2013 10 March :: 8.08am
Started packing my lunches for work instead of relying on the dollar store for lunch. It's kind of nice pre-planning meals. I definitely make healthier choices on what to eat this way. After all any form of fitness isn't going to do me a whole lot of good if I'm not eating clean.
Still debating between a fuelband, for it or bodybugg. They all have their pros and cons but I really want to get a more accurate idea of how many calories I'm burning throughout the day. My fitness pal is great for tracking food intake and simpler fitness things but it doesn't account for daily life things such as grooming dogs. Plus, some dogs are more of a workout then others to groom.
Ahh well off to work I go.
2013 6 March :: 3.30pm
Looks like I'm not giving up on my woohu just yet.
E and I's 2 year is coming up in a little under 2 weeks. I'm pretty excited for the present I got her. While it's not jewelry, I have no doubt she will love it!
On to other news. Finished Academy and now I spend my days grooming dogs. Debating whether I should spend the $3k and take the courses for cat grooming as well. After all, I do prefer cats to dogs.
Well off I go to compile a bunch of short (under 30 min) but by no means not brutal, home workouts.
2013 26 February :: 8.42am
"We're all pretty bizarre. Some of us are just better at hiding it, that's all. "
It's been awhile since I've had any desire to write on here. I have several other blogs I post on, on a more regular basis. Quite frankly I'm beginning to wonder why I even keep this one. I don't think anyone besides me actually reads this one and while that's fine by me I don't see much point posting something online if no one reads it. So, it's time to bid woohu farewell.
2013 18 January :: 12.03pm
If the "promised" management position doesn't come through I'm thinking in August Erica and I may be moving back to Washington or Oregon or maybe even California.
2013 1 January :: 3.33pm
Being beyond sick puts a real damper on the first day of the new year. That being said I'm going to start tomorrow as the new year because I refuse to still be sick tomorrow. I dislike making resolutions because 98% of the time they don't get realized but I am going to make goals every month and do my best to achieve them.
Goal 1 is to reignite my love/hate relationship with Jillian Michaels tomorrow. Just YM because of being sick and then it will be on to 30DS, then KB&T and then BR.
Goal 2 is to try and be more organized in my every day life. From recording all my finances (keep track of bills and income) to even being physically organized and clean.
Hopefully I will be checking in next month to say I have made these goals and am moving on to new ones.