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gilded smile

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:: 2007 27 March :: 10.09pm

she totally refuses to expell me from her life. she could just not talk to me anymore, but no, she has to pop up every few months to remind me...

7 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 23 March :: 7.06pm

oh i forgot to mention- i totally chopped off like all my hair..

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

my kitty fergie- Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

8 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 22 March :: 9.50pm

i had a very intense dream last night that i was one of the final contestants on American Idol.

Vote for me!!! ..............

2 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 21 March :: 12.25pm

my new kitten, fergie keeps letting out these little squeky meows as she purrs. she is so cute, aw i love her. she is fascinated while watching me type.

i hate school.

3 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 20 March :: 8.09pm

my six-month foray into the world of recreational drug use has certainly altered my perspective on some things.

namely: scissors, patterns in carpet, jambalaya, and probably some more important things as well.

although i don't regret it, i'm beginning to think it's time to be done.

it was enlightening, but i think that it long ago ceased to be experimentation and has not yet become habitual.

i think somewhere between experiment and habit is a happy medium in which to dwell.

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:: 2007 16 March :: 9.46pm

what should i name my cute little kitten? it is spotted like a cow black and white with a black patch over her eye.

yeah it's a girl help me out.

i was thinking priscilla because we already have elvis :0) you know... priscilla was elvis's wife. get it...?

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:: 2007 15 March :: 7.28pm

oh my goodness today was so exhausting.

i really do like working at the day care but it is so tiring. working 9-6 or 8:30 -6 with screaming kids is like....ahhhh.

i have a headache!

let go lightly


:: 2007 15 March :: 3.04pm

humans are the most frustrating and mind boggeling creatures on earth

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 13 March :: 8.32pm

So i really really like my new job at the daycare. i seriously love those kids so much. it always makes me want to be a mommy but yeah duh i know i shouldn't right now. but hey it is what i want most out of life so i'm not suprised that working at a daycare makes me want a kid even more. Everyone says it makes you realize why you dont want a kid yet but seriously i rarely see that side of it. but still, i realistically don't want a kid until i'm like 23 or 24. okay ggeez i am getting way too personal.

sooooooooooo i watched borat last night with roman. i thought it was...interesting. i liked the chicken.

ummmm i work 9 hour days at the daycare it is really really tiring. but i love it.

i love roman so much. we are doing so much "better' i guess you could say even though that sounds like the wrong way to put it... since our little time apart when i went to florida. we are in a better mood with each other. have more patience with each other. It just had been a long time since we had spent more than like 2 days apart from each other so it was good for us. ANYWAY

blah blah i'm rambling. i think my parents are buying me a gym membership for my birthday. i hope they do . i seriously want to lose like 30 pounds. i want to be like supertiny and wear my freaking clothes that i used to be able to so i dont have to throw them out lol. ahh it's said but i'm just more content with my body even if it is bigger.

omg today at the daycare yeah i know this is horrible but the "teacher" that i was working with ( we are all called teachers) was "teaching" stuff about syllables and she seriously was teaching it ALL wrong. but i just couldn't correct her because i didn't want to embarass her. i finally sort of corrected her when she said one of the kids had 2 syllables in his name and he said no i have 1 i said yeah he's actually right and i tried to explain why but seirously she was like "Rake, rA-ake" i'm like dude no, it's one syllable. i seoriusly couldn't take it. it was making me so upset that she was teaching these precious little children the wrong way AHH. Beans, feel me on this! Justine, feel me on this! Jessie and Michelle, I know you know what i'm sayin girls! People are so dumb! ahhhhhhhhhhhh how can you not know what syllables are... then again, i'm not even sure ifi 'm spelling that word correctly.

oh PAUL i bought you a present!!! :0)

anyway i'm gonna go.

5 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 12 March :: 10.39pm
:: Music: ben folds five

so, for my film class, i'm currently writing a proposal for my final project.

the ideas i'm proposing involve the possible use of an actor.

i'm realizing now that i don't have an actor yet, which is kind of key.

so, who might be available to work on this with me sometime? it should be somebody in the GR area, who has a pretty open schedule, and a car.

i can't offer money, but comraderie, marginal stardom, and maybe some goodies are all possibilities.

anyway, let me know if any of you guys are interested.

4 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 12 March :: 6.34pm

Spring! YAY!
Caleb and I took a long walk outside today. And I went to the store and bought a bunch of seeds and stuff to plant. And some birdseed. And we're going to buy some paint to paint with. haha. Wow I just kind of got out of the lazy winter mood all in one weekend. Yesterday Charlie and I cleaned the house like crazy. I love spring!

let go lightly


:: 2007 12 March :: 9.12am

does anyone have any suggestion of what i can write a demonstrative or informative speech on ...

it's kinda sorta pretty much due today so... yeah i need help.

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:: 2007 12 March :: 9.11am

omg i totally had a dream last night that i bet George Bush and shook his hand.

he was wearing a cowboy hat.


let go lightly


:: 2007 8 March :: 7.25am

it's my birthday but i have to work 9-6.

that SUCKS!

happy bday to me.

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:: 2007 6 March :: 9.13pm

apparently being a big stupid jerk is in right now. you're stupid sorry i can't get alcohol you stupid jerk. get a life. i say newsflash a lot. god i want to go smok ea cigarrette god how do youspell that? god stupid. guys are such jerks. newsflash!get a clue zara tomik is an ass.

i dont want to work on my birthday that is stupid. ughghghgh stupid. i want vodka and long island iced teas. someone bring me some.

FUCKERS. fuckers! i'm gonna freak out.

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:: 2007 4 March :: 4.29pm

florida was a lot of fun. now it's time to get married.


i was going to really truly write something. perhaps even soething meaningful. but i just can't anymore i dont think. so what if I want Barack Obama to be the next president?

"There is not a liberal America and a conservative America - there is the United States of America. There is not a black America and a white America and latino America and asian America - there's the United States of America." - Barack Obama

"The pundits like to slice-and-dice our country into Red States and Blue States; Red States for Republicans, Blue States for Democrats. But I’ve got news for them, too. We worship an awesome God in the Blue States, and we don’t like federal agents poking around our libraries in the Red States. We coach Little League in the Blue States and have gay friends in the Red States. There are patriots who opposed the war in Iraq and patriots who supported it. We are one people, all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes.” - Barack Obama

let go lightly


:: 2007 1 March :: 1.53pm

i have here in front of me...
"WKLQ presents"
all ages welcome
(133 grandville SW * GR)
suday march 11, 2007 - doors at 7pm


now, whoever wanted them needs to figure out a way to get in touch with me and pick them up.

considering i'm going to be leaving for kalamazoo tomorrow evening, and minnesota on sunday, that may prove difficult.

however, i might be going to the show, so the best bet may be to meet up somewhere nearby before the show, for drinks or what-have-you, and we can distribute them then.

my cell number is 616 893 7952.

let go lightly


:: 2007 23 February :: 5.09pm

I'm just having a really good day.
Caleb is one of my biggest joys. Every day I look at him and think about how lucky I am. He is so much fun. I love watching him learn. He's smiling and laughing and creeping around, trying to roll over. The other night I put him to bed, head to the left, feet on the right. Charlie got up with him in the morning and there he was, smiling, feet on the left, head on the right. It makes me smile everytime I think about it. He's the sweetest baby I've ever seen. I just can't believe how much I love him. I knew I'd love him, but I can't believe how much. And I love Charlie. We're having so much fun together. This is so great. I love our family. Oh my gosh I love our family. I love where we live, I love my son, I love my husband, I love my friends, I love that school is almost over, I love my family of course.

Okay, sorry that was so full of love, not my typical entry, lol. Hormones? Possibly.

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 22 February :: 4.12pm

yay some good things:

i got 91% in my health care law and ethics class. IT'S OVER!! because it's an accelerated class so its all done. yay


tomorrow i'm going to florida with jessie G.!!!!! yayyyyyy i'm so esssittttedddd.

yay yay yay hot and saucy fun in the sun! woo!

1 hold on tightly | let go lightly


:: 2007 22 February :: 2.35pm

even white boys have to shout

let go lightly

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