2014 7 April :: 12.29pm
:: Mood: cheerful
:: Music: X-Ray Spex - I Am a Poseur
I've created a Facebook for my new alter-ego...and he will make friends with the world.
For one reason or another, my girlfriend and I decided that I should go downtown as a burnout hippie and dick about to annoy the locals, and she encouraged me to make a habit of it.
So now it's become a regular thing, and I believe I'll stick with it until it grows old and I move on to another ridiculous way of pissing people off.
But until that shining day, I'm Brock, dude.
are you reaching out
2014 6 April :: 7.52am
The more I think about my new job, the more anxious and stressed I feel about it. I'm unsure if this is a result of my anxiety problems or if this job is just not the right fit for me.
I think its most likely my anxiety problems cause I'm getting more and more anxious about everything from work to social situations. It's taking more and more effort for me to leave my apt.
2014 3 April :: 7.42pm
I think my anxiety is slowly getting the better of me. I think it's time to see a psychiatrist again. Now to just find one. *le sigh*
2014 3 April :: 10.48am
:: Mood: morose
:: Music: Old Man's Child - The Millennium King
Burying the Old Man tomorrow...going to be the only one who says goodbye before they close the casket and set it alight; although, if memory serves, they cremate people with chemicals nowadays, but I'm not terribly certain.
It's funny to think that I'll be comforting the womenfolk and looking around for him to talk to after, because during dark times he was the fellow I'd gravitate to for conversation during events such as these. This time I'm on my own, and it'll be my first steps into manhood, despite the fact that I'm nearly thirty.
Since my friends Rone and I are Reverends in the Universal Life Church, I thought it was odd that they hired someone else to preside over the ceremony, but given my track record for religious pomp and weird pseudo-heathen nonsense (no one has a sense of humor), I figure they made a wise decision, however with someone who will resort to the usual Christian trappings - BQ wasn't xian, and had no warmth for religious thought.
"If there is a god, which I doubt, he couldn't possibly care about us or this planet." Et cetera.
He will be missed, and survived by his pathetic offspring and their respective broods.
are you reaching out
2014 28 March :: 12.47am
:: Mood: worried
:: Music: Leonard Cohen - Teachers
I fear the future.
are you reaching out