2008 25 March :: 5.46pm
:: Music: temple of the dog
i had a dream last night that i played hockey with the red wings. i was really bad. but they still liked having me on the team, for whatever reason. it was one of those dreams where it's really frustrating, because you can't move as fast as you know that you can. and you keep trying to will your body to do stuff, but it won't. before that i was driving in a car with my sister. which i think was a continuation of a previous dream i'd had.
did the in-class shoot today. it kinda sucked balls, but whatever.
robby had to cancel today. which i guess is okay. i just wish he would have told me ahead of time so i wouldn't have had to go and reserve the recorder and have dad bring the mics out and all of that happy horseshit. but i suppose it was for the best. it gave me time to get more accustomed to the machine and think through exactly how i want to set it up when he actually can record.
also, i couldn't talk to the financial aid people today. but i made an appointment for next wednesday. and i might be able to do walk-ins before the appointment. i'm debating on how urgent my need is. well, i need $2000 by april 25, if at all possible. so pretty urgent, i suppose.
then again, i won't be able to give them anything if i can't register for the class, which i also have to wait on. i talked to the lady in the school of com office today, and she said that the names hadn't been cleared yet, and to try again next monday. and if they're not up by next monday, i'll just have to wait longer.
and the honors college still hasn't cleared me for WRT 305 yet, either.
so all around, a whole bunch of waiting for people to get their shit together. which is frustrating. but there's nothing i can do about it, other than wait, so i might as well just relax and enjoy.
there's a free trade concert tonight that i'm helping out at. the scientists are running the pa and recorder for the show. should be fun. i enjoy doing that stuff, and they're good people. always a good time.
if i go deaf because i'm the first person to ever be diagnosed with a "skull infection" i am going to be pissed at you until further notice.
actually, my nose is getting a lot better. but now my left ear is all messed up. it's happened two or three times now where i go to blow my nose, and then i blow too hard or something, and my ear pops, and then it rings and feels all funky, occasionally making more popping/swelling sounds, until eventually it goes away. but the entire time it's like that, i can't hear shit. i know it's something to do with my eardrum. but that doesn't make me feel any better. i kind of need my eardrum if i want to work in a recording studio. motherfucker.
i feel good though. i got a lot of shit done today. and i have lots more to do tomorrow. should be cool though. i'm definitely getting somewhere with stuff and things. always gratifying.
Today is the last fast food meal for what I wish would be the rest of my life... and being that i"ve eliminated pot already I decided to make a list of other things to get rid.
things left to eliminate:
-Hamburger Helper
-not excercising
oh right, why I would say that.
Well I kind of went on a cleaning spree, and cleaned everything.
so, i'm a little slow sometimes. we all know this to be true.
i got an email awhile back from FRED, saying something along the lines of "i was listening to music on xxxxxxx.com, and it made me think/feel some of our conversation a while back. you should check it out." so, i was like 'okay. don't recall having any conversation of this sort with FRED. but hey, i forget things all the time.' so, life went on. a little while later i actually went and checked out the site. it was sweet, so i sent him a note saying it was awesome, and he replied with a couple of bands to check out. so i did. and i thought, 'wow, FRED's taste has changed a bit. i guess that's to be expected. and i like it. it's cool. but it seems different for him.' but it wasn't really that far of a stretch, so i didn't question it. life went on. then i made a project for my media II class, using FRED's music, and i sent FRED an email requesting permission to use it. and he replied saying it was fine, using what i understood to be some quote from the liner notes. only, when i checked the liner notes, i couldn't find anything remotely resembling the quote anywhere on them. huh. that's odd. so, i sent FRED a message today, saying that i had finished the project and, if he was interested, i could get a copy to him on DVD. he messaged me back with his address, so i could mail it to him. but why would i need to mail it to him, when FRED lives right in town? i could just drop it off at his apartment.
so, after working out the fact - and coming to terms with the embarrassment - that i'd been talking to the wrong FRED for about a year, i then realized that i'd roped myself into sending a dvd, having nothing to do with FRED (not to be confused with FRED) - or his music - all the way to fucking san francisco. that, and i still don't technically have permission from FRED to use the music that i'm sending to FRED.
all because i'm an idiot.
so, long story longer, no matter how many problems and snafus you encounter with all of your dealings today, whether at work, or at home, or with other bullshit, at least take solace in the fact that you're not quite as moronic as me.
FRITZ (a tribute to any dr. seuss fans in the crowd)
I had a dream last night that me, Chiwetel Ejiofor, and Sam Jackson were in New York stealing cars. We had to run away from a helicopter and two cops but Chiwetel made the chopper crash into the other cars. Then we had to hide out in a rusty building in Central Park "so the heat seeking bastards" wouldn't get us. I'm pretty sure they'd still see us, but it was my dream, so back off.
2008 17 March :: 10.59pm
:: Mood: sick
:: Music: the fucking spin cycle. it's a squeaky bastard.
this is a pretty typical conversation for us, i'd say:
me: yo
H: hey
just heading off
feeling better?
me: nope
H: huh
funny how that works
I suggest amputation
me: tie a tourniquet around my neck to stop the bleeding?
H: wrong head
me: no, that would only make it harder.
H: or turn blue and fall off
me: no, it does that on its own. it's a defense mechanism....
H: hmm
either way
register for classes tomorrow
me: yepper
H: I'm sunk
hst 300 - writing history and my capstone
plus the honors project
me: nice
H: boned
me: aren't we all...
H: you probably are
me: not tonight.
H: sucker
me: nope, not that either.
H: even worse
me: yeah
H: alright, I'm out
see you around
me: bye
i like that it doesn't have to make sense to make sense.
alright, sheep-man. what's the next move? and how do i make this cold go away?
ahhh success. I've never been so lively after a night like that but something in me clicked and it took about two seconds from when I opened my eyes to get up and moving. Now I have this whole day ahead of me.
it was a lot of fun going out tonight, and we got to see professor eick and stuff. he seriously gets more and more cool every time we hang out with him.
i didn't get anything done today, unless you count cleaning the bathroom floor. hopefully that will alleviate our ant situation.
but yeah. not very productive today. that's alright though. that's why we have tomorrow.