you reaching out |
2018 26 August :: 12.52 pm
this country is so fucking fucked.
are you reaching out |
2018 22 August :: 9.45 pm
I'm so freaking frustrated I want to scream.
there just no being happy. if I do one thing I suffer in another way.
I need to find a therapist.
are you reaching out |
2018 19 August :: 11.01 pm
maybe it'll never be enough
maybe it's just me
2 night time trust fallnight time trust falls |
are you reaching out |
2018 18 August :: 11.21 pm
I know a lot of people hate lap dogs but they are honestly the best
they are perfectly destined to be our hand held best friends
I just want to snuggle my puppies forever
domesticated dogs are just permanent puppies and it's just the best. dogs were made to be with people. out of how many animals in the world dogs are the only one to truly and unrevokably to be our best friend. can you imagine a world without dogs?
it would be a pretty fucking sad world.
not to say other domesticated animals aren't awesome, they just don't hold a candle to dogs. they are the best. hands down.
are you reaching out |