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:: 2004 4 August :: 3.19am
:: Mood: annoyed
:: Music: Guns N Roses- Welcome to the Jungle. (Thanks Kud.)

You can't stop ROCK!
Alright everyone. Guns N' Roses is heavy metal/rock and roll correct? I don't even like the band this much to argue but I had to. We took tests on what kind of rock you were, I got classic, and here we go:

Girl: I got Alternative rock
Hiei Sensei: poor you.
Hiei Sensei: I thought you were tough. <<(Obviously I was kidding right here.)
Girl: cha you are gay
Girl: classic sucks ass
Hiei Sensei: What!?
Hiei Sensei: Classic started it all!
Hiei Sensei: It's what makes the world go round.
Hiei Sensei: It's Led Zeppelin, and black Sabbath and the rolling stones.
Girl: Ok shut up don't want to hear it.
Girl: All ugly music. Stupid, sick tunes.. ick
Hiei Sensei: Feh, you don't know rock and roll then..
Girl: Whatever Hiei
Hiei Sensei: Yea.. whatever.
Hiei Sensei: Damn stiff.
Hiei Sensei: -roams off- <<(I was going to end it there..)
Girl: ::rolls eyes and walks off in opposite direction:: *he always just comes up to me and just starts something then stomps off when I dont' agree.. then he tells ME to grow up*
Hiei Sensei: You're the one who dissed my music first.
Hiei Sensei: And you take everything too seriously.
Girl: ::sighs::
Girl: -_-+
Hiei Sensei: You damn well know Zeppelin and Black Sabbath doesn't suck.
Girl: ::stays silent, not remembering who they are but probably know their songs::
Hiei Sensei: You just made fun of them.. and you don't know who they are?
Hiei Sensei: Stairway to Heaven!
Hiei Sensei: The first band Ozzy was in,
Hiei Sensei: and Paint it black.
Girl: Ewww Ozzy's music sucks
Hiei Sensei: Black Sabbath is not "Ozzy's"
Hiei Sensei: It's Black Sabbath.
Hiei Sensei: It's legend.
Hiei Sensei: Jimmy Hendricks is classic.
Girl: Why are you still on it?
Girl: I don't care!
Hiei Sensei: Because I can't believe you don't know them!
Girl: ::shrugs:: I know 'songs' not the people that sing them.
Hiei Sensei: Right. What was I thinking? <<(again going to end it)
Girl: Gackt is rock, Dir en Gray, PIA that is rock
Hiei Sensei: Fuck that..
Girl: Ha ha
Girl: Do you know Guns N Roses?
Hiei Sensei: Yes, that is heavy metal.
Girl: ::falls::
Girl: Guns N Roses?
Hiei Sensei: Yes.
Girl: lmao
Girl: rotflmao
Hiei Sensei: Welcome to the Jungle.
Hiei Sensei: Sweet child of mine.
Girl: Omg that is not heavy
Hiei Sensei: Yes it is.
Hiei Sensei: Want to bet?
Girl: Welcome to the Jungle is NOT heavy at all
Hiei Sensei: Yea it is.
Girl: rotflmao
Girl: you poor poor jap
Hiei Sensei: Don't call me a jap.
Girl: I'm sorry can't help it lmao you think THAT shit is heavy? God that is fucking funny
Girl: That song is NOT heavy at all
Hiei Sensei: I'll prove it.
Girl: .. whatever
Girl: God hiei just stop it I don't give a fuck ok?
Girl: Just go take it to Kurama or someone ..
Girl: ur sister SOMEONE
Hiei Sensei: Now I can't stop because you don't know anything about rock!
Girl: Omg.. Ok Mr. classic.. god you .. ah.. ::walks away stopping::
Girl: Sorry for the jap thing
Hiei Sensei: No you're not.
Girl: bit.. aggravated at the moment.
Girl: If you believe I'm not then fine..
Hiei Sensei: You can call me jap as long as I can call you cracker.
Girl: but I really am.. i always get on to people for doing it.. I get called cracker all the time -.-'
Girl: (by germans)
Hiei Sensei: Germans are crackers..
Hiei Sensei: They're white.
Girl: Yep sure are
Girl: they are hairy crackers
Hiei Sensei: Salty Crackers.
Girl: ::sighs; keeps walking away::
Hiei Sensei: -watches-
Hiei Sensei: Do you need me to send you the song Welcome to the Jungle?
Hiei Sensei: Because you seem confused..
Girl: Have you HEARD the song?
Girl: That music is not hard.
Hiei Sensei: I have the CD.
Girl: Good for You
Girl: I don't.
Girl: Dont' want it either
Hiei Sensei: And it is, it's not goth metal that's all screaming and gibberish, it's the 80's heavy.
Girl: That would be classic old shit rock not heavy nowadays
Hiei Sensei: Nah, dir en grey and gackt are posers. (in asian form)
Hiei Sensei: Why can't you see that?
Hiei Sensei: Do you even know their lyrics?
Girl: Nope sure don't
Girl: I like their music though
Girl: the music itself
Hiei Sensei: Because their japanese..
Girl: I their m.u.s.i.c.
Girl: Not because they are japanese asshole
Hiei Sensei: Seems like it.
Girl: I don't care woohooie about asians anymore
Hiei Sensei: Sure.
Hiei Sensei: If you like that stuff, listen to techno.
Girl: I do like Techno.
Girl: Go check out Enigma and Rockell
Hiei Sensei: Then don't talk about rock like you know it.
Girl: .. fuck you damnit Hiei. I know what Rock I fucking like so just fuck off
Hiei Sensei: You don't know it.
Girl: Damn why do you always want me to fucking bust huh?
Girl: Fuck you, you are fucking .. Ooo just.. god..
Girl: whatever damnit
Hiei Sensei: Untill you admitt Guns N' Roses is heavy metal (because pretty much all rock in the 80's/early 90's WAS) then I won't stop.
Hiei Sensei: Sweet child of Mine, Knockin on Heavens door, Patience.. Those are called Power Ballads. <<(attempting to explain her flaw)
Hiei Sensei: They're soft songs rock bands play.
Girl: I go by what's in my fucking book Hiei. You are asking for my opinion and I give you it and you konw it's not gonna change ur not gonna change my opinion so shut up and stop it
Hiei Sensei: It's not an opinion, it's fact!
Girl: Guns N Roses was heavy back in the day but isn't anymore, that is left for Korn and Slipknot
Girl signed off at 12:47:15 AM.

Yes, thought I'd pull a Buda and put in a conversation. Anyway, who's childish? She gave no facts, she gets mad so easily over nothing. I didn't know she would get so damn mad over a little thing like Alternative rock. (As we all know, it was rock for geeks, no offense to it.) She says classic rock sucks when she doesn't even know what it is, and if you do (if you're reading this) IM me and tell me. She says she likes rock but she appears to only like "New Wave." Rock with keyboards.. She doesn't know it's background, so what the fuck?
Skip Knot- Goth Metal
Korn- Punk rock. (probably, sorry don't listen to these bands but that's what I'm guessing. Feel free to prove me wrong.)
If ANYONE has another opinion feel free to say it, I like debates. If you agree, show some support. That's all there is there isn't anymore.

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:: 2004 20 July :: 9.59am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Theme

Burnt to a crisp.
As some of you may know, I burnt my hand on a burrito. The first one I ever had. I got 50 inported from America.. Everyone was saying they were good and I should try them so I did. I took it out of the microwave and split it in half.. -points to his stump of a hand- This is the result. The rest lye in wait in my mini-fridge.
Riyu is coming back either this week or next week. We're going to Tokyo Disney Resort to celebrate his return. (Me, Omi, and Riyu.) I got a part time job mowing grass. It's easy work and it will give me something to do.. What else is there to talk about? I'm going to change the song up here soon, and that's about it. That's all there is, there isn't anymore.

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:: 2004 13 July :: 5.07pm
:: Mood: bored
:: Music: Legend Of Mana Theme

For once, Bored.
Lately I've been bored. I got promoted at work so I don't have to work as many hours. How does that work? Anyway, since I have all this free time on my hands I think I'll get a part time job. Just untill I have to leave for the camp which is.. not that far away from now. The camp incase you haven't been keeping up or you're just an idiot is this Kendo thing I'm volenteering for. We go to Hokkaido and tour these places and learn where Kendo originated from and practise and other.. things. Anyway I applied to a few different places.. A grocery store or two. I usually get stuck unloading the crap at like 2:30 in the morning but this time I put what times I could and can't work. Omi, sorry I didn't bring your DVD back yesterday, I was too lazy. Ahem, I broke my sunglasses again, I need to get new ones.. Oh yes, that thing. Should I live in the sky or what? They've been talking about this: "Tokyo Sky City" for some time now and Xon reminded me of it. It's basically this project to build another city twice as high as the highest sky scraper to date over Tokyo.. Due to the cramped population and all. It seems stupid though, I don't want a damn city falling on my head while I'm walking aimlessly down the street. I don't want a decaying body of some stupid child plastered onto my roof.. And I sure as hell don't want their crap hitting my wind shield! So I'm either moving away, or moving up. That's that. I'm bored.. Thus this entry.

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:: 2004 5 July :: 4.26am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Theme

What's new?
I got my computer back for a short while. I'm on it right now actually. I still have to take it in though once I get the money. What else is new? Omi went camping with his family, fun fun.
Is anyone else excited about Playstation 3? Nintendo DS, pah. Rather get the PsP. Phantom, tch. Probably one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. Legend of Zelda, that's another story. It's WORTH getting a gamecube just to play it. Or atleast I expect it to be. Enough game talk.
I've decided to bleach my hair white. Noshi went red. Name this song:
He's the one they call Dr Feelgood!
He's the one who makes ya feel alright,
He's the one they call Dr. Feelgood!
It's actually pretty easy to guess.
2, 4, 6, oh whyyyyyyyyyyy. Ahem, that's that.

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:: 2004 25 June :: 6.03am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend Of Mana Theme

Checking in..
I'm alive, not much time to type here.. Riyu is away, me an Omi did a bunch of stuff. The Naruto movie is coming out this August but I saw a bootleg version a friend sent me from the Phillipeans, and if anyone knows them over there, it shouldn't suprise you. Anyway, the version I saw was terrible and I'm still set to see the movie when it hits the big screen. I might visit America next summer, if anyones going to be in the Chicago area around then, let me know. Computers still down, I'll take it in eventually, I'm just too lazy.. Ahem, that's pretty much it. See ya when I see ya.

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:: 2004 7 June :: 6.04am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend Of Mana Theme

For others.
I walked for cancer.. Me and Omi. I saw Harry Potter, expected too much I guess but Sirius is my favorite. Computer is still down, and I've become attached to a different DDR game. The one with the button in the middle and one in each corner. The hand one too, that's tough. Oh yea, I ate cow brains, tasted like a slug or something. Not sure it's on my menu for the future but yea. So long for now..

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:: 2004 25 May :: 9.10am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Theme

Took my computer into the shop, it wasn't doing too well.. It's broken, I'm using Sumi's. Kurama if you read this which you probably won't take care of things while I'm gone. Kendo is as usual, work is the same and class is pretty much over.. Yes so not much to say. Kagome girl that replys here, that Korean song was completely dumb! The song kept going: "Why did you leave me?" Over and over again, had nothing to do with the video and I finally realized that the man GAVE the girl his eyes and didn't go blind for the hell of it. Silly me. Anyway, that's what's been happening, if I don't reply forever, it's the computer.. Pray for its safe return.

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:: 2004 16 May :: 6.11am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Main Theme

Soap and some Dirty socks.
I broke my pocket watch, I don't know how but it broke, the second hand fell off. Got my pay check and I went out and bought my own mini fridge. In it I will keep coke, pudding, string cheese, and whatever else I want for myself.. Need to get use to it after all, college is right around the corner. I got free soap from some place they were giving it away for some reason. I bought this spray stuff for my mum and they said, "Here it comes free with any something something something." When I got home I collected a huge pile of socks that accumilated in the corner of my closet.. I washed them and sorted them all. Uhh.. What else did I do? One side of my computer chair is broken so when I lean to the right I fall off, I guess I'll need to get a new one.. Neh, that's it.

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:: 2004 12 May :: 5.23pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Main Theme

I Live.
Just checking in.. I'm still alive. The convention went good etc. etc. E-mail me or something for further info. Cheerio.

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:: 2004 4 May :: 10.03pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Main Theme

Ya ha.
Been a fun few days, don't feel like typing I don't want to be on the computer. I want to get away from all the troubles of Clemons and Yusuke and girls bothering me, just sleeping makes me happy. I'm making this short because I want to go somewhere, not here. Just to get away. Me and Omi are going down town, huge convention. I'm going as the 2nd hokage, Omi's going as the 1st. We worked kind of hard on them.. I'm sure it will be fine. That's it, that's all, there isn't anymore.

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:: 2004 24 April :: 1.55am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend Of Mana Main Theme

Da ta Baiyo.
Exams are over and summer vacation is right around the corner.. Meaning a part time job is on its way. Yea that is no good but from here to then, it will be smooth sailing. The work in class has dropped down and I have a long line of field trips coming up. Only thing I have to worry about at this point is Kendo, my Master has obviously been going easy on me lately even though I've been "focused." Now's the time I really dig deep into Kendo, I have to if I'm going to keep up. I plan on staying at the dojo extra hours and all, especially since I'm doing that volenteer work over the summer. Riyu is going to visit his family in Korea in a few weeks, that leaves me and Omi. We've finished our whole "Exciting Fantastic Wonderous Time While Riyu Is Gone" schedule, it's great. We're going to the Disney place, the Konami building, Tokyo Tower, and some other stuff. We're going to Akira Toriyama's house too, we been there but this time we're sneaking in.. Haa.. Er, that's all. Yakatta.

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:: 2004 16 April :: 1.22pm
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend of Mana Main Theme

Better days.
These past few days have not been so bad, everyone seems to have got the idea that I have no intention of speaking to them and I'm not as nervous as I was. I'm confident I'll pass, I study enough and that's all that matters. Omi and I went to the mall, that place gets more crowded everytime I go.. We played at the arcade, bought Naruto Part 5 and got something to eat. When we got home I played Onimusha 3, he watched. Riyu came over.. We are going to have a race to see who beats suikoden 4 first once it comes out. It was fun. We made plans to see the Naruto movie when it comes out too. I have not hung out with anyone for awhile, we've all been busy with exams so it was nice having a break. That's about it. Yakatta, da ta baiyo.

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:: 2004 13 April :: 12.22pm
:: Mood: productive
:: Music: Legend of Mana Main Theme

A short calm after the Storm
First day or exams..gone. It was disgusting, I was trying to study while we were waiting for the entire sha-bang to begin but people kept trying to talk to me. Adolescence can be so incompetent, talking away like their futures don't depend on what they write on the paper about to be bestowed upon them... makes me sick. I knew some, but then there were ones I guessed on. At our break again, people tried to carry on a coversation with me. What people you ask? Just people I avoid, people I don't know. Girls, guys, cross-dressers.. All kinds, I nodded or gave them an un-interested "ok," "I see," or "possibly." Then I would tell them I had better ways to waste my time and I would get back to them when I felt like it. HA! -cough- Either that or I said the knowledge would slip from my ears if I didn't repeat my versus over and over through my brain which is fried to a crisp. I didn't go to cram school, getting hit by that little fan will screw up my brain patterns and cost me one too many answers. I must study now.. -repeats notes aloud like a mindless zombie-

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:: 2004 11 April :: 8.08am
:: Mood: sleepy
:: Music: Legend Of Mana main Theme

I have exams in a few hours, I'm a nervous reck. I didn't get any sleep I've been studying for hours.. Butterflys are fluttering from my gut, and on top of that I have to pay money to keep my account now. Atleast that's what the main page says. Damn it, I forgot who Lord Katsushige was.. -checks book- I knew that one. I knew that one! I'll never pass, I'll never go to college, I'll never be anyone but a worthless bum sleeping in a gutter while kids walking to school poke me with a stick and throw their garbage on me... Bah, that will never happen, I'll pass and still be the same person I am today, just got to keep a cool head.. I'm a clear blue cloud; I'm a clear blue cloud; I'm a clear blue cloud.. Hn, works everytime.

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:: 2004 10 April :: 2.08am
:: Mood: content
:: Music: Legend Of Mana main Theme

Lost on the Road of Life
Lost..Lost on the road of life. The perfect excuse for being late. Everyone's going crazy with all the new stuff coming out this year. Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and the Naruto movie. Been working hard, a lot of people have come to my store just for Naruto stuff because they were sold out every where else. I had my hands full for the first time at work.. My break was only 5 minutes, I ate Machi.. I was the only one there, my boss was on the phone and just told me to wing it and sell sell sell.. I suppose these sort of things are what keeps the run down place in business. Barely though.. Onimusha 3.. Awesome. That's about.. it.

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